1. import sys
  2. import json
  3. import cv2
  4. import os
  5. import shutil
  7. dataset = { "info": {
  8. "description": "XXX in COCO dataset.",
  9. "url": "",
  10. "version": "1.0",
  11. "year": ,
  12. "contributor": "aimhabo",
  13. "date_created": "2019-03-25"},
  14. "images":[],
  15. "annotations":[],
  16. "categories": [
  17. {"supercategory:": "person", "id": 1, "name": "person"},
  18. {"supercategory:": "car", "id": 2, "name": "car"},
  19. {"supercategory:": "truck", "id": 3, "name": "truck"},
  20. {"supercategory:": "bus", "id": 4, "name": "bus"}
  21. ]
  22. }
  24. datapath = "scripts/images"
  25. annopath = "scripts/labels"
  26. trainsetfile = "scripts/trainimage.list"
  27. outputpath = "scripts"
  28. phase = "XXXTrainCOCO"
  29. classes = {"background": 0, "person": 1, "car": 2, "truck": 3, "bus": 4}
  31. with open(trainsetfile) as f:
  32. count = 1
  33. cnt = 0
  34. annoid = 0
  35. for line in f:
  36. cnt += 1
  37. line = line.strip()
  39. name,ext = os.path.basename(line).split('.')
  41. imagepath = os.path.join(datapath, name + ".jpg")
  42. # no obstacle currently drop it
  43. txtpath = os.path.join(annopath, name + ".txt")
  44. if not os.path.exists(txtpath):
  45. print txtpath
  46. continue
  48. im = cv2.imread(imagepath)
  50. height, width, channels = im.shape
  52. if cnt % 1000 == 0:
  53. print cnt
  55. dataset["images"].append({"license": 5, "file_name": line, "coco_url": "local", "height": height, "width": width, "flickr_url": "local", "id": cnt})
  56. with open(txtpath) as annof:
  57. annos = annof.readlines()
  59. for ii, anno in enumerate(annos):
  60. parts = anno.strip().split(' ')
  61. if len(parts) is not 5:
  62. continue
  63. class_id = int(parts[0])
  64. x = float(parts[1])
  65. y = float(parts[2])
  66. w = float(parts[3])
  67. h = float(parts[4])
  68. if parts[0].find("group") == -1:
  69. iscrowd = 0
  70. else:
  71. iscrowd = 1
  73. annoid = annoid + 1
  75. class_id += 1 # start from 1 instead of 0
  76. x1 = int((x-w/2)*width)
  77. y1 = int((y-h/2)*height)
  78. wid = int(w*width)
  79. hei = int(h*height)
  81. dataset["annotations"].append({
  82. "segmentation": [],
  83. "iscrowd": iscrowd,
  84. "area": wid * hei,
  85. "image_id": cnt,
  86. "bbox": [x1, y1, wid, hei],
  87. "category_id": class_id,
  88. "id": annoid
  89. })
  90. count += 1
  92. json_name = os.path.join(outputpath, "{}.json".format(phase))
  94. with open(json_name, 'w') as f:
  95. json.dump(dataset, f)


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