人机交互技术 Week 2_History of HCI
Recap: Interaction Design
- Interaction Design
- Designing interactive products to support people in their everyday and working lives.
- Goals of ID
- Allows users to carry out tasks safely, effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably.
Recap: Why is HCI important?
- Computers (in one way or another) now affect every person in society
- Product success may depend on ease of use, not necessarily power
Why study human use of computers?
- HCI is worth studying because it aligns both human interests and economic interests.
- The HCI discipline includes the study of:
- the use and context of computers
- human characterstics
- computer system and interface architecture
- the development process
History of HCI
key people, events and ideas
Main theme
- human->computer
- ↓
Five stages
Manual work
Command line
第一次人机交互革命 ↓
- Network UI
Multi-modal UI
- Natural use interface, NUI
- 通过多模态(各种感官通道)形成与计算机自然的交互
- 对NUI概念要慎重,尚未讨论清楚
- Intelligent use interface, IUI
Input/Output devices
The lesson
Keyboards & terminals are just artifacts of today's technologies
artifact: 人造物->我们或许也可以某种程度上改变世界
New input/output devices will change the way we interact with computers
Basic Interactions
Direct Manipulation of graphical objects
direct Manipulation 有学术定义
- The Mouse
Vannevar Bush (1890-1974)
"As we may think" article in Atlantic Monthly
建议阅读 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/303881/
Identified the information storage and retrieval problem: new knowledge does not reach the people who could benefit from it.
"publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record"
- Bush's Memex
- Conceiving Hypertext and the World Wide Web
- a device where individuals stores all personal books, records, communication.etc
- items retrieved rapidly through indexing, keywords, cross references,...
- can annotate text with margin notes comments...
- can construct and save a trail (chain of links) through the material
- acts as an external memory
- Bush's Memex based on microfilm recorder
- but not implemented
- Conceiving Hypertext and the World Wide Web
- 布什认为世界是模糊的,应当以模糊的方式来处理,所以他不支持数字计算机
- ↑ 涉及到世界认知的本源问题——如果世界的本源是离散的,那么离散建模没有问题;如果世界的本源并非离散,那么有可能现在阶段的建模是完全错误的
J.C.R. licklider (1915-1990)
- "Computing's Johnny Appleseed"
- His ideas foretold of graphical computing, point-and-click interfaces, digital libraries, e-commerce, online banking, and software that would exist on a network and migrate to wherever it was needed.
- Outlined "man-computer symbiosis"
- Immediate goals
time sharing of computers among many users
- electronic i/o for the display and communication of symbolic and pictorial information
- interactive real time system for information processing and programming
large scale information storage and retrieval
- facilitation of human cooperation in the design & programming of large systems
- combined speech recognition, hand-printed character recognition & light-pen editing
- Long tem visions
- natural language understanding (syntax, semantics, pragmatics)
- syntax 语法:The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence
- semantics 语义:The study or science of meaning in language forms
- pragmatics 语用:The study of language as it is used in a social context and affects the interlocutors(对话者) and their behavior
- speech recognition of arbitrary computer users
- heuristic programming
- natural language understanding (syntax, semantics, pragmatics)
Ivan Sutherland's SketchPad
- Sophisticated drawing package
- Introduced many ideas/concepts now found in today's interface
- hierarchical structures defined pictures and sub-pictures
- object-oriented programming: master pictures with instances
- constraints: specify details which the system maintains through changes
- icons: small pictures that represented more complex items
- copying: both pictures and constraints
- input techniques: efficient use of light pen
- world coordinates: separation of screen from drawing coordinates
- recursive operations: applied to children of hierarchical objects
- Parallel developments in hardware
- "low-cost" graphics terminals
- input devices such as data tablets
- display processors capable of real-time manipulation of images
- ACM Turning Award
Douglas Engelbart
The problem (early '50s)
- "... The world is getting more complex, and problems are getting more urgent. These must be dealt with collectively. However, human abilities to deal collectively with complex/urgent problems are not increasing as fast as these problems"
- "If you could do something to improve human capability to deal with these problems, then you'd really contribute something basic."
- 探讨知识爆炸问题->中国较美国的知识爆炸期晚了约40年
A Conceptual Framework for Augmenting Human Intellect (SRI Report, 1962)
Online Resources
- ACM SIGCHI(1982) www.sigchi.org
- Human Factors & Ergonomics Society https://www.hfes.org
- HCI Journals
- The HCI Bibliography http://www.hcibib.org
- Resonant Interface Book
- ID Book http://www.id-book.com
- GUI gallery
- Bad UI designs
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