I have Flash Player installed, but I am unable to view Flash content in Chromium. How do I enable Flash Player to view this content?

If you have installed Flash Player for Chromium, but cannot see Flash-based content, you may have disabled Flash Player in Chromium. (You can get Flash Player for Chromium by visiting get.adobe.com/flashplayer in your Chromium browser.) To re\enable it:

  1. Type about:plugins into the address bar at the top of a Chromium browser window.
  2. Click Details at the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Find the Flash or Shockwave Flash listing on the Plug-ins page and click the corresponding Enable button.
  4. Close all Chromium windows and restart the browser.

I have Flash Player installed, but I am unable to view Flash content in Chromium. How do I enable Flash Player to view this content?的更多相关文章

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