
In China, there are two companies offering the Internet service for the people from all cities: China Telecom and China Unicom. They both are planning to build cables between cities. Obviously, the government wants to connect all the cities in minimum costs. So the minister of finance Mr. B wants to choose some of the
cable plans from the two companies and calculate the minimum cost needed to connect all the cities. Mr. B knows that N-1 cables should be built in order to connect all N cities of China. For some honorable reason, Mr. B should choose K cables from the China Telecom and the rest N-1-K cables from the China Unicom. Your job is to help Mr. B determine which cables should be built and the minimum cost to build them. You may assume that the solution always exists.


Each test case starts with a line containing the number of cities N (1 <= N <= 50,000), number of cable plans M (N-1 <= M <= 100,000) and the number of required
cables from China Telecom K (0 <= K <= N-1). This is followed by M lines, each containing four integers a, b, c, x (0 <= a, b <= N-1, a != b, 1 <= c <= 100, x in {0,1} indicating the pair of cities this cable will connect, the cost to build this cable and the company this cable plan belongs to. x=0 denotes that the cable plan belongs to China Telecom and x=1 denotes that the cable plan is from China Unicom.


For each test case, display the case number and the minimum cost of the cable building.

Sample Input

2 2 1
0 1 1 1
0 1 2 0
2 2 0
0 1 1 1
0 1 2 0

Sample Output

Case 1: 2
Case 2: 1


In the first case, there are two cable plans between the only two cities, one from China Telecom and one from
China Unicom. Mr. B needs to choose the one from China Telecom to satisfy the problem requirement even the cost is higher.
In the second case, Mr. B must choose the cable from China Unicom, which leads the answer to 1.



那么我们给这个最小生成树中 为电信的道路加上任意权值(对这些道路构建费用的改变),这样就得到了另外一组测试样例(只有道路花费不一样),对于这组新的测试样例,求其在含有k个电信的道路情况下的最小生成树,这个最小生成树一定和没有加权值的最小生成树一样(这里的最小生成树是在含有k个电信道路的情况下的最小生成树)。


好了,以上就是暴力的解题思路,那么我们要如何优化这个暴力法呢?一般人对于没有加上 含有k个电信的情况下 求最小生成树应该很清楚,那么我们就通过找没有这个限制条件下的最小生成树来得到答案。

由以上证明的那个理论我们知道,对于加上了权值的测试数据和没有加上权值的测试数据,在同样含有k个电信道路的情况下的树中,二者这些树中的最小生成树是一样的。那么,如果加上了权值的道路在没有 “必须含有k个电信道路” 这一条件下得到了最小生成树,这个最小生成树的道路中恰好含有k个电信道路,那么这个最小生成树就是我们需要的答案(再次强调,这里的最小生成树是在含有k个电信道路的情况下的最小生成树)




#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
#define sf(a) scanf_s("%d",&a)
#define sff(a,b) scanf_s("%d%d",&a,&b)
#define sfff(a,b,c) scanf_s("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c)
#define sffff(a,b,c,d) scanf_s("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d)
#define slf(a) scanf_s("%lld",&a)
#define ssf(str) scanf_s("%s",str)
#define scf(ch) scanf_s("%c",&ch)
#define mem(s,data) memset(s,data,sizeof(s))
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
const int max2 = + ;
const int max3 = + ;
const int max4 = + ;
const int max5 = + ;
typedef long long ll; typedef struct Edge{
int s;
int e;
int v;
Edge(int s = , int e = , int v = ) :s(s), e(e), v(v) {};
bool operator<(const Edge& s)const
return this->v < s.v;
}Edge; Edge e0[max5], e1[max5]; //分别代表x = 0 , x = 1 的道路
int set[max5]; //代表对应下标的城市的父节点
int n, m, k;
void init(int n);
int build(int a, int len0, int len1,int& sum); int main()
int kCase = ;
int s, e, v, ok;
int len0=, len1=; //分别记录x = 0 ,x = 1 的道路的个数
for(int i = ;i < m ; i++)
sffff(s, e, v, ok);
if (ok)
e1[len1++] = Edge(s, e, v);
e0[len0++] = Edge(s, e, v);
sort(e0, e0 + len0);
sort(e1, e1 + len1);
int lSide = -;
int rSide = ; int ans = ;
while(lSide <= rSide)
const int mid = (lSide + rSide) >> ;
int sum;
const int order = build(mid, len0, len1, sum);
/*if (order == 0)
ans = sum - mid * k;
if (order >= ) //权值太小,或者刚刚好
lSide = mid + , ans = sum - mid * k;
else //权值太大
rSide = mid - ; }
printf("Case %d: %d\n", ++kCase, ans);
return ;
} //初始化父节点,也不知道这个题目怎么想的,居然0也表示城市
void init(int n)
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
set[i] = i;
} //找到对应城市的根结点
int find(int x)
if (set[x] == x)
return x;
return set[x] = find(set[x]);
} //给电信的每一条道路加上权值a后寻找没有“必须含有k条电信道路”这一限制条件的最小生成树,
int build(const int a,const int len0,int len1,int& sum)
sum = ; //初始化
int index0 = , index1 = ; //分别记录了e0,e1的当前最便宜道路
int ans = ; //记录使用了多少个e0的道路
for(int i = ; i < m ; i++)
Edge temp;
int flag = ; //记录要构建的是何种道路
if(index0 >= len0 || index1 < len1 && e1[index1].v < e0[index0].v + a) temp = e1[index1++],flag = ;
else temp = e0[index0++];
int s = find(temp.s);
int e = find(temp.e);
if (s != e)
set[s] = e;
sum += temp.v;
if (!flag) //电信的道路有额外的权值
sum += a,ans++;
if (ans == k)return ;
if (ans > k)return ;
return -;

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