LED Mood Light Factory-Smart Mood Light: Control System Principle
Intelligent devices have become more and more widespread in our lives. Intelligent scene lights are also a type of intelligent systems that are very convenient for people's lives. Now that intelligent lighting has also entered life, then the concept and principle of intelligent mood lights How is it? LED mood light factory introduction
What is the intelligent mood light control system
understand the principle of intelligent lighting control systems, we must first
know what is an intelligent lighting control system. The intelligent lighting
control system uses advanced electromagnetic voltage regulation and electronic
induction technology to monitor and track power supply in real time,
automatically and smoothly adjust the voltage and current amplitude of the
circuit, improve the additional power consumption caused by unbalanced loads in
the lighting circuit, and increase Power factor, lighting control system that
reduces the working temperature of lights
and circuits, and achieves the purpose of optimizing power supply.
mood light control system principle
Remote control lighting: remote control lighting is controlled by radio signals,
which is simple and convenient. With the maturity of technology, digital
wireless remote control technology has replaced traditional mechanical manual
switches, gradually becoming a trend sought by modern people. Remote control
switches generally use wireless digital identification technology. Each switch
works independently and does not interfere with each other. Some people may
worry that the direction pointed by the remote control is too difficult to
determine, which may affect the receiver's sensing. In fact, this worry is
unnecessary. Because the radio frequency remote control is non-directional, the
signal can pass through the wall and there is no radiation, and the button can
control the switch in any corner of the room. Some people think that replacing
the switch seems too tedious, but the actual operation is very simple. Simply
connect the switch to the light during
installation, and it will not damage the overall decoration layout of the
Induction lighting: Human body induction is also called infrared induction. The
human body has a constant body temperature, usually around 37 degrees, so it
emits infrared rays of a specific wavelength. Human induction lighting is
controlled by capturing infrared rays of this specific wavelength. The lights
are off. Unlike the remote control switch, which controls the lighting of the
light at
any time by pressing the keys, the biggest feature of the infrared human body
sensor switch is delayed lighting. Because the human body cannot always stand in
front of the switch to keep the light on. Once you leave the infrared sensing
range, you cannot turn off the light immediately. So how do you turn off the
light after turning on the light? This requires delayed lighting to control the
lighting time. During the delay time period, if someone moves within the
effective sensing range, the switch will be continuously turned on. After the
person leaves, the load will be automatically turned off after a delay, which
realizes the intelligent control function of “lights coming from people and
lights going off”.
Touch lighting: Touch devices usually have built-in touch-sensing chips. The
current mainstream technology of touch-sensing panels uses capacitive sensing
technology, which changes the capacitance by touching a finger to control
switches or lights.
Haohua Company is an LED Mood Light Factory from
China. Learn more about LED mood light products, welcome to consult:
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