About the TCP MSS

The TCP maximum segment size (MSS) is the size of the TCP payload before any TCP and IP headers are added. UDP packets are not affected. The client and the server exchange TCP MSS values during the three-way handshake when establishing the connection.

You can set the TCP MSS on the ASA for through traffic; by default, the maximum TCP MSS is set to 1380 bytes. This setting is useful when the ASA needs to add to the size of the packet for IPsec VPN encapsulation. However, for non-IPsec endpoints, you should disable the maximum TCP MSS on the ASA.

If you set a maximum TCP MSS, if either endpoint of a connection requests a TCP MSS that is larger than the value set on the ASA, then the ASA overwrites the TCP MSS in the request packet with the ASA maximum. If the host or server does not request a TCP MSS, then the ASA assumes the RFC 793-default value of 536 bytes (IPv4) or 1220 bytes (IPv6), but does not modify the packet. For example, you leave the default MTU as 1500 bytes. A host requests an MSS of 1500 minus the TCP and IP header length, which sets the MSS to 1460. If the ASA maximum TCP MSS is 1380 (the default), then the ASA changes the MSS value in the TCP request packet to 1380. The server then sends packets with 1380-byte payloads. The ASA can then add up to 120 bytes of headers to the packet and still fit in the MTU size of 1500.

You can also configure the minimum TCP MSS; if a host or server requests a very small TCP MSS, the ASA can adjust the value up. By default, the minimum TCP MSS is not enabled.

For to-the-box traffic, including for SSL VPN connections, this setting does not apply. The ASA uses the MTU to derive the TCP MSS: MTU - 40 (IPv4) or MTU - 60 (IPv6).

Default TCP MSS

By default, the maximum TCP MSS on the ASA is 1380 bytes. This default accommodates IPv4 IPsec VPN connections where the headers can equal up to 120 bytes; this value fits within the default MTU of 1500 bytes.

Suggested Maximum TCP MSS Setting

The default TCP MSS assumes the ASA acts as an IPv4 IPsec VPN endpoint and has an MTU of 1500. When the ASA acts as an IPv4 IPsec VPN endpoint, it needs to accommodate up to 120 bytes for TCP and IP headers.

If you change the MTU value, use IPv6, or do not use the ASA as an IPsec VPN endpoint, then you should change the TCP MSS setting. See the following guidelines:

  • Normal traffic—Disable the TCP MSS limit and accept the value established between connection endpoints. Because connection endpoints typically derive the TCP MSS from the MTU, non-IPsec packets usually fit this TCP MSS.

  • IPv4 IPsec endpoint traffic—Set the maximum TCP MSS to the MTU - 120. For example, if you use jumbo frames and set the MTU to 9000, then you need to set the TCP MSS to 8880 to take advantage of the new MTU.

  • IPv6 IPsec endpoint traffic—Set the maximum TCP MSS to the MTU - 140.


Step 1

Set the MTU between 300 and 9198 bytes (9000 for the ASAv and the Firepower 9300 chassis):

mtu interface_name bytes


  1. ciscoasa(config)# mtu inside 9000

The default is 1500 bytes.


When you set the MTU for a redundant or port-channel interface, the ASA applies the setting to all member interfaces.

For many models that support jumbo frames, if you enter a value for any interface that is greater than 1500, then you need to enable jumbo frame support. See Enable Jumbo Frame Support.


If you use VLAN tagging, the maximum value for the ASA 5585-X and Firepower 9300 chassis is reduced by 4 bytes: 9194 for the ASA 5585-X and 8996 for the Firepower 9300 chassis. Even if the ASA lets you set the MTU to a value of 9195-9198, the actual payload size will be 9194.

Step 2

Set the maximum TCP segment size in bytes, between 48 and any maximum number:

sysopt connection tcpmss [minimum ] bytes


  1. ciscoasa(config)# sysopt connection tcpmss 8500
  2. ciscoasa(config)# sysopt connection tcpmss minimum 1290

The default value is 1380 bytes. You can disable this feature by setting bytes to 0.

For the minimum keyword, sets the maximum segment size to be no less than bytes, between 48 and 65535. The minimum feature is disabled by default (set to 0).

Step 3

For ASA Cluster settings, see Configure Interfaces on the Master Unit.


The following example enables jumbo frames, increases the MTU on all interfaces, and disables the TCP MSS for non-VPN traffic (by setting the TCP MSS to 0, which means there is no limit):

  1. jumbo frame-reservation
  2. mtu inside 9198
  3. mtu outside 9198
  4. sysopt connection tcpmss 0

The following example enables jumbo frames, increases the MTU on all interfaces, and changes the TCP MSS for VPN traffic to 9078 (the MTU minus 120):

  1. jumbo frame-reservation
  2. mtu inside 9198
  3. mtu outside 9198
  4. sysopt connection tcpmss 9078

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