每天进步一点点------如何实现Sobel Edge Detector? (Image Processing) (C/C++)
使用C與C++/CLI實現Sobel Edge Detector。
- /*
- (C) OOMusou 2007 http://oomusou.cnblogs.com
- Filename : sobel_edge.c
- Compiler : Visual C++ 8.0
- Description : Demo the how to use sobel detector on gray level image
- Release : 07/23/2008 1.0
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define MASK_N 2
- #define MASK_X 3
- #define MASK_Y 3
- #define WHITE 255
- #define BLACK 0
- unsigned char *image_s = NULL; // source image array
- unsigned char *image_t = NULL; // target image array
- FILE *fp_s = NULL; // source file handler
- FILE *fp_t = NULL; // target file handler
- unsigned int width, height; // image width, image height
- unsigned int rgb_raw_data_offset;// RGB raw data offset
- unsigned char bit_per_pixel; // bit per pixel
- unsigned short byte_per_pixel; // byte per pixel
- // bitmap header
- unsigned char header[] = {
- 0x42, // identity : B
- 0x4d, // identity : M
- , , , , // file size
- , , // reserved1
- , , // reserved2
- , , , , // RGB data offset
- , , , , // struct BITMAPINFOHEADER size
- , , , , // bmp width
- , , , , // bmp height
- , , // planes
- , , // bit per pixel
- , , , , // compression
- , , , , // data size
- , , , , // h resolution
- , , , , // v resolution
- , , , , // used colors
- , , , // important colors
- };
- // sobel mask
- int mask[MASK_N][MASK_X][MASK_Y] = {
- {{-,-,-},
- { , , },
- { , , }},
- {{-, , },
- {-, , },
- {-, , }}
- };
- int read_bmp(const char *fname_s) {
- fp_s = fopen(fname_s, "rb");
- if (fp_s == NULL) {
- printf("fopen fp_s error\n");
- return -;
- }
- // move offset to 10 to find rgb raw data offset
- fseek(fp_s, , SEEK_SET);
- fread(&rgb_raw_data_offset, sizeof(unsigned int), , fp_s);
- // move offset to 18 to get width & height;
- fseek(fp_s, , SEEK_SET);
- fread(&width, sizeof(unsigned int), , fp_s);
- fread(&height, sizeof(unsigned int), , fp_s);
- // get bit per pixel
- fseek(fp_s, , SEEK_SET);
- fread(&bit_per_pixel, sizeof(unsigned short), , fp_s);
- byte_per_pixel = bit_per_pixel / ;
- // move offset to rgb_raw_data_offset to get RGB raw data
- fseek(fp_s, rgb_raw_data_offset, SEEK_SET);
- image_s = (unsigned char *)malloc((size_t)width * height * byte_per_pixel);
- if (image_s == NULL) {
- printf("malloc images_s error\n");
- return -;
- }
- image_t = (unsigned char *)malloc((size_t)width * height * byte_per_pixel);
- if (image_t == NULL) {
- printf("malloc image_t error\n");
- return -;
- }
- fread(image_s, sizeof(unsigned char), (size_t)(long)width * height * byte_per_pixel, fp_s);
- return ;
- }
- // convert RGB to gray level int
- int color_to_int(int r, int g, int b) {
- return (r + g + b) / ;
- }
- int sobel(double threshold) {
- unsigned int x, y, i, v, u; // for loop counter
- unsigned char R, G, B; // color of R, G, B
- double val[MASK_N] = {0.0};
- int adjustX, adjustY, xBound, yBound;
- double total;
- for(y = ; y != height; ++y) {
- for(x = ; x != width; ++x) {
- for(i = ; i != MASK_N; ++i) {
- adjustX = (MASK_X % ) ? : ;
- adjustY = (MASK_Y % ) ? : ;
- xBound = MASK_X / ;
- yBound = MASK_Y / ;
- val[i] = 0.0;
- for(v = -yBound; v != yBound + adjustY; ++v) {
- for (u = -xBound; u != xBound + adjustX; ++u) {
- if (x + u >= && x + u < width && y + v >= && y + v < height) {
- R = *(image_s + byte_per_pixel * (width * (y+v) + (x+u)) + );
- G = *(image_s + byte_per_pixel * (width * (y+v) + (x+u)) + );
- B = *(image_s + byte_per_pixel * (width * (y+v) + (x+u)) + );
- val[i] += color_to_int(R, G, B) * mask[i][u + xBound][v + yBound];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- total = 0.0;
- for (i = ; i != MASK_N; ++i) {
- total += val[i] * val[i];
- }
- total = sqrt(total);
- if (total - threshold >= ) {
- // black
- *(image_t + byte_per_pixel * (width * y + x) + ) = BLACK;
- *(image_t + byte_per_pixel * (width * y + x) + ) = BLACK;
- *(image_t + byte_per_pixel * (width * y + x) + ) = BLACK;
- }
- else {
- // white
- *(image_t + byte_per_pixel * (width * y + x) + ) = WHITE;
- *(image_t + byte_per_pixel * (width * y + x) + ) = WHITE;
- *(image_t + byte_per_pixel * (width * y + x) + ) = WHITE;
- }
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
- int write_bmp(const char *fname_t) {
- unsigned int file_size; // file size
- fp_t = fopen(fname_t, "wb");
- if (fp_t == NULL) {
- printf("fopen fname_t error\n");
- return -;
- }
- // file size
- file_size = width * height * byte_per_pixel + rgb_raw_data_offset;
- header[] = (unsigned char)(file_size & 0x000000ff);
- header[] = (file_size >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (file_size >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (file_size >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- // width
- header[] = width & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (width >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (width >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (width >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- // height
- header[] = height &0x000000ff;
- header[] = (height >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (height >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- header[] = (height >> ) & 0x000000ff;
- // bit per pixel
- header[] = bit_per_pixel;
- // write header
- fwrite(header, sizeof(unsigned char), rgb_raw_data_offset, fp_t);
- // write image
- fwrite(image_t, sizeof(unsigned char), (size_t)(long)width * height * byte_per_pixel, fp_t);
- fclose(fp_s);
- fclose(fp_t);
- return ;
- }
- int main() {
- read_bmp("lena.bmp"); // 24 bit gray level image
- sobel(90.0);
- write_bmp("lena_sobel.bmp");
- }
- /*
- (C) OOMusou 2007 http://oomusou.cnblogs.com
- Filename : sobel_edge.cpp
- Compiler : C++/CLI / Visual C++ 8.0
- Description : Demo the how to use sobel detector on gray level image
- Release : 07/23/2008 1.0
- */
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <cmath>
- using namespace System::Drawing;
- using namespace System::Drawing::Imaging;
- const int MASK_N = ;
- const int MASK_X = ;
- const int MASK_Y = ;
- // Convert RGB to gray level int
- int colorToInt(Color %color) {
- return (color.R + color.G + color.B) / ;
- }
- void edgeDetector(Bitmap^ oriImg, Bitmap^ resImg, const int mask[MASK_N][MASK_X][MASK_Y], const double &threshold) {
- double val[MASK_N] = {0.0};
- for(int y = ; y != oriImg->Height; ++y) {
- for(int x = ; x != oriImg->Width; ++x) {
- for(int i = ; i != MASK_N; ++i) {
- int adjustX = (MASK_X % ) ? : ;
- int adjustY = (MASK_Y % ) ? : ;
- int xBound = MASK_X / ;
- int yBound = MASK_Y / ;
- val[i] = 0.0;
- for(int v = -yBound; v != yBound + adjustY; ++v) {
- for (int u = -xBound; u != xBound + adjustX; ++u) {
- if (x + u >= && x + u < oriImg->Width && y + v >= && y + v < oriImg->Height) {
- val[i] += colorToInt(oriImg->GetPixel(x + u, y + v)) * mask[i][u + xBound][v + yBound];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- double total = 0.0;
- for (int i = ; i != MASK_N; ++i) {
- total += val[i] * val[i];
- }
- total = sqrt(total);
- if (total - threshold >= )
- resImg->SetPixel(x , y, Color::Black);
- else
- resImg->SetPixel(x, y, Color::White);
- }
- }
- }
- int main() {
- const int mask[MASK_N][MASK_X][MASK_Y] = {
- {{-,-,-},
- { , , },
- { , , }},
- {{-, , },
- {-, , },
- {-, , }}
- };
- Bitmap^ oriImg = gcnew Bitmap("lena.bmp");
- Bitmap^ resImg = gcnew Bitmap(oriImg->Width, oriImg->Height);
- const double threshold = 90.0;
- edgeDetector(oriImg, resImg, mask, threshold);
- resImg->Save("lena_sobel.bmp");
- return ;
- }
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