1. NX11+VS2013
  3. #include <NXOpen/Part.hxx>
  4. #include <NXOpen/PartCollection.hxx>
  5. #include <NXOpen/Session.hxx>
  6. #include <NXOpen/WCS.hxx>
  7. #include <NXOpen/CartesianCoordinateSystem.hxx>
  8. #include <NXOpen/CoordinateSystem.hxx>
  9. #include <NXOpen/CoordinateSystemCollection.hxx>
  10. using namespace NXOpen;
  12. NXOpen::Session *theSession = NXOpen::Session::GetSession();
  13. NXOpen::Part *workPart(theSession->Parts()->Work());
  14. NXOpen::Part *displayPart(theSession->Parts()->Display());

  1. //获取WCS相关信息
  2. NXOpen::CartesianCoordinateSystem* WcsData = workPart->WCS()->CoordinateSystem();
  4. //获得WCS的向量方向
  5. NXOpen::Vector3d xDirection;
  6. NXOpen::Vector3d yDirection;
  7. WcsData->GetDirections(&xDirection, &yDirection);

  1. //获得WCS的原点坐标
  2. Point3d WcsOrigin = workPart->WCS()->Origin();

  1. //围绕指定的轴旋转WCS
  2. double Angle = 45.0;
  3. workPart->WCS()->Rotate(NXOpen::WCS::AxisXAxis, Angle);

  1. //在工作部件中创建一个新的笛卡尔坐标系,即使WCS属于显示部件
  2. NXOpen::CartesianCoordinateSystem* WcsNew = workPart->WCS()->Save();

  1. //将WCS的坐标系更改为一个新的坐标系
  2. //返回值是旧的坐标系。将WCS移动到新的坐标系位置后,将显示旧坐标系。
  3. NXOpen::Point3d origin1 = { 150.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  4. NXOpen::Vector3d xDirection1 = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  5. NXOpen::Vector3d yDirection1 = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
  6. NXOpen::CartesianCoordinateSystem *newCs = workPart->CoordinateSystems()->CreateCoordinateSystem(origin1, xDirection1, yDirection1);
  7. NXOpen::CartesianCoordinateSystem* WcsOld = workPart->WCS()->SetCoordinateSystem(newCs);

  1. //在新的坐标系中创建一个WCS
  2. //返回值是WCS的旧坐标系
  3. NXOpen::Point3d origin2 = { 150.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  4. NXOpen::Vector3d xDirection2 = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  5. NXOpen::Vector3d yDirection2 = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
  6. NXOpen::CartesianCoordinateSystem *newCs1 = workPart->CoordinateSystems()->CreateCoordinateSystem(origin2, xDirection2, yDirection2);
  7. NXOpen::CartesianCoordinateSystem* WcsOld1 = workPart->WCS()->SetCoordinateSystemCartesianAtCsys(newCs1);

  1. //设置WCS原点
  2. Point3d WcsOri = { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 };
  3. workPart->WCS()->SetOrigin(WcsOri);

  1. //设置WCS的原点和方向矩阵
  2. Point3d WcsOri1 = { 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 };
  3. Matrix3x3 matrix = { , , , , , , , , };
  4. workPart->WCS()->SetOriginAndMatrix(WcsOri1, matrix);

  1. //设置WCS的可见性
  2. workPart->WCS()->SetVisibility(false);

  1. //得到WCS的tag
  2. tag_t WcsTag = workPart->WCS()->Tag();

  1. //获得WCS的可见性
  2. bool WcsVis = workPart->WCS()->Visibility();
  4. 2019817

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