
After returning with honour from ICPC(International Cat Programming Contest) World Finals, Tom decides to say goodbye to ICPC and start a new period of life. He quickly gets interested in AI.
In the subject of Machine Learning, there is a classical classification model called perceptron, defined as follows:
Assuming we get a set of training samples: D={(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...,(xN,yN)}, with their inputs x∈Rd, and outputs y∈{−1,1}. We will try to find a function 
 so that f(xi)=yi,i=1,2,...,N.
w,x mentioned above are all d-dimensional vectors, i.e. w=(w1,w2,...,wd), x=(x1,x2,...,xd). To simplify the question, let w0=b, x0=1, then 
Therefore, finding a satisfying function f(x) is equivalent to finding a proper w.
To solve the problem, we have a algorithm, PLA(Popcorn Label Algorithm).
Accoding to PLA, we will randomly generate w.
If f(x)=sign(wT⋅x) fails to give 
any element (xi,yi)∈D the right classification, i.e. f(xi)≠yi, then we will replace w with another random vector. We will do this repeatedly until all the samples ∈D are correctly classified.
As a former-JBer, Tom excels in programming and quickly wrote the pseudocode of PLA.
w := a random vector
while true do
    for i:=1 to N do
        if f(x[ i ]) != y[ i ] then
    if flag then
        w := a random vector
return w
But Tom found that, in some occasions, PLA will end up into an infinite loop, which confuses him a lot. You are required to help Tom determine, when performed on a given sample set D, if PLA will end up into an infinite loop. Print Infinite loop! if so, or Successful! otherwise.
We only consider cases when d=2 for simplification.


The first line contains an integer T(1≤T≤1000), the number of test cases.
Each test case begins with a line containing a single integer n(1≤n≤100), size of the set of training samples D.
Then n lines follow, the ith of which contains three integers xi,1,xi,2,yi (−105≤xi,1,xi,2≤105, yi∈{−1,1}), indicating the ith sample (xi,yi) in D, where xi=(xi,1,xi,2).


For each test case, output a single line containing the answer: “Infinite loop!” or “Successful!”.

d= 时,f(x) =sgn(ax1+bx2+c),f(x) = 对应于二维平面上的一条直线,直线一侧的点取值为 ,直线另一侧的取值为 -。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const double eps=1e-;
const int N=;
int sgn(double x)
if (fabs(x)<eps)return ;
if (x<)return -;
else return ;
struct Point {
ll x,y;
Point() {}
Point(ll _x,ll _y)
x=_x; y=_y;
Point operator -(const Point &b)
return Point(x-b.x,y-b.y);
ll operator ^(const Point &b)
return x*b.y-y*b.x;
ll operator *(const Point &b)
return x*b.x+y*b.y;
bool operator<(const Point &b)const
if(fabs(y-b.y)<eps) return x<b.x;
return y<b.y;
double Length(Point A)
return sqrt(A*A);
double Angle(Point A,Point B)
return acos((A*B)/Length(A)/Length(B));
bool Inter(Point a1,Point a2,Point b1,Point b2)
ll c1=(a2-a1)^(b1-a1),c2=(a2-a1)^(b2-a1),c3=(b2-b1)^(a1-b1),c4=(b2-b1)^(a2-b1);
return sgn(c1)*sgn(c2)<&&sgn(c3)*sgn(c4)<;
} int Graham(Point p[],int n,Point q[])
int top=;
if (n==) return ;
if (n==) return ;
if (n==) return ;
for (int i=;i<n;i++)
while(top&&((q[top]-q[top-])^(p[i]-q[top-]))<=) top--;
int len=top;
for (int i=n-;i>=;i--)
while (top!=len&&((q[top]-q[top-])^(p[i]-q[top-]))<=) top--;
return top;
} bool C_S(Point ch1[],int t1,Point ch2[],int t2)
if (t1==) return ;
double angle[],x;
int i,j,k;
if (t1==)
if (k== && (ch1[]-ch1[])*(ch2[i]-ch1[])>)
if (Length(ch2[i]-ch1[])<Length(ch1[]-ch1[])) break;
if (i<t2) return ;
if (t2== && Inter(ch1[],ch1[],ch2[],ch2[])) return ;
return ;
for (int i=;i<t1;i++) angle[i-]=Angle(ch1[]-ch1[],ch1[i]-ch1[]);
for (i=;i<t2;i++)
if (j< || (j== && (ch1[]-ch1[])*(ch2[i]-ch1[])<)) continue;
if (j> || (j== && (ch1[t1-]-ch1[])*(ch2[i]-ch1[])<)) continue;
int m=lower_bound(angle,angle+t1-,x)-angle;
if (m==) j=; else j=m-;
if (k>=) break;
if (i<t2) return ;
return ;
Point p1[N],p2[N],ch1[N],ch2[N];
int T,n;
int main()
int cnt1=,cnt2=;
ll x,y; int z;
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
if (z==) p1[cnt1++]=Point(x,y);
else p2[cnt2++]=Point(x,y);
int t1=Graham(p1,cnt1,ch1);
int t2=Graham(p2,cnt2,ch2);
if (C_S(ch1,t1,ch2,t2)&&C_S(ch2,t2,ch1,t1)) printf("Successful!\n");
else printf("Infinite loop!\n");
return ;



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