
alter table tablename add AREAID Number(18);
alter table tablename modify SJLY varchar2(200);
alter table tablename drop (AREAID); --DBA_TABLES、ALL_TABLES和USER_TABLES显示了有关数据库表的一般信息。
select * from all_tables WHERE owner='SUPER';
SELECT * FROM dba_tables WHERE owner='SUPER'; select * from tab;--查询出所有的表及视图
select * from user_views;--查询出当前用户下的所有视图 --列出数据库里所有的表名
select name from sysobjects where type='super' --U代表用户
select * from user_tables --查询出当前用户下的所有表数据 --列出表里的所有的列名
select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('tablename') ;
select column_name,data_type,char_col_decl_length,data_precision,data_scale
from user_tab_columns where table_name='tablename'; --这种写法主要是用在:Java代码动态加载where后面的条件。如 :and name='小白'
select * from talbeName where 1=1; --时间比较
select * from tablename where updatetime>=to_date('2013-10-11', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and updatetime<to_date('2013-11-30', 'yyyy-mm-dd'); --时间加减
select a.sblsh, a.sbsj,b.bjsj,a.sxmc,b.bjbmmc from laam_ex_sb a,laam_ex_bj b where trunc(b.bjsj)-trunc(a.sbsj) > 10 and b.sblsh=a.sblsh; --rownum 相当于SqlServer-->>top n *
create table mytable as select * from laam_ex_bj where rownum<3; --复制表结构及数据到新表
create table newTalbe as select * from oldTalbe; select * into newTalbe from oldTalbe; -- (仅用于SQlServer) insert into newTable(a, b, c) select d,e,f from oldTalbe; --前提是newTalbe事先已存在 --用'||'符号拼接表字段信息
select 'ALTER TABLE '||substr(table_name,0,length(table_name)-3)||' MODIFY SJLY varchar2(200);' from user_tables where table_name like 'LBID%OLD'; --创建索引
create index INDEX_Job on LBIDResidentJobInfo(XM, SFZH, scbj);
create index INDEX_Legal on LBIDHouseAndLegalPerson(rkfrlegalpersonbaseid); --外键
create index INDEX_House on LBIDhouseinfo(id); --主键 --子查询
select a,b,c from A where A IN (select d from B );
select a,b,c from A where A IN (1,2,3); --显示文章、提交人和最后回复时间
select a.title,a.username,b.adddate from table A,(select max(adddate) adddate from table where table.title=A.title) B ; --两张关联表,删除主表中已经在副表中没有的信息
delete from table1 where not exists ( select * from table2 where table1.field1=table2.field1 ); --四表联查问题:
select * from A left inner join B on A.a=B.b right inner join C on A.a=C.c inner join D on A.a=D.d where ..... --一条 sql 语句搞定数据库分页
select top 10 b.* from (select top 20 主键字段,排序字段 from 表名 order by 排序字段 desc) a,表名 b where b.主键字段 = a.主键字段 order by a.排序字段;
select b.* from (select id,sbsj from laam_ex_sb where rownum<=20 order by sbsj desc) a,laam_ex_sb b where a.id = b.id and rownum<=10 order by a.sbsj; --删除重复记录
delete from laam_ex_sb
where createtime>to_date('2014-09-21', 'yyyy-mm-dd') and sqrmc in (select sqrmc from laam_ex_sb where createtime>to_date('2014-09-21', 'yyyy-mm-dd')
group by sqrmc having count(sqrmc) > 1)
and id not in (select min(id) from laam_ex_sb where createtime>to_date('2014-09-21', 'yyyy-mm-dd') group by sqrmc having count(sqrmc)>1); --随机取出10条数据
select * from laam_ex_bj where rownum<10 order by sys_guid();
select * from laam_ex_bj where rownum<10 order by dbms_random.value; --选择从10到15的记录
select top 5 * from (select top 15 * from table order by id asc) table_别名 order by id desc;
select * from (select * from laam_ex_sb where rownum<=15 order by rownum desc) laam_ex_sb where rownum<=5;
select * from 日程安排 where datediff('minute',开始时间,getdate())>5;
--group by 用法
select sxmc,count(sxmc) 数量 from laam_ex_sb where 1=1 group by sxmc order by 数量; select sxmc,sxbm,count(*) from laam_ex_sb where 1=1 group by sxmc,sxbm having count(*)>100; select sxbm,sum(case when sxbm is not null then 1 else 0 end ) 总量 from laam_ex_sb where 1=1 group by sxbm order by 总量;


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