


public class MyJig : DrawJig
{ public Point3d Point = Point3d.Origin; Func<JigPrompts, SamplerStatus> InputFunc; public List<Entity> JigEnts = new List<Entity>();
Action<MyJig> JigUpdateAction; public MyJig()
InputFunc = null;
} public void SetJigUpdate(Action<MyJig> action)
JigUpdateAction = action;
} public void PromptInput(JigPromptPointOptions pointOpts, string msg)
InputFunc = (prmpts) =>
{ pointOpts.Message = msg; var res = prmpts.AcquirePoint(pointOpts);
if (res.Value == Point)
return SamplerStatus.NoChange;
else if (res.Value != Point)
Point = res.Value;
return SamplerStatus.OK;
return SamplerStatus.Cancel;
} }; } protected override SamplerStatus Sampler(JigPrompts prompts)
if (InputFunc == null)
return SamplerStatus.NoChange;
} return InputFunc.Invoke(prompts);
} protected override bool WorldDraw(WorldDraw draw)
if (JigEnts.Count > )
foreach (var ent in JigEnts)
return true;
} public PromptStatus Drag()
return Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor


public class MyDrag
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
Database db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
Polyline pl = null;
bool IsDrag = false;
public void DragIt()
IsDrag = false;
PromptEntityOptions entOpts = new PromptEntityOptions("请选择Polyline"); entOpts.SetRejectMessage("请选择多段线");
entOpts.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Polyline), true); var pEntRes = ed.GetEntity(entOpts); if (pEntRes.Status != PromptStatus.OK)
return; Polyline plCo = null;
using (var trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
{ pl = trans.GetObject(pEntRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Polyline; //这里如果不复制,直接操作pl,虽然是以写的方式打开的实体,但是会报错说NotOpenForWrite
plCo = pl.Clone() as Polyline; pl.Erase(); trans.Commit(); } List<LineSegment2d> listL2d = new List<LineSegment2d>();
for (int i = ; i < pl.NumberOfVertices - ; i++)
} var pointRes = ed.GetPoint(new PromptPointOptions("请输入一地个点:\n")); if (pointRes.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return; Vector2d v2d = new Vector2d(, ); JigPromptPointOptions jigOpts = new JigPromptPointOptions(); MyJig myJig = new MyJig(); myJig.PromptInput(jigOpts, "拖动鼠标");
myJig.JigEnts.Add(plCo); int dir = -; myJig.SetJigUpdate((jig) =>
if (jig.JigEnts == null || jig.JigEnts.Count == )
} Polyline p = jig.JigEnts[] as Polyline; var pt1 = pointRes.Value; var pt2 = jig.Point; var vec = pt2 - pt1; /*获取鼠标拖动方向,主要思路
* 距离>1的时候,计算是X轴方向还是Y轴方向
* 因为第一次判断,如果距离过下方向不准确。
* 并且这个方向一确定,就不在更改。
if (!IsDrag)
if (vec.Length > )
IsDrag = true; if (Math.Abs(vec.X) > Math.Abs(vec.Y))
dir = ; }
dir = ;
} }
if (dir == )
{ v2d = new Vector2d(vec.X, ); }
v2d = new Vector2d(, vec.Y); } /*
* 确定要拖动的边是选择距离鼠标按下的那个点最近的边
double minLength = double.MaxValue; int index = -; foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(, listL2d.Count))
var l = listL2d[i];
double dis = l.GetDistanceTo(new Point2d(pointRes.Value.X, pointRes.Value.Y)); if (dis < minLength)
{ minLength = dis;
index = i;
} } var l2d = listL2d[index]; Matrix2d mtx2d = Matrix2d.Displacement(v2d); var ptGet1 = l2d.StartPoint;
var ptGet2 = l2d.EndPoint; //实时得到变化的点
var ptStart = ptGet1.TransformBy(mtx2d);
var ptEnd = ptGet2.TransformBy(mtx2d); var vecGet = ptGet2 - ptGet1; //判断鼠标移动的方向和被拖动的边是否是在大致的同一方向
if (dir == && (Math.Abs(vecGet.X) < Math.Abs(vecGet.Y)) ||
dir == && (Math.Abs(vecGet.X) > Math.Abs(vecGet.Y)))
p.SetPointAt(index, ptStart);
p.SetPointAt(index + , ptEnd); //如果polyline是封闭的,要判断被拖动的点是否是闭合位置上的点,
if (p.Closed)
if (index == )
p.SetPointAt(p.NumberOfVertices - , ptStart);
if (index + == )
p.SetPointAt(p.NumberOfVertices - , ptEnd);
if (index == p.NumberOfVertices - )
p.SetPointAt(, ptStart);
if (index + == p.NumberOfVertices - )
p.SetPointAt(, ptEnd);
}); if (myJig.Drag() != PromptStatus.OK)
{ return;
} IsDrag = false; //加入到模型空间
myJig.JigEnts.ForEach(a => a.Dispose());
} }

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