
C:\Users\Administrator>wsdl2java -h
Using AXIS2_HOME: E:\Apache_Projects\axis2\axis2-1.6.2-bin
Using JAVA_HOME: D:\Java\jdk1.6.0_45_x64
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axis2.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Usage: WSDL2Java [options] -uri <url or path> : A url or path to a WSDL 生成客户端调用代码: wsdl2java -o . -p -t -uri http://ssss/ss?wsdl where [options] include:
-o <path> Specify a directory path for the generated code. -a Generate async style code only (Default: off). 仅生成异步调用代码
-s Generate sync style code only (Default: off). Takes precedence over -a. 生成同步调用代码,优先级高于-a -p <pkg1> Specify a custom package name for the generated code. 为生成的代码指定包名 -l <language> Valid languages are java and c (Default: java). 默认语言java -t Generate a test case for the generated code. 生成一个测试用例 -ss Generate server side code (i.e. skeletons) (Default: off). 生成服务端代码框架(默认关闭)
-sd Generate service descriptor (i.e. services.xml). (Default: off). Valid with -ss. 生成服务描述文件(当生成服务端代码框架时,指定) -d <databinding> Valid databinding(s) are adb, xmlbeans, jibx and jaxbri (Default: adb). 指定数据绑定的类型 adb, xmlbeans, jibx, jaxbri -g Generates all the classes. It generates clases for both client side and server side including derived classes of the schema.
生成所有的类,包括客户端、服务端,及模式派生类 -pn <port_name> Choose a specific port when there are multiple ports in the wsdl. 当wsdl文件中有多个port时,指定一个port
-sn <service_name> Choose a specific service when there are multiple services in the wsdl. 当wsdl文件中有多个service时,指定一个service -u Unpacks the databinding classes
-r <path> Specify a repository against which code is generated. -ns2p ns1=pkg1,ns2=pkg2 Specify a custom package name for each namespace specified in the wsdls schema. -ssi Generate an interface for the service implementation (Default: off). 为服务实现生成一个接口(服务端测) -wv <version> WSDL Version. Valid Options : 2, 2.0, 1.1 -S <path> Specify a directory path for generated source 为生成的源代码指定一个目录
-R <path> Specify a directory path for generated resources 为生成的资源指定一个目录 -em <file path> Specify an external mapping file 指定一个外部映射文件
-f Flattens the generated files
-uw Switch on un-wrapping.
-xsdconfig <file path> Use XMLBeans .xsdconfig file. Valid only with -d xmlbeans.
-ap Generate code for all ports -or Overwrite the existing classes 覆盖存在的类 -b Generate Axis 1.x backward compatible code.
-sp Suppress namespace prefixes (Optimzation that reduces size of soap request/response)
-E<key> <value> Extra configuration options specific to certain databindings. 特定于某些数据绑定的附加配置项
-Ebindingfile <path> (for jibx) - specify the file path for the binding file
-Etypesystemname <my_type_system_name> (for xmlbeans) - override the randomly generated type system name
-Ejavaversion 1.5 (for xmlbeans) - generates Java 1.5 code (typed lists instead of arrays)
-Emp <package name> (for ADB) - extension mapper package name
-Eosv (for ADB) - turn off strict validation.
-Ewdc (for xmlbeans) - Generate code with a dummy schema.
if someone use this option they have to generate the xmlbeans code seperately with the scomp command comes with the
xmlbeans distribution and replace the Axis2 generated classes with correct classes --noBuildXML Dont generate the build.xml in the output directory
--noWSDL Dont generate WSDLs in the resources directory
--noMessageReceiver Dont generate a MessageReceiver in the generated sources --http-proxy-host <host> Proxy host address if you are behind a firewall
--http-proxy-port <port> Proxy port address if you are behind a firewall -ep <package-name-list> Exclude packages - these packages are deleted after code generation -sin <interface-name> Skeleton interface name - used to specify a name for skeleton interface other than the default one
-scn <class-name> Skeleton class name - used to specify a name for skeleton class other than the default one
-EbindingFileName <path> (for jaxbri) - specify the file path for the episode file
-oaa <override-absolute-address> -change the absolute http addresses to local file addresses generated by wsdl2java tool
-ebc <exception-base-class> -generated Exceptions are inherited from this exception rather than the java.lang.Exception class
-uon <use-operation-name> -by default the first letter of the generated method name changeed to lowercase. This option stops that and make it same as operation name

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