什么是祈使句?    What's imperatives?


In this lesson you will learn how to give direct orders.  在本课中,您将学习如何直接下命令。



park   <


Don't park your car here!  不要把你的车停在这里!


> call sb  # 呼叫某人

> make a phone call  # 打个电话

> answer the ...  # 接听...;回答...

> pick up your phone  # 拿起你的手机   pick up 捡起

> hang up  # 挂断电话

Don't use you cell phone!   不要使用你的手机!

Don't walk on the gress!  不要践踏草坪!

Don't open this door!  不要打开这扇门!

Don't drink the water.  不要喝这水.


Read and role-play the dialogue below with your tutor   与你的导师以下面的对话进行阅读和角色扮演

role-play 角色扮演

dialogue n. 对话;意见交换

tutor  n. 导师;家庭教师;助教

A: Hi, Amy...What's the matter?

B: Well, I've got this letter from Laura(劳拉).

A: Oh,is she Ok?

B: Yeah,she is fine.But you know,Mom,When I get a letter from New York,

Ithink about my friends there, my school, our house...

A: Right.And you miss them.

B:Yes,Mom, I do. I'm happy here, really.I have friends here in London,too,but

sometimes I miss New York and my friends there.

Where does Laura live?

Laura is live in London.

Where does the letter come from?

The letter is come from in New York.

How does Amy feel about London?

She is happy,but she misses New York.  # misses 想念(miss的单数第三人称形式)


What's the matter

She is fine

I miss New York


Jane:I always miss my boyfriend.

Alice:But you speak to him on the phone every day!


Markus: Hi Tom! How's your brother now?

Tom: He is fine thanks.


Julie: What's the matter, Sara?You look really sad!      sad [sæd]  adj. 难过的;悲哀的,令人悲痛的;凄惨的,阴郁的(形容颜色)

Sara: Oh,I'm OK,thanks.

Teacher Extend:

be late for work

I am late for work


Turn <


bright  [braɪt]

  • adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的
  • adv. 明亮地;光明地;欢快地
  • n. 车头灯光
  • n. (Bright)人名;(英)布赖特

parking lot  停车场

bad manners : 无礼貌;坏习惯

Stop  doing  sth.  # 停止做某事

Stop to do.    # 停下做某事,继续做其他事

parking lot

# 动名词

Drinking water is healthy    # 喝水是健康的

Drinking coffee is a part of my life   # 喝咖啡是我生活的一部分

Using your phone is a good choice.  使用手机是一个不错的选择。

think about  想到;考虑

think of  认为;记起,想起;想像;关心

common  普通

mate 伙伴

pal 蜜友

fine 不要随便使用,非常和语气有关系 <--


cold 冷

hot 热

cloudy 多云

Rain 雨     # 注意区分   Rain  [ren]    Ring[rɪŋ]; 如果要说下大雨   It's heavy rain!

a bit  一点   ;  a little



Laugh:大笑           laugh at  嘲笑    LOL: laugh out loud : 大声笑


Negative imperatives   否定形式的祈使句

Don't laugh  不要笑

Don't shout  不要喊;喧哗     shout at   吼;对…大喊;叱喝

Don't open the door

Don't eat that  不要吃那个


Negative imperative use Don't + verb (base from without to)  否定祈使句的用法  Don't + 动词(...)


(Okay) Mother to child: Don't cry!

(NOT okay) Student to teacher: Don't go away!

Do you know the difference between a and b?

a. Don't open the door.       祈使句(Imperatives)

b. I don't like hamburgers.   陈述句(statement)

Word list

1. command  [kə'mænd]

vi. 命令,指挥;控制
vt. 命令,指挥;控制;远望

n. 指挥,控制;命令;司令部

n. (Command)人名;(法)科芒

2. miss [mɪs]

n. 女士,小姐,年轻未婚女子
vt. 错过,想念,缺(勤)

3.requirement  [rɪ'kwaɪɚmənt]

n. 要求;必要条件;必需品

4.on the grass  在草地上


1. I've got this letter from Laura.  我守到了劳拉的来信

2.What's the matter?  怎么回事?

3.Can people smoke onthe airplane? 可以在飞机上抽烟吗?


Look at the pictures and write down the meanings(价值;含义) of these signs(标志).

no Swimming

no Phone

no Smoking

no Dogs

no Horns(喇叭)

no fires




don't go







A:It's raining

B:Take an  umbrella


A:I haven't got any money.

B:go to the bank.


A:I've got a lot of homework.

B:Don't  out tonight


A:I'm cold.

B:Wear a hat


A:These jeans are dirty.

B:Wash them  把这些清洗一下


A:There's no milk.

B:buy some


A:I'm late



A:There's no cheese for my sandwich(n. 三明治;夹心面包).

B:Make a ham sandwich.  做一个火腿三明治。

Fill in the blanks with the phrases(短语) in the box.

Don't get up go out go to work
Stay at home in bed
Take some medicine at home


Giving gifs in China

Giving gifs(n.礼物)   给予礼物

- Offer(v.提供,给予) and take gifts with two hands,  # - 需要使用双手提供别人礼物

- Chinese people usually refuse a gift three times. Offer the gift again and again. - 中国人通常三次拒绝礼物。一次又一次提供这个礼物

If somebody offers you a gift, you must do the same.  如果有人为你提供礼物,也需要还礼,中国叫礼尚往来

- Don't open the gift in front of the giver.Put it away and open it later.  - 不要在送礼者面前打开礼物。将其丢弃并稍后打开。

Choosing gifts 选择礼物

- Things from your home country are good gifts. But don't give clocks.       你家乡的东西都是很好的礼物,但是,不要送闹钟

- Eight is a lucky number, but four is unlucky. Don't give four of anything.  八是幸运数字,但是四却是不吉利。不要给出四相关的任何东西

- Red is a good color. 红色是大吉大利的颜色

If somebody invites you to their home, take a gift. For example, take candies, biscuits, fruit or wiskey.  如果有人邀请你去他们家,带上一些礼物,例如:糖、饼干、水果或者酒。

During Chinese New Year,people often give money to children in a red envelope. Give an even(adj.偶数的) number of new notes.  在中国新年的时候,人们通常会给小朋友们红包,给一个偶数的新纸币

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