W1002 Symbol 'Create' is specific to a platform
I have the following in Delphi XE:
But I always get a warning on compile:
What is the correct way to do this, so that I do not get a warning? |
You have two options 你有2个选择 1) Use the overload version which uses a string instead of a
2) Disable the warning locally 临时禁用 这个Warn 编译器开关。
My code is now written as follows:
You will probably want to adjust that IFDEF for appropriate future versions, but it gives the idea. |
There are different overloads of Or you could suppress the warning for platform-specific units and procedures, if you know your software will never be used for anything other than Delphi for Windows. The VCL contains traces of now unsupported platforms such as Linux (Kylix) and .NET (Delphi.NET), and since they're as dead as can be, making your code portable to those platforms may be a waste of time. |
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