
数据交换方案可以分为两类:有纲要(schema)的和无纲要的。有纲要的数据交换方案有Google的Protocol Buffers,Microsoft的Bond以及SData,纲要编译器在编译时刻把纲要与编程语言进行映射,也就是通过纲要生成编程语言代码,此类方案是静态类型化的。无纲要的数据交换方案有JSON(我知道存在JSON schema,但它并不在编译阶段起作用),序列化器(serializer)在运行时刻把数据与编程语言进行映射,此类方案是动态类型化的。静态类型化的数据交换方案的优点是类型安全和高性能,缺点是不够灵活,这和静态类型化的编程语言与动态类型化的编程语言的差异类似。


1)你需要Visual Studio 2015

2)下载并安装最新的SData VSIX package(SData-*.vsix)

3)打开VS 2015,新建一个Console Application,卸载项目并编辑csproj文件,将下面的代码插入到文件末尾:

<!--Begin SData-->
<Import Project="$([System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($([System.IO.Path]::Combine($([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)), `Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Extensions`)), `SData.targets`, System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))" />
<!--End SData-->

4)加载项目,打开"Add New Item"对话框 -> Visual C# Items -> SData, 新建一个SData纲要文件,将下面的代码拷贝到该文件中:

namespace ""//名称空间由URI标识
class Person abstract/*抽象类不能拥有实例*/ key Id//指定某属性为类的键,该属性值必须唯一
Id/*属性名*/ as Int32//属性类型
Name as String
Phones as list<String>//list是个有序集合
RegDate as nullable<DateTimeOffset>//可空类型可以接受null值
} class Customer extends Person//继承
Reputation as Reputation
Orders as nullable<set<Order>>//set是个无序集合,每个条目必须唯一,即Order.Id必须唯一
} enum Reputation as Int32//枚举的underlying类型
None = 0
Bronze = 1
Silver = 2
Gold = 3
Bad = -1
} class Order key Id
Id as Int64
Amount as Decimal
IsUrgent as Boolean
} class Supplier extends Person
BankAccount as String
Products as map<Int32/*key*/, String/*value*/>//map是个无序的key-value集合,每个key必须唯一
} namespace ""
import ""/*名称空间URI*/ as biz/*为URI取个别名,可选*/ class DataSet
People as set<Person>
ETag as Binary


5)将SData runtime library NuGet package添加到项目中:

PM> Install-Package SData -Pre


using SData; [assembly: SchemaNamespace(""/*纲要名称空间URI*/,
[assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business.API")]



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using SData;
using Example.Business;
using Example.Business.API; [assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business")]
[assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business.API")] class Program
static void Main()
SData_ConsoleApplication1.Initialize(); var ds = new DataSet
People = new HashSet<Person>
new Customer
Id = 1, Name = "Tank", RegDate = DateTimeOffset.Now,
Phones = new List<string> { "1234567", "2345678"},
Reputation = Reputation.Bronze,
Orders = new HashSet<Order>
new Order { Id = 1, Amount = 436.99M, IsUrgent = true},
new Order { Id = 2, Amount = 98.77M, IsUrgent = false},
new Customer
Id = 2, Name = "Mike",
Phones = new List<string>(),
Reputation = Reputation.Gold,
new Supplier
Id = 3, Name = "Eric", RegDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
Phones = new List<string> {"7654321" },
BankAccount="11223344", Products = new Dictionary<int, string>
{ 1, "Mountain Bike" },
{ 2, "Road Bike" },
ETag = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 },
}; using (var writer = new StreamWriter("DataSet.txt"))
ds.Save(writer, " ", "\r\n");
} DataSet result;
var context = new LoadingContext();
using (var reader = new StreamReader("DataSet.txt"))
if (!DataSet.TryLoad("**DataSet.txt**", //filePath只是个标识符
reader, context, out result))
foreach (var diag in context.DiagnosticList)


<a0/*alias*/ = @""/*URI*/> {//类DataSet的数据
People = [//list或set类型的数据
(a0::Customer) {
Id = 1,
Name = @"Tank",
Phones = [
RegDate = "2015-07-31T11:19:26.7854059+08:00",
Reputation = a0::Reputation.Bronze,
Orders = [
Id = 1,
Amount = 436.99,
IsUrgent = true,
Id = 2,
Amount = 98.77,
IsUrgent = false,
(a0::Customer) {
Id = 2,
Name = @"Mike",
Phones = [
Reputation = a0::Reputation.Gold,
(a0::Supplier) {
Id = 3,
Name = @"Eric",
Phones = [
RegDate = "2015-07-31T03:19:26.8010317+00:00",
BankAccount = @"11223344",
Products = #[//map类型的数据
1 = @"Mountain Bike",
2 = @"Road Bike",
ETag = "AQIDBAUGBwg=",

9)在行var context = new LoadingContext();设置一个断点,当程序运行到断点时,打开修改保存DataSet.txt文件,比如删除行Name = @"Tank",,因为属性Name的类型不是nullable,即该属性是必须的,TryLoad()将会失败,下面的诊断信息将打印在控制台:

Error -293: Property 'Name' missing.
**DataSet.txt**: (23,9)-(23,9)


namespace Example.Business
partial class Person : SomeClass, ISomeInterface
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
public abstract void MyMethod();
} partial class Customer
public override void MyMethod() { }


using System;
using SData; public class MyLoadingContext : LoadingContext
public bool CheckCustomerReputation { get; set; }
public override void Reset()
} public enum MyDiagnosticCode
PhonesIsEmpty = 1,
} namespace Example.Business
partial class Person
//OnLoading() is called by the serializer just after the object is created
private bool OnLoading(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
return true;
//OnLoaded() is called just after all properties are set
private bool OnLoaded(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
if (Phones.Count == 0)
(int)MyDiagnosticCode.PhonesIsEmpty, "Phones is empty.", textSpan);
return false;
return true;
//if error diagnostics are added to the context, the method must return false.
//if any OnLoading() or OnLoaded() returns false, TryLoad() will return false immediately
} partial class Customer
//the serializer will call base method(Person.OnLoading()) first
private bool OnLoading(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
return true;
//the serializer will call base method(Person.OnLoaded()) first
private bool OnLoaded(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
var myContext = (MyLoadingContext)context;
if (myContext.CheckCustomerReputation && Reputation == Business.Reputation.Bad)
(int)MyDiagnosticCode.BadReputationCustomer, "Bad reputation customer.",
//if non-error diagnostics are added to the context, the method should return true.
return true;
var context = new MyLoadingContext() { CheckCustomerReputation = true };
using (var reader = new StreamReader("DataSet.txt"))
if (!DataSet.TryLoad("**DataSet.txt**", reader, context, out result))


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using SData; namespace Example.Business
[SchemaClass("Person"/*schema class name*/)]
partial class Contact
[SchemaProperty("RegDate"/*schema property name*/)]
public DateTimeOffset? RegistrationDate { get; internal set; } //same-named schema property and C# property/field are mapped implicitly
public string Name { get; internal set; } [SchemaProperty("Phones")]
private Collection<string> _phones;
public Collection<string> Phones
get { return _phones ?? (_phones = new Collection<string>()); }
//list<T> can be mapped to System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T> or implementing class
//set<T> can be mapped to System.Collections.Generic.ISet<T> or implementing class
//map<TKey, TValue> can be mapped to System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
// or implementing class
} //same-named schema class and C# class are mapped implicitly
partial class Supplier
public IDictionary<int, string> Products { get; internal set; }
} namespace Example.Business.API
partial class DataSet
public ISet<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }




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