leetcode76. Minimum Window Substring





T =“ABC”






一个right指针遍历s,每次遇到t中的字符,在map中减少一个,同时用一个count做统计,当t中所有字符被遍历的时候,做一次统计,并且将left指针移动,直到count != t.length() ,相当于一个窗口在s字符串上配合map表动态滑动。



class Solution {
string minWindow(string s, string t) {
int map[256] = {0};
bool hash[256] = {false};
int slen = s.length();
int tlen = t.length();
if(!slen || !tlen) return "";
int left,right,res,cnt,minleft;
minleft = cnt = left = right = 0;
res = slen + 1;
for(char ch:t)
hash[ch] = true;
} while(right < slen)
if(hash[s[right++]] && --map[s[right - 1]] >= 0)
cnt++; while(cnt == tlen)
if(right - left < res)
res = right - left;
minleft = left;
} if(hash[s[left++]] && ++map[s[left - 1]] > 0 )
if(res > slen) return "";
return s.substr(minleft, res); }


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