





set user [lindex $argv ]
set secret [lindex $argv ] spawn /usr/share/easy-rsa/2.0/build-key-pass $user
expect {
"phrase" {send "$secret\r";exp_continue}
"phrase" {send "$secret\r";exp_continue}
"CN" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"Guangdong" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"Shenzhen" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"PP100" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"Account" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"$user" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"EasyRSA" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"mon@pp100.com" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"password" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"company name" {send "\r";exp_continue}
"certificate" {send "y\r";exp_continue}
"commit" {send "y\r";exp_continue}
#expect eof exit -onexit {
send_user "general user cert already!!!\n"

#change to root and stop openvpn and init opvpn cert
sudo su - root
/etc/init.d/openvpn stop
cd /usr/share/easy-rsa/2.0 && source ./vars
} #read opvpn username and general password
read -t 20 -p 'pls input the username:' user || exit 1
secret=`openssl rand -hex 8` init_cert_bak_dir(){
#create ovpn cert_bak_dir if not exist
[ -e /server/openvpn_accout_bak ] || mkdir /server/openvpn_accout_bak
[ -e /server/openvpn_accout_bak/$user ] && \
exit 1 || mkdir /server/openvpn_accout_bak/$user
} create_passfile(){
#write cert password to user_ovpn_dir
echo $secret > /server/openvpn_accout_bak/${user}/${user}_pass_$(date +%F).txt
#general cert
[ -e /server/shells/gg_vpn_keys.exp ] && \
expect /server/shells/gg_vpn_keys.exp $user $secret
sleep 5
#copy cert to user_ovpn_dir
cp /usr/share/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/${user}* /server/openvpn_accout_bak/$user
#generay gg code
useradd $user && chown -R ${user}.$user /server/openvpn_accout_bak/$user $gg=`sudo su - $user -c /usr/local/bin/gg-auth.py`
echo $gg >> /server/openvpn_accout_bak/${user}/${user}_pass_$(date +%F).txt
#general gg qrcode
cd /server/openvpn_accout_bak/${user} && qrencode -o ${user}_google_qrcode.png -t png -s 20 $gg
#general client ovpn file
cd /server/openvpn_accout_bak/ && cp tt100.ovpn $user/${user}.ovpn
sed -i 's#tt100#${user}#g' $user/${user}.ovpn
#general user.tar.gz file
cd /server/openvpn_accout_bak/ && tar zcf ${user}_openvpn.tar.gz ./$user echo "good lucky"
} main(){
} main

搞了老半天..没搞定 后面想起来在搞吧.


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