


  1. <script src="../Plugin/jquery-print/jquery.jqprint-0.3.js"></script>


  1. <div id="printPopup" class="modal-block mfp-hide">
  2. <section class="panel">
  3. <header class="panel-heading">
  4. <h2 class="panel-title">数据打印</h2>
  5. </header>
  6. <div class="panel-body">
  7. <div class="modal-wrapper">
  8. <div class="modal-text">
  9. <div class="form-group">
  10. <label class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 control-label">统计数据:</label>
  11. <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9">
  12. <select class="form-control mb-md printTableData">
  13. <option value="0">请选择数据表格</option>
  14. <option data-id="" value="1">招商引资项目汇总统计表</option>
  15. <option data-id="" value="2">新签招商引资项目汇总统计表</option>
  16. <option data-id="" value="3">在陕投资合同项目汇总表</option>
  17. <option data-id="" value="4">在陕投资合同项目分类表(按地域)</option>
  18. <option data-id="" value="5">在陕投资合同项目分类表(按行业)</option>
  19. <option data-id="" value="6">招商引资项目明细统计表</option>
  20. </select>
  21. <label for="fullname" class="errorHide"></label>
  22. </div>
  23. </div>
  24. </div>
  25. </div>
  26. </div>
  27. <footer class="panel-footer">
  28. <div class="row">
  29. <div class="col-md-12 text-right">
  30. <button type="button" class="btn btn-default popupCancel">取消</button>
  31. <button type="button" id="printConfirm" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-check"></i>确定</button>
  32. </div>
  33. </div>
  34. </footer>
  35. </section>
  36. </div>


  1. //触发打印弹窗
  2. function printDatable() {
  3. $(".pintTable").click(function () {
  4. //打印弹窗初始化
  5. printLizationVal();
  6. //打印初始化事件
  7. printFuntion();
  8. confirmPopup("#printPopup", "inline");
  9. $("#printConfirm").click(function () {
  10. if (tableEven($(".printTableData"), "请选择打印的数据表格")) {
  11. if ($(".printTableData").val() == "1" || $(".printTableData").val() == 1) {
  12. $(".printDtable").show();
  13. $("#Company").show();
  14. $("#navTabes").hide();
  15. $("#headerTable").hide();
  16. $.magnificPopup.close();
  17. html2canvas($("#CompanyChart"), {
  18. onrendered: function (canvas) {
  19. var domImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvas, true).getAttribute('src');
  20. $("#CompanyChart").html("<img src='" + domImg + "'/>");
  21. }
  22. });
  23. }
  24. if ($(".printTableData").val() == "2" || $(".printTableData").val() == 2) {
  25. $("#navTabes").hide();
  26. $(".printDtable").show();
  27. $("#headerTable").hide();
  28. $("#Company").hide();
  29. $("#NCompany").show();
  30. $.magnificPopup.close();
  31. html2canvas($("#NCompanyChart"), {
  32. onrendered: function (canvas) {
  33. var domImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvas, true).getAttribute('src');
  34. $("#NCompanyChart").html("<img src='" + domImg + "'/>");
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  41. $("#navTabes").hide();
  42. $("#Company").hide();
  43. $("#SCompany").show();
  44. $.magnificPopup.close();
  45. html2canvas($("#SCompanyChart"), {
  46. onrendered: function (canvas) {
  47. var domImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvas, true).getAttribute('src');
  48. $("#SCompanyChart").html("<img src='" + domImg + "'/>");
  49. }
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  52. if ($(".printTableData").val() == "4" || $(".printTableData").val() == 4) {
  53. $(".printDtable").show();
  54. $("#headerTable").hide();
  55. $("#navTabes").hide();
  56. $("#Company").hide();
  57. $("#AddSCompany").show();
  58. $.magnificPopup.close();
  59. html2canvas($("#AddSCompanyChart"), {
  60. onrendered: function (canvas) {
  61. var domImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvas, true).getAttribute('src');
  62. $("#AddSCompanyChart").html("<img src='" + domImg + "'/>");
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  66. if ($(".printTableData").val() == "5" || $(".printTableData").val() == 5) {
  67. $(".printDtable").show();
  68. $("#headerTable").hide();
  69. $("#navTabes").hide();
  70. $("#Company").hide();
  71. $("#HYSCompany").show();
  72. $.magnificPopup.close();
  73. html2canvas($("#HYSCompanyChart"), {
  74. onrendered: function (canvas) {
  75. var domImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvas, true).getAttribute('src');
  76. $("#HYSCompanyChart").html("<img src='" + domImg + "'/>");
  77. }
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  81. $(".printDtable").show();
  82. $("#headerTable").hide();
  83. $("#navTabes").hide();
  84. $("#Company").hide();
  85. $("#SureCompany").show();
  86. $.magnificPopup.close();
  87. html2canvas($("#SureCompanyChart"), {
  88. onrendered: function (canvas) {
  89. var domImg = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(canvas, true).getAttribute('src');
  90. $("#SureCompanyChart").html("<img src='" + domImg + "'/>");
  91. }
  92. });
  93. }
  94. } else {
  95. tableEven($(".printTableData"), "请选择打印的数据表格");
  96. }
  97. })
  98. })
  100. }
  101. //打印弹窗初始化
  102. function printLizationVal() {
  103. //初始化默认样式
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  105. $("#printPopup").find(".error").removeClass().text("");
  106. $(".printTableData").val("0");
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  108. //打印初始化事件
  109. function printFuntion() {
  110. $(".printTableData").change(function () {
  111. tableEven($(".printTableData"), "请选择打印的数据表格");
  112. })
  113. }
  114. //打印页面上的内容
  115. function preview() {
  116. $(".printBtn").unbind("click").click(function () {
  117. $(".printDtable").hide();
  118. $("#tabContDiv").jqprint();
  119. })
  120. }


  1. <div id="exportPopup" class="modal-block mfp-hide">
  2. <section class="panel">
  3. <header class="panel-heading">
  4. <h2 class="panel-title">数据导出</h2>
  5. </header>
  6. <div class="panel-body">
  7. <div class="modal-wrapper">
  8. <div class="modal-text">
  9. <div class="form-group">
  10. <label class="col-xs-12 col-md-3 control-label">统计数据:</label>
  11. <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-9">
  12. <select class="form-control mb-md exportTableData">
  13. <option value="0">请选择数据表格</option>
  14. <option data-id="" value="1">招商引资项目汇总统计表</option>
  15. </select>
  16. <label for="fullname" class="errorHide"></label>
  17. </div>
  18. </div>
  19. </div>
  20. </div>
  21. </div>


  1. function exportPopupTable() {
  2. //导出1图
  3. $("#exportTable").click(function () {
  4. //初始化筛选框
  5. exportLizationVal();
  6. //事件初始化
  7. exportFuntion();
  8. confirmPopup("#exportPopup", "inline");
  9. //提交ajax
  10. $(".exportConfirm1").click(function () {
  11. if (tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!")) {
  12. $.ajax({
  13. "url": "MasterHandler/MasterProjectImplementSts.ashx",
  14. "data": {
  15. "handleType": "exportSummaryStatistics",
  16. //开始时间签约时间
  17. "startTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".startTime").val()),
  18. //结束时间签约时间
  19. "endTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".endTime").val()),
  20. //企业类型
  21. "enterpriseTypeId": $.trim($("#tu1").find(".EnterpriseTypeId").val()),
  22. //投资金额
  23. "projectInvested": $.trim($("#tu1").find("registeredAssetsHeader").val()),
  24. //累计金额
  25. "projectScheduleFundsPlace": $.trim($("#tu1").find(".registeredAssets").val()),
  26. //投资来源地
  27. "cityId": $.trim($("#tu1").find(".cityDataHeader").val()),
  28. //招商引资活动
  29. "projectActivitiesId": $.trim($("#tu1").find(".SelectProjectActivitiesId").val()),
  30. //项目主管部门
  31. "UserDeparmentList": $.trim($("#tu1").find(".SalesDepartment").val()),
  32. //投资企业性质
  33. "enterpriseNatureIdd": $.trim($("#tu1").find(".enterseProperty").val()),
  34. },
  35. "type": "post",
  36. "cache": false,
  37. "async": false,
  38. "dataType": "json",
  39. "success": function (data) {
  40. if (data.msg == 1 || data == "1") {
  41. confirmPopupClose();
  42. new PNotify({
  43. title: '系统温馨提示',
  44. text: '导出成功!',
  45. type: 'success'
  46. });
  47. window.location.href = "/fileUpload/files/xls/Project/" + data.msgbox;
  48. } else {
  49. new PNotify({
  50. title: '系统温馨提示',
  51. text: data.msgbox,
  52. type: 'error'
  53. });
  54. }
  56. },
  57. "error": function () {
  58. new PNotify({
  59. title: '系统温馨提示',
  60. text: '系统异常,请稍后重试。',
  61. });
  62. }
  63. });
  64. } else {
  65. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  66. }
  67. })
  68. });
  69. //导出2图
  70. $("#exportTable2").click(function () {
  71. //初始化筛选框
  72. exportLizationVal();
  73. //事件初始化
  74. exportFuntion();
  75. confirmPopup("#exportPopup2", "inline");
  76. //提交ajax
  77. $(".exportConfirm2").click(function () {
  78. if (tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!")) {
  79. $.ajax({
  80. "url": "MasterHandler/MasterProjectImplementSts.ashx",
  81. "data": {
  82. "handleType": "exportNewlySignedProjectSummaryTable",
  83. //所属产业
  84. "industryTypeFatherId": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".CelebrityIndustryId").val()),
  85. //行业
  86. "industryTypeId": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".CIndustryId").val()),
  87. //开始时间签约时间
  88. "startTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".startTime").val()),
  89. //结束时间签约时间
  90. "endTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".endTime").val()),
  91. //企业类型
  92. "enterpriseTypeId": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".EnterpriseTypeId").val()),
  93. //投资金额
  94. "projectInvested": $.trim($("#tu2").find("registeredAssetsHeader").val()),
  95. //累计金额
  96. "projectScheduleFundsPlace": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".registeredAssets").val()),
  97. //投资来源地
  98. "cityId": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".cityDataHeader").val()),
  99. //招商引资活动
  100. "projectActivitiesId": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".SelectProjectActivitiesId").val()),
  101. //项目主管部门
  102. "UserDeparmentList": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".SalesDepartment").val()),
  103. //投资企业性质
  104. "enterpriseNatureIdd": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".enterseProperty").val()),
  105. //项目类型
  106. "isNotProvince": $.trim($("#tu2").find(".Projectypes").val()),
  107. },
  108. "type": "post",
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  110. "async": false,
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  112. "success": function (data) {
  113. if (data.msg == 1 || data == "1") {
  114. confirmPopupClose();
  115. new PNotify({
  116. title: '系统温馨提示',
  117. text: '导出成功!',
  118. type: 'success'
  119. });
  120. window.location.href = "/fileUpload/files/xls/Project/" + data.msgbox;
  121. } else {
  122. new PNotify({
  123. title: '系统温馨提示',
  124. text: data.msgbox,
  125. type: 'error'
  126. });
  127. }
  129. },
  130. "error": function () {
  131. new PNotify({
  132. title: '系统温馨提示',
  133. text: '系统异常,请稍后重试。',
  134. });
  135. }
  136. });
  137. } else {
  138. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  139. }
  140. })
  141. });
  142. //导出3图
  143. $("#exportTable3").click(function () {
  144. //初始化筛选框
  145. exportLizationVal();
  146. //事件初始化
  147. exportFuntion();
  148. confirmPopup("#exportPopup3", "inline");
  149. //提交ajax
  150. $(".exportConfirm3").click(function () {
  151. if (tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!")) {
  152. $.ajax({
  153. "url": "MasterHandler/MasterProjectImplementSts.ashx",
  154. "data": {
  155. "handleType": "exportInvestmentProjectsProvinceTable",
  156. //所属产业
  157. "industryTypeFatherId": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".CelebrityIndustryId").val()),
  158. //行业
  159. "industryTypeId": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".CIndustryId").val()),
  160. //开始时间签约时间
  161. "startTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".startTime").val()),
  162. //结束时间签约时间
  163. "endTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".endTime").val()),
  164. //企业类型
  165. "enterpriseTypeId": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".EnterpriseTypeId").val()),
  166. //投资金额
  167. "projectInvested": $.trim($("#tu3").find("registeredAssetsHeader").val()),
  168. //累计金额
  169. "projectScheduleFundsPlace": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".registeredAssets").val()),
  170. //投资来源地
  171. "cityId": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".cityDataHeader").val()),
  172. //招商引资活动
  173. "projectActivitiesId": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".SelectProjectActivitiesId").val()),
  174. //项目主管部门
  175. "UserDeparmentList": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".SalesDepartment").val()),
  176. //投资企业性质
  177. "enterpriseNatureIdd": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".enterseProperty").val()),
  178. //项目类型
  179. "isNotProvince": $.trim($("#tu3").find(".Projectypes").val()),
  180. },
  181. "type": "post",
  182. "cache": false,
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  185. "success": function (data) {
  186. if (data.msg == 1 || data == "1") {
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  188. new PNotify({
  189. title: '系统温馨提示',
  190. text: '导出成功!',
  191. type: 'success'
  192. });
  193. window.location.href = "/fileUpload/files/xls/Project/" + data.msgbox;
  194. } else {
  195. new PNotify({
  196. title: '系统温馨提示',
  197. text: data.msgbox,
  198. type: 'error'
  199. });
  200. }
  202. },
  203. "error": function () {
  204. new PNotify({
  205. title: '系统温馨提示',
  206. text: '系统异常,请稍后重试。',
  207. });
  208. }
  209. });
  210. } else {
  211. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  212. }
  213. })
  214. });
  215. //导出4图
  216. $("#exportTable4").click(function () {
  217. //初始化筛选框
  218. exportLizationVal();
  219. //事件初始化
  220. exportFuntion();
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  222. //提交ajax
  223. $(".exportConfirm4").click(function () {
  224. if (tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!")) {
  225. $.ajax({
  226. "url": "MasterHandler/MasterProjectImplementSts.ashx",
  227. "data": {
  228. "handleType": "exportInvestmentProjectsClassification",
  229. //所属产业
  230. "industryTypeFatherId": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".CelebrityIndustryId").val()),
  231. //行业
  232. "industryTypeId": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".CIndustryId").val()),
  233. //开始时间签约时间
  234. "startTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".startTime").val()),
  235. //结束时间签约时间
  236. "endTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".endTime").val()),
  237. //企业类型
  238. "enterpriseTypeId": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".EnterpriseTypeId").val()),
  239. //投资金额
  240. "projectInvested": $.trim($("#tu4").find("registeredAssetsHeader").val()),
  241. //累计金额
  242. "projectScheduleFundsPlace": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".registeredAssets").val()),
  243. //投资来源地
  244. "cityId": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".cityDataHeader").val()),
  245. //招商引资活动
  246. "projectActivitiesId": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".SelectProjectActivitiesId").val()),
  247. //项目主管部门
  248. "UserDeparmentList": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".SalesDepartment").val()),
  249. //投资企业性质
  250. "enterpriseNatureIdd": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".enterseProperty").val()),
  251. //项目类型
  252. "isNotProvince": $.trim($("#tu4").find(".Projectypes").val()),
  253. },
  254. "type": "post",
  255. "cache": false,
  256. "async": false,
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  258. "success": function (data) {
  259. if (data.msg == 1 || data == "1") {
  260. confirmPopupClose();
  261. new PNotify({
  262. title: '系统温馨提示',
  263. text: '导出成功!',
  264. type: 'success'
  265. });
  266. window.location.href = "/fileUpload/files/xls/Project/" + data.msgbox;
  267. } else {
  268. new PNotify({
  269. title: '系统温馨提示',
  270. text: data.msgbox,
  271. type: 'error'
  272. });
  273. }
  275. },
  276. "error": function () {
  277. new PNotify({
  278. title: '系统温馨提示',
  279. text: '系统异常,请稍后重试。',
  280. });
  281. }
  282. });
  283. } else {
  284. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  285. }
  286. })
  287. });
  288. //导出5图
  289. $("#exportTable5").click(function () {
  290. //初始化筛选框
  291. exportLizationVal();
  292. //事件初始化
  293. exportFuntion();
  294. confirmPopup("#exportPopup5", "inline");
  295. //提交ajax
  296. $(".exportConfirm5").click(function () {
  297. if (tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!")) {
  298. $.ajax({
  299. "url": "MasterHandler/MasterProjectImplementSts.ashx",
  300. "data": {
  301. "handleType": "exportInvestmentProjectsIndustry",
  302. //所属产业
  303. "industryTypeFatherId": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".CelebrityIndustryId").val()),
  304. //行业
  305. "industryTypeId": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".CIndustryId").val()),
  306. //开始时间签约时间
  307. "startTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".startTime").val()),
  308. //结束时间签约时间
  309. "endTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".endTime").val()),
  310. //企业类型
  311. "enterpriseTypeId": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".EnterpriseTypeId").val()),
  312. //投资金额
  313. "projectInvested": $.trim($("#tu5").find("registeredAssetsHeader").val()),
  314. //累计金额
  315. "projectScheduleFundsPlace": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".registeredAssets").val()),
  316. //投资来源地
  317. "cityId": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".cityDataHeader").val()),
  318. //招商引资活动
  319. "projectActivitiesId": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".SelectProjectActivitiesId").val()),
  320. //项目主管部门
  321. "UserDeparmentList": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".SalesDepartment").val()),
  322. //投资企业性质
  323. "enterpriseNatureIdd": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".enterseProperty").val()),
  324. //项目类型
  325. "isNotProvince": $.trim($("#tu5").find(".Projectypes").val()),
  326. },
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  329. "async": false,
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  331. "success": function (data) {
  332. if (data.msg == 1 || data == "1") {
  333. confirmPopupClose();
  334. new PNotify({
  335. title: '系统温馨提示',
  336. text: '导出成功!',
  337. type: 'success'
  338. });
  339. window.location.href = "/fileUpload/files/xls/Project/" + data.msgbox;
  340. } else {
  341. new PNotify({
  342. title: '系统温馨提示',
  343. text: data.msgbox,
  344. type: 'error'
  345. });
  346. }
  348. },
  349. "error": function () {
  350. new PNotify({
  351. title: '系统温馨提示',
  352. text: '系统异常,请稍后重试。',
  353. });
  354. }
  355. });
  356. } else {
  357. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  358. }
  359. })
  360. });
  361. //导出6图
  362. $("#exportTable6").click(function () {
  363. //初始化筛选框
  364. exportLizationVal();
  365. //事件初始化
  366. exportFuntion();
  367. confirmPopup("#exportPopup6", "inline");
  368. //提交ajax
  369. $(".exportConfirm6").click(function () {
  370. if (tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!")) {
  371. $.ajax({
  372. "url": "MasterHandler/MasterProjectImplementSts.ashx",
  373. "data": {
  374. "handleType": "exportInvestmentProject",
  375. //所属产业
  376. "industryTypeFatherId": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".CelebrityIndustryId").val()),
  377. //行业
  378. "industryTypeId": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".CIndustryId").val()),
  379. //开始时间签约时间
  380. "startTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".startTime").val()),
  381. //结束时间签约时间
  382. "endTime": $.trim($("#datepicker").find(".endTime").val()),
  383. //企业类型
  384. "enterpriseTypeId": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".EnterpriseTypeId").val()),
  385. //投资金额
  386. "projectInvested": $.trim($("#tu6").find("registeredAssetsHeader").val()),
  387. //累计金额
  388. "projectScheduleFundsPlace": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".registeredAssets").val()),
  389. //投资来源地
  390. "cityId": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".cityDataHeader").val()),
  391. //招商引资活动
  392. "projectActivitiesId": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".SelectProjectActivitiesId").val()),
  393. //项目主管部门
  394. "UserDeparmentList": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".SalesDepartment").val()),
  395. //投资企业性质
  396. "enterpriseNatureIdd": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".enterseProperty").val()),
  397. //项目类型
  398. "isNotProvince": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".Projectypes").val()),
  399. //签约类型
  400. "projectContractType": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".ServiceMark").val()),
  401. //签约状态
  402. "projectContractState": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".Contractstatus").val()),
  403. //形象进度
  404. "projectScheduleImage": $.trim($("#tu6").find(".Imageprogress").val()),
  405. },
  406. "type": "post",
  407. "cache": false,
  408. "async": false,
  409. "dataType": "json",
  410. "success": function (data) {
  411. if (data.msg == 1 || data == "1") {
  412. confirmPopupClose();
  413. new PNotify({
  414. title: '系统温馨提示',
  415. text: '导出成功!',
  416. type: 'success'
  417. });
  418. window.location.href = "/fileUpload/files/xls/Project/" + data.msgbox;
  419. } else {
  420. new PNotify({
  421. title: '系统温馨提示',
  422. text: data.msgbox,
  423. type: 'error'
  424. });
  425. }
  427. },
  428. "error": function () {
  429. new PNotify({
  430. title: '系统温馨提示',
  431. text: '系统异常,请稍后重试。',
  432. });
  433. }
  434. });
  435. } else {
  436. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  437. }
  438. })
  439. });
  440. }
  1. //导出弹窗初始化
  2. function exportLizationVal() {
  3. //初始化默认样式
  4. $("#exportPopup").find(".has-error").removeClass();
  5. $("#exportPopup").find(".error").removeClass().text("");
  6. $(".exportTableData").val("0");
  7. }
  8. //导出初始化事件
  9. function exportFuntion() {
  10. $(".exportTableData").change(function () {
  11. tableEven($(".exportTableData"), "请选择要导出的数据表格!");
  12. })
  13. }


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