2017-08-31 19:08:25





@theme:poj 3299
*/ #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring> using namespace std; const double e = 2.718281828;
const double tmp = 273.16;
const double tmp2 = 5417.7530;
const double tmp3 = 0.5555; //求humidex
double fun1(double t, double d)
{ double e = 6.11 * exp(tmp2*((/tmp) - (/(d+tmp))));
double h = tmp3 * (e - 10.0);
return t + h;
double fun2(double h, double d)
double e = 6.11 * exp(tmp2*((/tmp) - (/(d+tmp))));
double h2 = tmp3 * (e - 10.0);
return h - h2;
//求dew point
double fun3(double h, double t)
double h2 = h - t;
double e = h2/tmp3 + 10.0;
return 1.0/(1.0/tmp -((log(e)-log(6.11))/tmp2)) - tmp;
int main()
double t , d;
cin >> t >> d;
printf("%.1f",fun1(t,d)); return 0;
*/ int main()
{ //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
char A, B;
double a = , b = ;
char buff[];
while(gets(buff) && strcmp(buff,"E") != )
sscanf(buff,"%c %lf %c %lf",&A, &a, &B, &b);
// cout << A << endl;
// cout << a << endl;
// cout << B << endl;
// cout << b << endl;
if(A == 'T')
if(B == 'D')
// cout << "tag" << endl;
printf("T %.1f D %.1f H %.1f\n",a,b,fun1(a,b));
else if(B == 'H')
printf("T %.1f D %.1f H %.1f\n",a,fun3(b,a),b);
} }
else if(A == 'D')
if(B == 'H')
printf("T %.1f D %.1f H %.1f\n",fun2(b,a),a,b);
else if(B == 'T')
printf("T %.1f D %.1f H %.1f\n",b,a,fun1(b,a));
} }
else if(A == 'H')
if(B == 'T')
printf("T %.1f D %.1f H %.1f\n",b,fun3(a,b),a);
else if(B == 'D')
printf("T %.1f D %.1f H %.1f\n",fun2(a,b),b,a);
} } return ;


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