- template<typename ... Params> class MyClass;
- MyClass<int, string> a;
- template<typename ...Params>
- double Max(Params... _params)
- {
- double Maxnum;
- //求解过程
- return Maxnum;
- }
- template<typename Head,typename ...Tail>
- double Max(Head first,Tail... rest)
- {
- double Maxnum;
- Maxnum = Max(rest...);
- if (Maxnum < first)
- Maxnum = first;
- return Maxnum;
- }
- template<typename Head>
- double Max(Head first)
- {
- return first;
- }
- #include<iostream>
- using namespace std;
- template<typename Head, typename ...Tail>
- double Max(Head first, Tail... rest)
- {
- double Maxnum=0;
- Maxnum = Max(rest...);
- if (Maxnum < first)
- Maxnum = first;
- return Maxnum;
- }
- template<typename Head>
- double Max(Head first)
- {
- return first;
- }
- int main()
- {
- cout << Max(1, 3, 3.4, 5.1, 1.5);
- }
输出结果是: 5.1,同样的,模板类是通过私有继承来实现递归的。
- template<typename Head, typename... Tail>
- class tuple<Head, Tail...> : private tuple<Tail...>{
- Head head;
- public:
- /* implementation */
- };
- template<typename Head>
- class tuple<Head> {
- /* one-tuple implementation */
- };
- template<typename ReturnType, typename ...ParamType>
- class IDelegate
- {
- public:
- IDelegate(){}
- virtual ~IDelegate(){}
- virtual bool isType(const std::type_info& _type) = 0;
- virtual ReturnType invoke(ParamType ... params) = 0;
- virtual bool compare(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...> *_delegate) const = 0;
- };
- //StaticDelegate 普通函数的委托
- template<typename ReturnType, typename ...ParamType>
- class CStaticDelegate :
- public IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>
- {
- public:
- typedef ReturnType(*Func)(ParamType...);
- CStaticDelegate(Func _func) : mFunc(_func) { }
- virtual bool isType(const std::type_info& _type) { return typeid(CStaticDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>) == _type; }
- virtual ReturnType invoke(ParamType ... params) { return mFunc(params...); }
- virtual bool compare(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType ...> *_delegate)const
- {
- if (0 == _delegate || !_delegate->isType(typeid(CStaticDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType ...>))) return false;
- CStaticDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType ...> * cast = static_cast<CStaticDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType ...>*>(_delegate);
- return cast->mFunc == mFunc;
- }
- virtual ~CStaticDelegate(){}
- private:
- Func mFunc;
- };
- //成员函数委托
- template<typename T, typename ReturnType, typename ...ParamType>
- class CMethodDelegate :
- public IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>
- {
- public:
- typedef ReturnType(T::*Method)(ParamType...);
- CMethodDelegate(T * _object, Method _method) : mObject(_object), mMethod(_method) { }
- virtual bool isType(const std::type_info& _type) { return typeid(CMethodDelegate<T, ReturnType, ParamType...>) == _type; }
- virtual ReturnType invoke(ParamType...params)
- {
- (mObject->*mMethod)(params...);
- }
- virtual bool compare(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...> *_delegate) const
- {
- if (0 == _delegate || !_delegate->isType(typeid(CMethodDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>))) return false;
- CMethodDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>* cast = static_cast<CMethodDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>*>(_delegate);
- return cast->mObject == mObject && cast->mMethod == mMethod;
- }
- CMethodDelegate(){}
- virtual ~CMethodDelegate(){}
- private:
- T * mObject;
- Method mMethod;
- };
- //多播委托
- template<typename ReturnType, typename ...ParamType>
- class CMultiDelegate
- {
- public:
- typedef std::list<IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>*> ListDelegate;
- typedef typename ListDelegate::iterator ListDelegateIterator;
- typedef typename ListDelegate::const_iterator ConstListDelegateIterator;
- CMultiDelegate() { }
- ~CMultiDelegate() { clear(); }
- bool empty() const
- {
- for (ConstListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if (*iter) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void clear()
- {
- for (ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if (*iter)
- {
- delete (*iter);
- (*iter) = nullptr;
- }
- }
- }
- CMultiDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>& operator+=(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>* _delegate)
- {
- for (ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if ((*iter) && (*iter)->compare(_delegate))
- {
- delete _delegate;
- return *this;
- }
- }
- mListDelegates.push_back(_delegate);
- return *this;
- }
- CMultiDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>& operator-=(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>* _delegate)
- {
- for (ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if ((*iter) && (*iter)->compare(_delegate))
- {
- if ((*iter) != _delegate) delete (*iter); //避免同一个地址被delete两次
- (*iter) = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- delete _delegate;
- return *this;
- }
- std::vector<ReturnType> operator()(ParamType... params)
- {
- ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin();
- std::vector<ReturnType> _Results;
- while (iter != mListDelegates.end())
- {
- if (0 == (*iter))
- {
- iter = mListDelegates.erase(iter);
- }
- else
- {
- _Results.push_back((*iter)->invoke(params...));
- ++iter;
- }
- }
- return _Results;
- }
- private:
- CMultiDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>(const CMultiDelegate& _event);
- CMultiDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>& operator=(const CMultiDelegate& _event);
- private:
- ListDelegate mListDelegates;
- };
- //普通函数的委托特化版本
- template<typename ReturnType, typename ...ParamType>
- class CStaticDelegate<ReturnType(*)(ParamType ...)> :
- public IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType ...>
- {
- public:
- //定义 Func 为 void (void) 函数类型指针。
- typedef ReturnType(*Func)(ParamType...);
- CStaticDelegate(Func _func) : mFunc(_func) { }
- virtual bool isType(const std::type_info& _type) { return typeid(CStaticDelegate<ReturnType(*)(ParamType ...)>) == _type; }
- virtual ReturnType invoke(ParamType ... params) { return mFunc(params...); }
- virtual bool compare(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType ...> *_delegate)const
- {
- if (0 == _delegate || !_delegate->isType(typeid(CStaticDelegate<ReturnType(*)(ParamType ...)>))) return false;
- CStaticDelegate<ReturnType(*)(ParamType ...)> * cast = static_cast<CStaticDelegate<ReturnType(*)(ParamType ...)>*>(_delegate);
- return cast->mFunc == mFunc;
- }
- virtual ~CStaticDelegate(){}
- private:
- Func mFunc;
- };
- //成员函数委托特化
- template<typename T, typename ReturnType, typename ...ParamType>
- class CMethodDelegate<T,ReturnType (T:: *)(ParamType...)> :
- public IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...>
- {
- public:
- typedef ReturnType(T::*Method)(ParamType...);
- CMethodDelegate(T * _object, Method _method) : mObject(_object), mMethod(_method) { }
- virtual bool isType(const std::type_info& _type) { return typeid(CMethodDelegate<T,ReturnType(T:: *)(ParamType...)>) == _type; }
- virtual ReturnType invoke(ParamType...params)
- {
- return (mObject->*mMethod)(params...);
- }
- virtual bool compare(IDelegate<ReturnType, ParamType...> *_delegate) const
- {
- if (0 == _delegate || !_delegate->isType(typeid(CMethodDelegate<T, ReturnType(T:: *)(ParamType...)>))) return false;
- CMethodDelegate<T, ReturnType(T:: *)(ParamType...)>* cast = static_cast<CMethodDelegate<T, ReturnType(T:: *)(ParamType...)>*>(_delegate);
- return cast->mObject == mObject && cast->mMethod == mMethod;
- }
- CMethodDelegate(){}
- virtual ~CMethodDelegate(){}
- private:
- T * mObject;
- Method mMethod;
- };
这样我生成的时候只需要new CStaticDelegate<decltype(Func)>(Func),而特化版本的可以自动识别这个Func的返回值、参数个数和类型。
- template< typename T>
- CStaticDelegate<T>* newDelegate(T func)
- {
- return new CStaticDelegate<T>(func);
- }
- template< typename T,typename F>
- CMethodDelegate<T,F>* newDelegate(T * _object, F func)
- {
- return new CMethodDelegate<T, F>(_object, func);
- }
- template< typename ...ParamType>
- class CMultiDelegate<void, ParamType...>
- {
- public:
- typedef std::list<IDelegate<void, ParamType...>*> ListDelegate;
- typedef typename ListDelegate::iterator ListDelegateIterator;
- typedef typename ListDelegate::const_iterator ConstListDelegateIterator;
- CMultiDelegate() { }
- ~CMultiDelegate() { clear(); }
- bool empty() const
- {
- for (ConstListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if (*iter) return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void clear()
- {
- for (ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if (*iter)
- {
- delete (*iter);
- (*iter) = nullptr;
- }
- }
- }
- CMultiDelegate<void, ParamType...>& operator+=(IDelegate<void, ParamType...>* _delegate)
- {
- for (ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if ((*iter) && (*iter)->compare(_delegate))
- {
- delete _delegate;
- return *this;
- }
- }
- mListDelegates.push_back(_delegate);
- return *this;
- }
- CMultiDelegate<void, ParamType...>& operator-=(IDelegate<void, ParamType...>* _delegate)
- {
- for (ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin(); iter != mListDelegates.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if ((*iter) && (*iter)->compare(_delegate))
- {
- if ((*iter) != _delegate) delete (*iter); //避免同一个地址被delete两次
- (*iter) = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- delete _delegate;
- return *this;
- }
- void operator()(ParamType... params)
- {
- ListDelegateIterator iter = mListDelegates.begin();
- while (iter != mListDelegates.end())
- {
- if (0 == (*iter))
- {
- iter = mListDelegates.erase(iter);
- }
- else
- {
- (*iter)->invoke(params...);
- ++iter;
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- CMultiDelegate<void, ParamType...>(const CMultiDelegate& _event);
- CMultiDelegate<void, ParamType...>& operator=(const CMultiDelegate& _event);
- private:
- ListDelegate mListDelegates;
- };
- #include "MyDelegate.h"
- using namespace Delegate;
- void NormalFunc(int a)
- {
- printf("这里是普通函数 :%d\n", a);
- }
- class A
- {
- public:
- static void StaticFunc(int a)
- {
- printf("这里是成员静态函数 : %d\n", a);
- }
- void MemberFunc(int a)
- {
- printf("这里是成员非静态函数 : %d\n", a);
- }
- };
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- //首先创建了一个返回值为 void ,参数为int 的一个委托。
- CMultiDelegate<void, int> e;
- //将三个函数注册到该委托中
- e += newDelegate(NormalFunc);
- e += newDelegate(A::StaticFunc);
- e += newDelegate(&A(), &A::MemberFunc);
- //调用
- e(1);
- return 0;
- } <strong> </strong>
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