Import和Load 都可以将数据导入到DB2服务器中,但是2者是有很大区别的。
Import 其实执行了SQL 的INSERT 操作。和INSERT 操作一样,Import 执行的时候会激活触发器,所有的约束会强制实现,而且会使用数据库的缓冲池。类似Oracle sql*loader工具的常规路径导入。
Load 工具可以更快的将数据文件导入到数据表中。Load 工具不会与DB2 数据引擎发生交互,所以当使用Load 工具时,不会触发触发器也不会使用缓冲池,而且必须单独实现数据表的约束。Import 工具执行起来比Load 慢是因为它是低层次的数据操作工具,它分
LOAD,BUILD,DELETE 三个阶段对硬盘上的数据页面来进行直接的处理。Load工具类似Oracle sql*loader工具的直接路径导入。
db2 => connect @
   Database Connection Information
 Database server        = DB2/LINUX 9.7.0
 SQL authorization ID   = HUATENG
 Local database alias   = DBTEST
db2 => create table test(id int not null primary key,name varchar(20)) @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => commit @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => create trigger tri_test 
db2 (cont.) => no cascade
db2 (cont.) => before insert on test
db2 (cont.) => referencing new as n
db2 (cont.) => for each row
db2 (cont.) => begin atomic
db2 (cont.) =>    set||' [import test]';
db2 (cont.) => end @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => commit @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => insert into test values(1,'a') @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => commit @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => select * from test @
ID          NAME                
----------- --------------------
          1 a [import test]    
  1 record(s) selected.
db2 => ! cat test.txt @
db2 => import from test.txt of del insert into test @
SQL3109N  The utility is beginning to load data from file "test.txt".
SQL3148W  A row from the input file was not inserted into the table.  SQLCODE "-803" was returned.
SQL0803N  One or more values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE statement, or foreign key update caused by a DELETE statement are not valid because the 
primary key, unique constraint or unique index identified by "1" constrains table "HUATENG.TEST" from having duplicate values for the index key.  
SQL3185W  The previous error occurred while processing data from row "1" of the input file.
SQL3110N  The utility has completed processing.  "6" rows were read from the input file.
SQL3221W  ...Begin COMMIT WORK. Input Record Count = "6".
SQL3222W  ...COMMIT of any database changes was successful.
SQL3149N  "6" rows were processed from the input file.  "5" rows were successfully inserted into the table.  "1" rows were rejected.
Number of rows read         = 6
Number of rows skipped      = 0
Number of rows inserted     = 5
Number of rows updated      = 0
Number of rows rejected     = 1
Number of rows committed    = 6
db2 => select * from test @
ID          NAME                
----------- --------------------
          1 a [import test]     
          2 bb [import test]    
          3 cc [import test]    
          4 dd [import test]    
          5 ee [import test]    
          6 ff [import test]   
  6 record(s) selected.
可以看到文件中的记录1由于主键冲突而被拒绝导入,日志文件显示 Number of rows rejected     = 1 ,
db2 => delete from test where id>1 @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => commit @
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 => select * from test @
ID          NAME                
----------- --------------------
          1 a [import test]    
  1 record(s) selected.
db2 => ! cat test.txt
db2 (cont.) => @
db2 => load from test.txt of del insert into test @
SQL3501W  The table space(s) in which the table resides will not be placed in backup pending state since forward recovery is disabled for the database.
SQL3109N  The utility is beginning to load data from file "/home/huateng/test.txt".
SQL3500W  The utility is beginning the "LOAD" phase at time "2012-03-29 06:41:44.784072".
SQL3519W  Begin Load Consistency Point. Input record count = "0".
SQL3520W  Load Consistency Point was successful.
SQL3110N  The utility has completed processing.  "6" rows were read from the input file.
SQL3519W  Begin Load Consistency Point. Input record count = "6".
SQL3520W  Load Consistency Point was successful.
SQL3515W  The utility has finished the "LOAD" phase at time "2012-03-29 06:41:44.808464".
SQL3500W  The utility is beginning the "BUILD" phase at time "2012-03-29 06:41:44.809206".
SQL3213I  The indexing mode is "REBUILD".
SQL3515W  The utility has finished the "BUILD" phase at time "2012-03-29 06:41:44.914248".
SQL3500W  The utility is beginning the "DELETE" phase at time "2012-03-29 06:41:44.952664".
SQL3509W  The utility has deleted "1" rows from the table.
SQL3515W  The utility has finished the "DELETE" phase at time "2012-03-29 06:41:44.979506".
Number of rows read         = 6
Number of rows skipped      = 0
Number of rows loaded       = 6
Number of rows rejected     = 0
Number of rows deleted      = 1
Number of rows committed    = 6
db2 => select * from test @
ID          NAME                
----------- --------------------
          1 a [import test]     
          2 bb                  
          3 cc                  
          4 dd                  
          5 ee                  
          6 ff                 
  6 record(s) selected.
很明显导入结果没有触发触发器操作,而且并没有拒绝任何行,相反的是有一条记录被删除了,这是因为Load会把所有的满足条件记录导入到表中,在 load的DELETE阶段将会删掉重复的记录行。

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