





例如:组合MGR_ID ROLE_FAMILY得到新特征 hash((85475,290919))=1071656665

2.greedy feature selection

i.  首先从候选特征中选择1个在训练集上表现最好的特征,将其加入好特征goodfeatures中,并将该特征从中候选特征中排除

ii. 从候选特征中选择一个特征与goodfeatures中特征一起,选取在训练数据集中表现最好的特征,加入goodfeatures中,并将该特征从中候选特征中排除


3.One Hot Encoding

例如:对数据离散数据 [23 33 33 44]进行编码

i. 首先relable,转换为 [0 1 1 2]

ii.对0进行编码 0 0 1   对应 23

对1进行编码 0 1 0   对应 33

对2进行编码 1 0 0   对应 44




  1. learner = 'log'
  2. print "Reading dataset..."
  3. train_data = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
  4. test_data = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
  5. submit=learner + str(SEED) + '.csv'
  6. #去除ROLE_CODE特征,因为train和test数据需要同时做变换,所以合到一块
  7. all_data = np.vstack((train_data.ix[:,1:-1], test_data.ix[:,1:-1]))
  8. num_train = np.shape(train_data)[0]


  1. # Transform data
  2. print "Transforming data..."
  3. # Relabel the variable values to smallest possible so that I can use bincount
  4. # on them later.
  5. relabler = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
  6. for col in range(len(all_data[0,:])):
  7. relabler.fit(all_data[:, col])
  8. all_data[:, col] = relabler.transform(all_data[:, col])





  1. def group_data(data, degree=3, hash=hash):
  2. """
  3. numpy.array -> numpy.array
  5. Groups all columns of data into all combinations of triples
  6. """
  7. new_data = []
  8. m,n = data.shape
  9. for indicies in combinations(range(n), degree):
  11. if 5 in indicies and 7 in indicies:
  12. print "feature Xd"
  14. elif 2 in indicies and 3 in indicies:
  15. print "feature Xd"
  16. else:
  17. new_data.append([hash(tuple(v)) for v in data[:,indicies]])
  18. return array(new_data).T


  1. dp = group_data(all_data, degree=2)
  2. for col in range(len(dp[0,:])):
  3. relabler.fit(dp[:, col])
  4. dp[:, col] = relabler.transform(dp[:, col])
  5. uniques = len(set(dp[:,col]))
  6. maximum = max(dp[:,col])
  7. print col
  8. if maximum < 65534:
  9. count_map = np.bincount((dp[:, col]).astype('uint16'))
  10. for n,i in enumerate(dp[:, col]):
  11. #只有1条数据的标签,合并
  12. if count_map[i] <= 1:
  13. dp[n, col] = uniques
  14. #只有2条数据的标签,合并
  15. elif count_map[i] == 2:
  16. dp[n, col] = uniques+1
  17. else:
  18. for n,i in enumerate(dp[:, col]):
  19. if (dp[:, col] == i).sum() <= 1:
  20. dp[n, col] = uniques
  21. elif (dp[:, col] == i).sum() == 2:
  22. dp[n, col] = uniques+1
  23. print uniques # unique values
  24. uniques = len(set(dp[:,col]))
  25. print uniques
  26. relabler.fit(dp[:, col])
  27. dp[:, col] = relabler.transform(dp[:, col])


  1. # Collect the training features together
  2. y = array(train_data.ACTION)
  3. X = all_data[:num_train]
  4. X_2 = dp[:num_train]
  5. X_3 = dt[:num_train]
  7. # Collect the testing features together
  8. X_test = all_data[num_train:]
  9. X_test_2 = dp[num_train:]
  10. X_test_3 = dt[num_train:]
  12. X_train_all = np.hstack((X, X_2, X_3))
  13. X_test_all = np.hstack((X_test, X_test_2, X_test_3))

4.one hot encoding

  1. def OneHotEncoder(data, keymap=None):
  2. """
  3. OneHotEncoder takes data matrix with categorical columns and
  4. converts it to a sparse binary matrix.
  6. Returns sparse binary matrix and keymap mapping categories to indicies.
  7. If a keymap is supplied on input it will be used instead of creating one
  8. and any categories appearing in the data that are not in the keymap are
  9. ignored
  10. """
  11. if keymap is None:
  12. keymap = []
  13. for col in data.T:
  14. uniques = set(list(col))
  15. keymap.append(dict((key, i) for i, key in enumerate(uniques)))
  16. total_pts = data.shape[0]
  17. outdat = []
  18. for i, col in enumerate(data.T):
  19. km = keymap[i]
  20. num_labels = len(km)
  21. spmat = sparse.lil_matrix((total_pts, num_labels))
  22. for j, val in enumerate(col):
  23. if val in km:
  24. spmat[j, km[val]] = 1
  25. outdat.append(spmat)
  26. outdat = sparse.hstack(outdat).tocsr()
  27. return outdat, keymap
  29. # Xts holds one hot encodings for each individual feature in memory
  30. # speeding up feature selection
  31. Xts = [OneHotEncoder(X_train_all[:,[i]])[0] for i in range(num_features)]

5.greedy feature selection

  1. print "Performing greedy feature selection..."
  2. score_hist = []
  3. N = 10
  4. good_features = set([])
  5. # Greedy feature selection loop
  6. while len(score_hist) < 2 or score_hist[-1][0] > score_hist[-2][0]:
  7. scores = []
  8. for f in range(len(Xts)):
  9. if f not in good_features:
  10. feats = list(good_features) + [f]
  11. Xt = sparse.hstack([Xts[j] for j in feats]).tocsr()
  12. score = cv_loop(Xt, y, model, N)
  13. scores.append((score, f))
  14. print "Feature: %i Mean AUC: %f" % (f, score)
  15. good_features.add(sorted(scores)[-1][1])
  16. score_hist.append(sorted(scores)[-1])
  17. print "Current features: %s" % sorted(list(good_features))
  19. # Remove last added feature from good_features
  20. good_features.remove(score_hist[-1][1])
  21. good_features = sorted(list(good_features))
  22. print "Selected features %s" % good_features
  23. gf = open("feats" + submit, 'w')
  24. print >>gf, good_features
  25. gf.close()
  26. print len(good_features), " features"

6.通过validation选取最优参数,logistic regression为regularization strength

  1. print "Performing hyperparameter selection..."
  2. # Hyperparameter selection loop
  3. score_hist = []
  4. Xt = sparse.hstack([Xts[j] for j in good_features]).tocsr()
  5. if learner == 'NB':
  6. Cvals = [0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.1]
  7. else:
  8. Cvals = np.logspace(-4, 4, 15, base=2) # for logistic
  9. for C in Cvals:
  10. if learner == 'NB':
  11. model.alpha = C
  12. else:
  13. model.C = C
  14. score = cv_loop(Xt, y, model, N)
  15. score_hist.append((score,C))
  16. print "C: %f Mean AUC: %f" %(C, score)
  17. bestC = sorted(score_hist)[-1][1]
  18. print "Best C value: %f" % (bestC)


  1. print "Performing One Hot Encoding on entire dataset..."
  2. Xt = np.vstack((X_train_all[:,good_features], X_test_all[:,good_features]))
  3. Xt, keymap = OneHotEncoder(Xt)
  4. X_train = Xt[:num_train]
  5. X_test = Xt[num_train:]
  7. if learner == 'NB':
  8. model.alpha = bestC
  9. else:
  10. model.C = bestC
  12. print "Training full model..."
  13. print "Making prediction and saving results..."
  14. model.fit(X_train, y)
  15. preds = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
  16. create_test_submission(submit, preds)
  17. preds = model.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
  18. create_test_submission('Train'+submit, preds)


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