[amazonaccess 1]logistic.py 特征提取
例如:组合MGR_ID ROLE_FAMILY得到新特征 hash((85475,290919))=1071656665
2.greedy feature selection
i. 首先从候选特征中选择1个在训练集上表现最好的特征,将其加入好特征goodfeatures中,并将该特征从中候选特征中排除
ii. 从候选特征中选择一个特征与goodfeatures中特征一起,选取在训练数据集中表现最好的特征,加入goodfeatures中,并将该特征从中候选特征中排除
3.One Hot Encoding
例如:对数据离散数据 [23 33 33 44]进行编码
i. 首先relable,转换为 [0 1 1 2]
ii.对0进行编码 0 0 1 对应 23
对1进行编码 0 1 0 对应 33
对2进行编码 1 0 0 对应 44
- learner = 'log'
- print "Reading dataset..."
- train_data = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
- test_data = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
- submit=learner + str(SEED) + '.csv'
- #去除ROLE_CODE特征,因为train和test数据需要同时做变换,所以合到一块
- all_data = np.vstack((train_data.ix[:,1:-1], test_data.ix[:,1:-1]))
- num_train = np.shape(train_data)[0]
- # Transform data
- print "Transforming data..."
- # Relabel the variable values to smallest possible so that I can use bincount
- # on them later.
- relabler = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
- for col in range(len(all_data[0,:])):
- relabler.fit(all_data[:, col])
- all_data[:, col] = relabler.transform(all_data[:, col])
- def group_data(data, degree=3, hash=hash):
- """
- numpy.array -> numpy.array
- Groups all columns of data into all combinations of triples
- """
- new_data = []
- m,n = data.shape
- for indicies in combinations(range(n), degree):
- if 5 in indicies and 7 in indicies:
- print "feature Xd"
- elif 2 in indicies and 3 in indicies:
- print "feature Xd"
- else:
- new_data.append([hash(tuple(v)) for v in data[:,indicies]])
- return array(new_data).T
- dp = group_data(all_data, degree=2)
- for col in range(len(dp[0,:])):
- relabler.fit(dp[:, col])
- dp[:, col] = relabler.transform(dp[:, col])
- uniques = len(set(dp[:,col]))
- maximum = max(dp[:,col])
- print col
- if maximum < 65534:
- count_map = np.bincount((dp[:, col]).astype('uint16'))
- for n,i in enumerate(dp[:, col]):
- #只有1条数据的标签,合并
- if count_map[i] <= 1:
- dp[n, col] = uniques
- #只有2条数据的标签,合并
- elif count_map[i] == 2:
- dp[n, col] = uniques+1
- else:
- for n,i in enumerate(dp[:, col]):
- if (dp[:, col] == i).sum() <= 1:
- dp[n, col] = uniques
- elif (dp[:, col] == i).sum() == 2:
- dp[n, col] = uniques+1
- print uniques # unique values
- uniques = len(set(dp[:,col]))
- print uniques
- relabler.fit(dp[:, col])
- dp[:, col] = relabler.transform(dp[:, col])
- # Collect the training features together
- y = array(train_data.ACTION)
- X = all_data[:num_train]
- X_2 = dp[:num_train]
- X_3 = dt[:num_train]
- # Collect the testing features together
- X_test = all_data[num_train:]
- X_test_2 = dp[num_train:]
- X_test_3 = dt[num_train:]
- X_train_all = np.hstack((X, X_2, X_3))
- X_test_all = np.hstack((X_test, X_test_2, X_test_3))
4.one hot encoding
- def OneHotEncoder(data, keymap=None):
- """
- OneHotEncoder takes data matrix with categorical columns and
- converts it to a sparse binary matrix.
- Returns sparse binary matrix and keymap mapping categories to indicies.
- If a keymap is supplied on input it will be used instead of creating one
- and any categories appearing in the data that are not in the keymap are
- ignored
- """
- if keymap is None:
- keymap = []
- for col in data.T:
- uniques = set(list(col))
- keymap.append(dict((key, i) for i, key in enumerate(uniques)))
- total_pts = data.shape[0]
- outdat = []
- for i, col in enumerate(data.T):
- km = keymap[i]
- num_labels = len(km)
- spmat = sparse.lil_matrix((total_pts, num_labels))
- for j, val in enumerate(col):
- if val in km:
- spmat[j, km[val]] = 1
- outdat.append(spmat)
- outdat = sparse.hstack(outdat).tocsr()
- return outdat, keymap
- # Xts holds one hot encodings for each individual feature in memory
- # speeding up feature selection
- Xts = [OneHotEncoder(X_train_all[:,[i]])[0] for i in range(num_features)]
5.greedy feature selection
- print "Performing greedy feature selection..."
- score_hist = []
- N = 10
- good_features = set([])
- # Greedy feature selection loop
- while len(score_hist) < 2 or score_hist[-1][0] > score_hist[-2][0]:
- scores = []
- for f in range(len(Xts)):
- if f not in good_features:
- feats = list(good_features) + [f]
- Xt = sparse.hstack([Xts[j] for j in feats]).tocsr()
- score = cv_loop(Xt, y, model, N)
- scores.append((score, f))
- print "Feature: %i Mean AUC: %f" % (f, score)
- good_features.add(sorted(scores)[-1][1])
- score_hist.append(sorted(scores)[-1])
- print "Current features: %s" % sorted(list(good_features))
- # Remove last added feature from good_features
- good_features.remove(score_hist[-1][1])
- good_features = sorted(list(good_features))
- print "Selected features %s" % good_features
- gf = open("feats" + submit, 'w')
- print >>gf, good_features
- gf.close()
- print len(good_features), " features"
6.通过validation选取最优参数,logistic regression为regularization strength
- print "Performing hyperparameter selection..."
- # Hyperparameter selection loop
- score_hist = []
- Xt = sparse.hstack([Xts[j] for j in good_features]).tocsr()
- if learner == 'NB':
- Cvals = [0.001, 0.003, 0.006, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.1]
- else:
- Cvals = np.logspace(-4, 4, 15, base=2) # for logistic
- for C in Cvals:
- if learner == 'NB':
- model.alpha = C
- else:
- model.C = C
- score = cv_loop(Xt, y, model, N)
- score_hist.append((score,C))
- print "C: %f Mean AUC: %f" %(C, score)
- bestC = sorted(score_hist)[-1][1]
- print "Best C value: %f" % (bestC)
- print "Performing One Hot Encoding on entire dataset..."
- Xt = np.vstack((X_train_all[:,good_features], X_test_all[:,good_features]))
- Xt, keymap = OneHotEncoder(Xt)
- X_train = Xt[:num_train]
- X_test = Xt[num_train:]
- if learner == 'NB':
- model.alpha = bestC
- else:
- model.C = bestC
- print "Training full model..."
- print "Making prediction and saving results..."
- model.fit(X_train, y)
- preds = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
- create_test_submission(submit, preds)
- preds = model.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
- create_test_submission('Train'+submit, preds)
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