In some rare cases it can happen that the application does not launch and there is no reaction after double clicking on the application icon, not even the splash screen appears.

The following work-around might help in this case.

Verify issue

First please verify if the work-around applies to your issue:

  • Launch the (in Applications/Utilities)
  • Type the following and then hit enter:
  • If the following message is displayed continue to the solution:
       "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa"."
  • If you do not see the message mentioned above the work-around will not be useful.

Apply work-around

    • In the terminal type the following command:
      sudo cp -r  /Applications/Dacuda\ /Applications/Dacuda\
    • Enter your password
    • Now the application should start normally




Starting the application on Mac does not work(拷贝platforms到不同的位置,才能解决问题),还可设置DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 观察动态库的更多相关文章

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