
forward(distance) #将箭头移到某一指定坐标

left(angel)  right(angel)

penup() #提起笔,用于另起一个地方绘制时用,与pendown()配对使用





from turtle import Turtle p = Turtle()
p.color("black", 'yellow')
for i in range(5):
p.forward(200) #将箭头移到某一指定坐标
p.right(144) #当前方向上向右转动角度


观察:对称树, 从主杆出发以一定角度向左向右生成对称的枝丫, 且每一棵枝杈上以相同的角度生成更小的左右枝杈,如此往复。


 # drawtree.py

 from turtle import Turtle, mainloop

 def tree(plist, l, a, f):
""" plist is list of pens
l is length of branch
a is half of the angle between 2 branches
f is factor by which branch is shortened
from level to level."""
if l > 5: #
lst = []
for p in plist:
p.forward(l)#沿着当前的方向画画Move the turtle forward by the specified distance, in the direction the turtle is headed.
q = p.clone()#Create and return a clone of the turtle with same position, heading and turtle properties.
p.left(a) #Turn turtle left by angle units
q.right(a)#Turn turtle right by angle units, nits are by default degrees, but can be set via the degrees() and radians() functions.
tree(lst, l*f, a, f) def main():
p = Turtle()
p.hideturtle() #Make the turtle invisible. It’s a good idea to do this while you’re in the middle of doing some complex drawing,
#because hiding the turtle speeds up the drawing observably. p.getscreen().tracer(10,0)
#Return the TurtleScreen object the turtle is drawing on.
#TurtleScreen methods can then be called for that object.
p.left(90) #Turn turtle left by angle units. direction 调整画笔 p.penup() #Pull the pen up – no drawing when moving.
p.goto(0,-200)#Move turtle to an absolute position. If the pen is down, draw line. Do not change the turtle’s orientation.
p.pendown()# Pull the pen down – drawing when moving. 这三条语句是一个组合相当于先把笔收起来再移动到指定位置,再把笔放下开始画
#否则turtle一移动就会自动的把线画出来 #t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375)
t = tree([p], 200, 65, 0.6375) main()







 # drawtree.py
from turtle import Turtle, mainloop def tree(plist, l, a, f):
""" plist is list of pens
l is length of branch
a is half of the angle between 2 branches
f is factor by which branch is shortened
from level to level."""
if l > 5: #
lst = []
for p in plist:
p.forward(l)#沿着当前的方向画画Move the turtle forward by the specified distance, in the direction the turtle is headed.
q = p.clone()#Create and return a clone of the turtle with same position, heading and turtle properties.
p.left(a) #Turn turtle left by angle units
q.right(a)#Turn turtle right by angle units, nits are by default degrees, but can be set via the degrees() and radians() functions.
tree(lst, l*f, a, f) def maketree(x, y):
p = Turtle()
p.getscreen().tracer(30, 0)
p.left(90) p.penup()
p.goto(x, y)
p.pendown() t = tree([p], 110, 65, 0.6375)
print(len(p.getscreen().turtles())) #用了多少个turtle绘制 def main():
maketree(-200, -200)
maketree(0, 0)
maketree(200, -200) main()




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