using namespace std;
int main()
int i;
int num;
int a[] = { , ,};
string s ;
int k=;
int len;
int mark;
len = s.length();
int sum = ;
for(i = ; i <len ; i++)
if(s[len - - i] != '?')
sum += a[(i)%]*(s[len--i] - '');
mark = len - - i;
i = ;
while(sum++% != || i%a[(len--mark)%]!= )
}; cout<<"Scenario #"<<k<<":"<<endl;
// cout<<mark<<endl;
for(int j = ; j < len;j ++)
{ if(j != mark)
// cout<<a[(len-1-mark)%3]<<"00000000000"<<endl;
} }

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