【转】python version 2.7 required,which was not found in the registry
方法:新建一个register.py 文件,把一下代码贴进去,保存
# script to register Python 2.0 or later for use with win32all
# and other extensions that require Python registry settings
# written by Joakim Loew for Secret Labs AB / PythonWare
# source:
# http://www.pythonware.com/products/works/articles/regpy20.htm
# modified by Valentine Gogichashvili as described in http://www.mail-archive.com/distutils-sig@python.org/msg10512.html import sys from _winreg import * # tweak as necessary
version = sys.version[:3]
installpath = sys.prefix regpath = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\Pythoncore\\%s\\" % (version)
installkey = "InstallPath"
pythonkey = "PythonPath"
pythonpath = "%s;%s\\Lib\\;%s\\DLLs\\" % (
installpath, installpath, installpath
) def RegisterPy():
reg = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regpath)
except EnvironmentError as e:
reg = CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, regpath)
SetValue(reg, installkey, REG_SZ, installpath)
SetValue(reg, pythonkey, REG_SZ, pythonpath)
print "*** Unable to register!"
print "--- Python", version, "is now registered!"
if (QueryValue(reg, installkey) == installpath and
QueryValue(reg, pythonkey) == pythonpath):
print "=== Python", version, "is already registered!"
print "*** Unable to register!"
print "*** You probably have another Python installation!" if __name__ == "__main__":
显示“python 2.7 is already registered”
win7是 64的原因,在安装python(32位)时,如果选择只为当前用户,以上问题是不会出现的,如果选择所有用户,那就用上面的方法解决吧。
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