Before the cows head home for rest and recreation, Farmer John wantsthem to get some intellectual stimulation by playing a game.
The game board comprises N (1 <= N <= 15) identical holes in theground, all of which are initially empty. A cow moves by eithercovering exactly one hole with a rock, or uncovering exactly onepreviously covered hole. The game state is defined by which holesare covered with rocks and which aren't. The goal of the game isfor the cows to reach every possible game state exactly once andthen return to the state with all holes uncovered.The cows have been having a tough time winning the game. Below isan example of one of their games:
time 1 2 3
0 O O O Initially all of the holes are empty
1 O O X The cow covers hole 3
2 X O X The cow covers hole 1
3 X O O The cow uncovers hole 3
4 X X O The cow covers hole 2
5 O X O The cow uncovers hole 1
6 O X X The cow covers hole 3
7 X X X The cow covers hole 1
Now the cows are stuck! They must uncover one hole and no matterwhich one they uncover they will reach a state they have alreadyreached. For example if they remove the rock from the second hole they will reach the state (X O X) which they already visited at
time 2.
Below is an example of a valid solution for N=3 holes:
time 1 2 3
0 O O O Initial state: all of the holes are empty
1 O X O The cow covers hole 2
2 O X X The cow covers hole 3
3 O O X The cow uncovers hole 2
4 X O X The cow covers hole 1
5 X X X The cow covers hole 2
6 X X O The cow uncovers hole 3
7 X O O The cow uncovers hole 2
8 O O O The cow uncovers the 1st hole
which returns the game board to the start having, visited each state once.
The cows are tired of the game and want your help. Given N, create a valid sequence of states that solves the game. If there are multiple solutions return any one.


* Line 1: A single integer: N


* Lines 1..2^N+1: A string of length N containing only 'O' and 'X' (where O denotes a uncovered hole and X denotes a covered hole). The jth character in this line represents whether the jth hole is covered or uncovered in this state. The first and last lines must be all uncovered (all O).

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file rocks.out):


因为数据不是很大最多有2 ^ 15种排列,所以dfs就行。





#include<cctype> //isdigit
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define enter printf("\n")
const int maxn = 1e6 + ;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
inline ll read()
ll ans = ;
char ch = getchar(), last = ' ';
while(!isdigit(ch)) {last = ch; ch = getchar();}
ans = ans * + ch - ''; ch = getchar();
if(last == '-') ans = -ans;
return ans;
inline void write(ll x)
if(x < ) {putchar('-'); x = -x;}
if(x == ) {putchar(''); return;}
int q[], N = ;
q[] = ;
while(x) {q[++N] = x % ; x /= ;}
while(N) {putchar('' + q[N]); --N;}
} int n;
bool vis[maxn];
void print(int x) //从高位开始输出每一位
vis[x] = ;
for(int i = n - ; i >= ; --i)
if((x >> i) & ) printf("X");
else printf("O");
void dfs(int step, int x)
if(!vis[x]) print(x); //之所以放在这,而不是第53行之后,是为了输出最开始的OOOOOOO情况
if(step == ( << n) + ) exit();
for(int i = ; i <= n - ; ++i)
int now = x ^ ( << i);
if(!vis[now]) dfs(step + , now);
} int main()
n = read();
dfs(, );
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) printf("O"); enter;
return ;

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