
项目使用 Ext.NET , 对应Ext JS4.2版本。 结果 2017/3/31 号的时候偶然间点日历选择控件选择2月,10月等月份突然就跳到3月份,9月份之类。 就是无法选择, 选择谷歌以后发现有同样的问题, 然后各种尝试, 重写了默认属性,如下代码后解决。 现记录。

改动的部分就是 dt.setDate(1); 这一句, 设置为当前月份第一天。


  • 原则上放到公共js里面, 然后就行了, 确保生效。 当然也可以放在页面里面调试, 先看看是不是可行。 本项目验证通过。
//修复日期月份模式下在本地日期为31号时跳到下个月的问题 2017年3月31日

(function () { 

if(!window.Ext.Date){return;} Ext.Date.createParser = function (format) {
var utilDate = Ext.Date; var xf = function (format) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var numberTokenRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g; return format.replace(numberTokenRe, function (m, i) {
return args[i];
} var code = [
// date calculations (note: the code below creates a dependency on Ext.Number.from())
"var me = this, dt, y, m, d, h, i, s, ms, o, O, z, zz, u, v, W, year, jan4, week1monday,",
"def = me.defaults,",
"from = Ext.Number.from,",
"results = String(input).match(me.parseRegexes[{0}]);", // either null, or an array of matched strings "if(results){",
"{1}", "if(u != null){", // i.e. unix time is defined
"v = new Date(u * 1000);", // give top priority to UNIX time
// create Date object representing midnight of the current day;
// this will provide us with our date defaults
// (note: clearTime() handles Daylight Saving Time automatically)
"dt = me.clearTime(new Date);dt.setDate(1);", "y = from(y, from(def.y, dt.getFullYear()));",
"m = from(m, from(def.m - 1, dt.getMonth()));",
"d = from(d, from(def.d, dt.getDate()));", "h = from(h, from(def.h, dt.getHours()));",
"i = from(i, from(def.i, dt.getMinutes()));",
"s = from(s, from(def.s, dt.getSeconds()));",
"ms = from(ms, from(def.ms, dt.getMilliseconds()));", "if(z >= 0 && y >= 0){",
// both the year and zero-based day of year are defined and >= 0.
// these 2 values alone provide sufficient info to create a full date object // create Date object representing January 1st for the given year
// handle years < 100 appropriately
"v = me.add(new Date(y < 100 ? 100 : y, 0, 1, h, i, s, ms), me.YEAR, y < 100 ? y - 100 : 0);", // then add day of year, checking for Date "rollover" if necessary
"v = !strict? v : (strict === true && (z <= 364 || (me.isLeapYear(v) && z <= 365))? me.add(v, me.DAY, z) : null);",
"}else if(strict === true && !me.isValid(y, m + 1, d, h, i, s, ms)){", // check for Date "rollover"
"v = null;", // invalid date, so return null
"if (W) {", // support ISO-8601
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
// Mutually equivalent definitions for week 01 are:
// a. the week starting with the Monday which is nearest in time to 1 January
// b. the week with 4 January in it
// ... there are many others ...
// We'll use letter b above to determine the first week of the year.
// So, first get a Date object for January 4th of whatever calendar year is desired.
// Then, the first Monday of the year can easily be determined by (operating on this Date):
// 1. Getting the day of the week.
// 2. Subtracting that by one.
// 3. Multiplying that by 86400000 (one day in ms).
// 4. Subtracting this number of days (in ms) from the January 4 date (represented in ms).
// Example #1 ...
// January 2012
// Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
// 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
// 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
// 29 30 31
// 1. January 4th is a Wednesday.
// 2. Its day number is 3.
// 3. Simply substract 2 days from Wednesday.
// 4. The first week of the year begins on Monday, January 2. Simple!
// Example #2 ...
// January 1992
// Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
// 1 2 3 4
// 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
// 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
// 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
// 26 27 28 29 30 31
// 1. January 4th is a Saturday.
// 2. Its day number is 6.
// 3. Simply subtract 5 days from Saturday.
// 4. The first week of the year begins on Monday, December 30. Simple!
// v = Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date(week1monday.getTime() + ((W - 1) * 604800000)));
// (This is essentially doing the same thing as above but for the week rather than the day)
"year = y || (new Date()).getFullYear(),",
"jan4 = new Date(year, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0),",
"week1monday = new Date(jan4.getTime() - ((jan4.getDay() - 1) * 86400000));",
"v = Ext.Date.clearTime(new Date(week1monday.getTime() + ((W - 1) * 604800000)));",
"} else {",
// plain old Date object
// handle years < 100 properly
"v = me.add(new Date(y < 100 ? 100 : y, m, d, h, i, s, ms), me.YEAR, y < 100 ? y - 100 : 0);",
"}", "if(v){",
// favor UTC offset over GMT offset
"if(zz != null){",
// reset to UTC, then add offset
"v = me.add(v, me.SECOND, -v.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 - zz);",
"}else if(o){",
// reset to GMT, then add offset
"v = me.add(v, me.MINUTE, -v.getTimezoneOffset() + (sn == '+'? -1 : 1) * (hr * 60 + mn));",
"}", "return v;"
].join('\n'); var regexNum = utilDate.parseRegexes.length,
currentGroup = 1,
calc = [],
regex = [],
special = false,
ch = "",
i = 0,
len = format.length,
atEnd = [],
obj; for (; i < len; ++i) {
ch = format.charAt(i);
if (!special && ch == "\\") {
special = true;
} else if (special) {
special = false;
} else {
obj = utilDate.formatCodeToRegex(ch, currentGroup);
currentGroup += obj.g;
if (obj.g && obj.c) {
if (obj.calcAtEnd) {
} else {
} calc = calc.concat(atEnd); utilDate.parseRegexes[regexNum] = new RegExp("^" + regex.join('') + "$", 'i');
utilDate.parseFunctions[format] = Ext.functionFactory("input", "strict", xf(code, regexNum, calc.join(''))); }

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