3.The significance of Books 书本的意义

(1)A bookless life is an imcomplete life.Books influence the depth and breadth of life.They meet the natural desire for freedom,for expression,for creativity and beauty of life.Learners,therefore,must have books,and the right type of book,for the satisfaction of their need.Readers turn naturally to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things,their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to escape from their own limited environment lead them to find in books food for the mind and spirit.Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now.They are presented with a diversity of human experiences and come to respect other ways of thought and living.And while establishing their own relationships and responses to life,the readers often find that the characters in their stories are going through similar adjustments,which help to clarify and give significance to their own. (2)Books provide abundant material for readers’ imagination to grow.Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power,and stimulates achievement.While enriching their imagination,books widen their outlook,develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure properly.The social and educational significance of the readers’ books can’t be overestimated in an academic library.

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