




(5)Linux-3.17.4\arch\*\kvm\   (*号代表以下处理器体系架构:x86、tile、s390、powerpc、mips、ia64、arm64、arm)  先研究x86体系架构。



(1)  Linux-3.17.4\Documentation\virtual\kvm\下面为文档介绍,主要介绍了KVM中的使用的一些技术,对其中一部分数据结构和方法进行说明。

(2)  Linux-3.17.4\include\kvm\中有2个文件:代码总共行数:4957

Arm_arch_timer.h:KVM定时器相关的函数      代码行数:103

Arm_vgic.h:虚拟通用中断控制器相关的数据结构和函数     代码行数:314

1)linux-3.17.4\include\trace\events\kvm.h: 代码行数:322



#define kvm_trace_exit_reason                                        \







2)linux-3.17.4\include\linux\kvm_host.h:      代码行数:1101



* The bit 16 ~ bit 31 of kvm_memory_region::flags are internally used

* in kvm, other bits are visible for userspace which are defined in

* include/linux/kvm_h.


3)linux-3.17.4\include\linux\kvm_para.h:      代码行数:27

一个函数:static inline int kvm_para_has_feature(unsigned int feature)

4)linux-3.17.4\include\linux\kvm_types.h:    代码行数:79


* Address types:

*  gva - guest virtual address

*  gpa - guest physical address

*  gfn - guest frame number

*  hva - host virtual address

*  hpa - host physical address

*  hfn - host frame number


5)linux-3.17.4\include\uapi\linux\kvm.h: 代码行数:1186

Userspace interface for /dev/kvm - kernel based virtual machine

/*The bit 0 ~ bit 15 of kvm_memory_region::flags are visible for userspace,

* other bits are reserved for kvm internal use which are defined in

* include/linux/kvm_host.h.*/

6)linux-3.17.4\include\uapi\linux\kvm_para.h:      代码行数:33


* This header file provides a method for making a hypercall to the host

* Architectures should define:

* - kvm_hypercall0, kvm_hypercall1...

* - kvm_arch_para_features

* - kvm_para_available


/* Return values for hypercalls */


* hypercalls use architecture specific


7)linux-3.17.4\include\uapi\asm-generic\kvm_para.h: 代码行数:0


* There isn't anything here, but the file must not be empty or(否则) patch

* will delete it.


8)linux-3.17.4\include\asm-generic\kvm_para.h: 代码行数:27

This function is used by architectures that support kvm to avoid issuing false soft lockup messages.

Uapi可能是user api的意思


Kvm_virtio.c: 功能是 virtio for kvm on s390    代码行数:513

Virtio_ccw.c:  功能是ccw based virtio transport      代码行数:1252

virtio 是对半虚拟化 hypervisor 中的一组通用模拟设备的抽象。


(4)Linux-3.17.4\virt\kvm\  与体系结构无关的代码   代码总共行数:10629


assigned-dev.c 代码行数:1027

功能:Kernel-based Virtual Machine - device assignment support

async_pf.c和async_pf.h:   代码行数:228

kvm asynchronous fault support  KVM支持异步故障

coalesced_mmio.c和coalesced_mmio.h:     代码行数:183+39

KVM  coalesced(合并) MMIO

MMIO(Memory mapping I/O)即内存映射I/O,它是PCI规范的一部分,I/O设备被放置在内存空间而不是I/O空间。

eventfd.c: 代码行数:931

kvm eventfd support - use eventfd objects to signal various KVM events

ioapic.c和ioapic.h:       代码行数:646+103

apic: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller高级可编程中断控制器.

Iodev.h: 对io设备的操作头文件 代码行数:71

Iommu.c : 代码行数:361

input/output memory management unit。Device的IOMMU类似于CPU的MMU。

MMU是Memory Management Unit的缩写,中文名是内存管理单元,它是中央处理器(CPU)中用来管理虚拟存储器、物理存储器的控制线路,同时也负责虚拟地址映射为物理地址,以及提供硬件机制的内存访问授权,多用户多进程操作系统。

Irq_comm.c:   代码行数:370

Common API for in kernel interrupt controllers .

irqchip.c:   代码行数:215

Common API for in kernel interrupt controllers

This file is derived from virt/kvm/irq_comm.c.

IRQ全称为Interrupt Request,即是“中断请求”的意思,IRQ的作用就是在我们所用的电脑中,执行硬件中断请求的动作。

Kconfig: KVM common configuration items and defaults

Kvm_main.c:     代码行数:3279

Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux.This module enables machines with Intel VT-x extensions to run virtual machines without emulation or binary translation.

Vfio.c: 代码行数:278

VFIO-KVM bridge pseudo device

VFIO是一套用户态驱动框架,它提供两种基本服务:(1)向用户态提供访问硬件设备的接口(2) 向用户态提供配置IOMMU的接口


arch_timer.c:KVM定时器  代码行数:318

Vgic:virtual generic interrupt controller,其它3个文件功能就是主要描述它的。V2和v3是第二第三个版本。 代码行数:2070+264+246

(5) Linux-3.17.4\arch\x86\kvm\   与体系结构相关的代码 代码总共行数:39246


Cupid.c和cpuid.h: 代码行数:795+107

CPU ID 指用户计算机当今的信息处理器的信息。

Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux

cpuid support routines

derived from arch/x86/kvm/x86.c

emulate.c: 代码行数:5068

Generic x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) instruction decoder and emulator.

Linux coding style, mod r/m decoder, segment base fixes, real-mode privileged instructions

I8254.c和i8254.h: 代码行数:778+66

8253/8254 interval timer emulation,就是定时器仿真。Based on QEMU and Xen.

I8259.c:     代码行数:665

8259 interrupt controller emulation,中断控制器仿真。Port from Qemu.

irq.c:    代码行数:130

API for in kernel interrupt controller

irq.h:    代码行数:107

in kernel interrupt controller related definitions

Kconfig: KVM configuration;  source "virt/kvm/Kconfig"

Kvm_cache_regs.h: 代码行数:103

Lapic.c和Lapic.h:   代码行数:1937+174

Local APIC virtualization。apic: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller高级可编程中断控制器

Mmu.c和mmu.h: 代码行数:4608 + 182

Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux

* This module enables machines with Intel VT-x extensions to run virtual machines without emulation or binary translation.

* MMU support

Mmu_audit.c: Audit code for KVM MMU   代码行数:300

Mmutrace.h:     代码行数:334

paging_tmpl.h: 代码行数:993

Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux;MMU support;

pmu.c: 代码行数:573

Kernel-based Virtual Machine -- Performance Monitoring Unit support, 性能监视单元支持

svm.c:       代码行数:4424

Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux; AMD SVM support;svm:安全虚拟机

Trace.h:     代码行数:862

Tss.h:        代码行数:60

Vmx.c: 代码行数:9132

Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux;

X86.c和x86.h: 代码行数:7676 + 172

* Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux

* derived from drivers/kvm/kvm_main.c


kvm_emulate.h:      代码行数:428

Generic x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) instruction decoder and emulator. Copyright (c) 2005 Keir Fraser. From: xen-unstable 10676:af9809f51f81a3c43f276f00c81a52ef558afda4

kvm_guest.h:          代码行数:7

#ifndef _ASM_X86_KVM_GUEST_H//如果没有定义~

#define _ASM_X86_KVM_GUEST_H//则定义~,且编译以下代码

int kvm_setup_vsyscall_timeinfo(void);

#endif /* _ASM_X86_KVM_GUEST_H */

kvm_host.h:           代码行数:1096

This header defines architecture specific interfaces, x86 version

kvm_para.h:           代码行数:132



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  3. jQuery源代码框架思路

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  4. KVM源代码解读:linux-3.17.4\arch\x86\include\asm\kvm_host.h

    /* * Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux * * This header defines architecture specific int ...

  5. KVM源代码解读:linux-3.17.4\include\uapi\linux\kvm.h

    #ifndef __LINUX_KVM_H #define __LINUX_KVM_H /* * Userspace interface for /dev/kvm - kernel based vir ...

  6. KVM源代码解读:linux-3.17.4\include\linux\kvm_host.h

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