题目2 : Standard 2D Convolution
Implement such below standard convolution
conv2d(input tensor, filters = 8, kernel size=[5,5], stride = 2, zero padding = 'SAME', activation = relu)
The shape of input tensor: [height = 32, width = 32, channels = 3]
The first line will contain an image. The value of pixels is [0, 255]. The image should be preprocessed (/127.5 - 1) before fed into the convolution function. Weights[kernel height, kernel width, input channels, output channels] and biases[output channels] are followed in the next two lines respectively.
Print the result tensor in one line printed in the same way as input file. The precision is (1E-4).
All data are arranged into one line using C-like order, with the last axis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing slowest.
- 样例输入
Download the sample input from: https://media.hihocoder.com/contests/tupu-campus-hiring-2017/conv_sample_input.txt
- 样例输出
Download the sample output from: https://media.hihocoder.com/contests/tupu-campus-hiring-2017/conv_sample_output.txt
#input channels = 3, output channels = 8
#input_tensor = 32 * 32 * 3
#weights = 5 * 5 * 3 * 8
#biases = 1*8
参数解释:stride是步长参数;zero padding表示是否用零填充边缘进行,same表示在stride = 1的时候输出矩阵大小不变; activation是激励函数;ReLU函数为f(x) = max(x, 0)。
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <cmath> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; #define Height 32 #define Width 32 #define Channels 3 #define Filters 8 #define kernel 5 #define Eps 1e-5 float weight[kernel][kernel][Channels][Filters]; float biases[Filters]; , , , string padding = "SAME", string activation = "relu") { int feaMapH = ceil(Height * 1.0 / stride); ) * stride + kernelSize; ; int paddingR = (HeightAfterPadding - Height) - paddingL; vector<vector< vector<float> > >a; ;i < HeightAfterPadding;i++){ vector< vector<float> >b; ; j < HeightAfterPadding;j++){ vector<float>c; ;k < Channels;k++){ c.push_back(); } b.push_back(c); } a.push_back(b); } //cout << HeightAfterPadding << endl; ;i < Height;i++){ ; j < Width;j++){ ;k < Channels;k++){ a[paddingL + i][paddingL + j][k] = ((float)(inputTensor[i][j][k])) / 127.5 - 1.0; } } } ;i <= HeightAfterPadding - kernelSize;i += stride){ ; j <= HeightAfterPadding - kernelSize;j += stride){ ;nn < filters;nn++){ ; ;k < kernelSize;k++){ ;l < kernelSize;l++){ ;mm < Channels;mm++){ sum += a[i + k][j + l][mm] * weight[k][l][mm][nn]; } } } sum += biases[nn]; if(sum < Eps) cout << "0.0000 " ; else printf("%.4f ",sum); } //cout << endl; } } return ; } int main() { int a[Height][Width][Channels]; //freopen("conv_sample_input.txt","r",stdin); ;i < Height;i++){ ;j < Width;j++){ ;k < Channels;k++){ cin >> a[i][j][k]; } } } ;i < kernel;i++){ ;j < kernel;j++){ ;k < Channels;k++){ ;l < Filters;l++){ cin >> weight[i][j][k][l]; } } } } ;l < Filters;l++){ cin >> biases[l]; } conv2d(a,Filters,kernel); ; }
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