zz 启动Matlab提示Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable存在问题问题
帮助领导搞Matlab 2010a 绿色版; 领导把绿色版的文件夹挪了一下位置 (领导就是领导,做什么都按照自己的想当然的想法做)
然后, 脆弱的绿色版Matlab 2010a Portable就罢工了. 症结出在 绿色版每次挪动都要重新检测 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable这个补丁;
需要先卸载旧版本,再安装新版本; 但是, 旧版本卸载失败;
微软提供的官网的补丁, 貌似有多个版本.
1.上微软官网下载Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)的安装包,2.6M大,网址http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/zh-cn/details.aspx?FamilyID=200B2FD9-AE1A-4A14-984D-389C36F85647
后来干脆搜微软官网上英文版的答案,才发现, VC++2005 Redistributable居然在微软自己官网也有几个版本, windows 7 x86下面好用的一个应该是:
--我于是就纳闷了: 同是微软官网的东西, 差别咋就这么大涅?
I solved it! I’m on Windows 7 32 bit.
For me, this problem became a bigger problem when I could not install Nero10 which wanted to use the right C++2005 Redistributable.
Here's how I solved it:
Elesewhere it is often suggested to try and install the update manually. This always ended in failure with the update asking me to specify the right path to the update and never accepting it.
Then I noted there are several versions of the vcredist_x86.exe around. The one that worked for me is the6.0.3790 that I found here:
Just to be complete, I also found a v. 6.0.2900 that didn’t work which is here:
so don’t download that.
Try to just install the 6.0.3790 first, maybe this is just a better or bugless update. If that doesn’t work, well, here’s what I did just before that:
In the Windows uninstall software page (not on the installed updates page) you will find one or more Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 updates (and 2008). I tried uninstalling the 2005 ones (we’ll put them back later) , and then again the resource not found error came up, making it impossible to uninstall.
Then, with Tune up Utilities 2010, I was able to just kick the entry from the installed software list. Ashampoo Uninstaller and some other utilities also have the option to get something off the list if you cannot uninstall them. It just scratches the entry in some way. I'm sure a plain regedit could do it too.
After this and a reboot to make sure, I was able to install the 6.0.3790 update found on the first link above. From there on, windows update will pick up any updating and reinstalling of the redistributables that is left to do. And after that Nero10 installed fine as well.
I hope this works for some people and saves you time.
zz from http://blog.csdn.net/stereohomology/article/details/7039673
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