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How To Change the Supplier Bank Account Masking in UI (Doc ID 877074.1) To Bottom

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Oracle Payables - Version: 12.1.0<max_ver> and later   [Release: 12.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Supplier Bank Account Masking


How to change the supplier bank account number masking in the Supplier UI.



1. Go to Oracle Payables responsibility
(N) Setup > Payments > Payment Administrator

2. Click on Go to Task icon referring to System security Options
(N) Payments Setup > Shared Setup > System Security Options

3. Under the heading, Payment instrument masking, Select External Bank Account Masking Setting to the desired one e.g.: Display first digits and Number of Digits to Display as 20.

This example setup will ensure that all the new supplier bank accounts created after this change will show all the first 20 characters displayed without masking.

Important: To mask/unmask the existing supplier bank accounts, you will have to run the "Mask External Bank Account Data" concurrent program to let the database use this new setup.
resp:Payments Setup Administrator

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