Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.


If you were a sinner in the past, you still have the possibility to become a saint if you achieve some great things later.

However, if you were a saint in the past, or if you had some glorious moments in the past, once you had done some evil, you may find it is impossible for you to reverse your situation.

Because the public always hold a too high expectation of those saints, they can't stand even the slightest error made by those saints.

Once committing any mistake, those saints would be thrown out in disgrace, dismissed with ignomity.

In such cases, what should we do? And who can rescue us?

Maybe there is no need to make up for the past mistakes, just look forward, and walk forward, just follow our conscience and do what we think as right.

Today, I hope I can complete coding for the parsing of pcap files from the RS-16 Lidar.

Though the main-frame and some core functions are built on other's outcomes, to implement on the current platform and make it work smoothly is quite an challenging job.

If it can match up with the requirements, then all my efforts would be worthwhile.

Come on, the smartest coder.

Where is there dignity unless there is honesty?


From Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Honesty is always a virtue, but sometimes it has very limited positive effects on our life.

In some extremes, being honest and being frank even bring negative influences when we communicate with other people.

After all, not everyone of us is willing to listen honest words.

This is a result-oriented society, if the result is good, everything else matters little.

But sometimes, we must be aware of that some of the dignity come from our professional status, once we leave the position we may find the past respects are just illusions.

To disassociate identity from professional status, that is, to form some unique characteristics, maybe we should take pride in those things that can't be easily stripped away, such as virtue, integrity, honesty and generosity.

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