
An adaptation of Apple's Reachability with some block-based conveniences.



Usage is straightforward.



Access the singleton instance of JTSReachabilityResponder via:


+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;

Or Non-Singleton, if You're Not Into the Whole Singleton Thing

Instantiate an instance of JTSReachabilityResponder via:


- (instancytype)initWithOptionalHostname:(NSString *)hostname;

If you don't specify a hostname, there are some edge cases where Apple's networking frameworks will assume there's a valid connection even when there isn't (e.g. when connected to a local WiFi network without a connection to the Internet proper).


Registering Status Change Handlers

An object in your application registers a block to be executed whenever the network status changes between one of the three known states (none, Wi-fi, or cellular) as follows:


- (void)someSetupMethod {

    JTSReachabilityResponder *responder = [JTSReachabilityResponder sharedInstance];

    [responder addHandler:^(JTSNetworkStatus status) {
// Respond to the value of "status"
} forKey:@"MyReachabilityKey"];

Your object is responsible for cleaning up after itself, typically in dealloc, as follows:


- (void)dealloc {

    JTSReachabilityResponder *responder = [JTSReachabilityResponder sharedInstance];

    [responder removeHandlerForKey:@"MyReachabilityKey"];

All blocks are called on the main thread, and must be added or removed on the main thread.


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