








For a 32-bit build:

mkdir build32

cd build32

cmake .. -DDynamoRIO_DIR=..\path\to\DynamoRIO\cmake

cmake --build . --config Release

For a 64-bit build:

mkdir build64

cd build64

cmake -G"Visual Studio 10 Win64" .. -DDynamoRIO_DIR=..\path\to\DynamoRIO\cmake

cmake --build . --config Release





如果要fuzz 64位程序,则winafl和DynamoRIO也要指定为64位的,反之亦然。


) Using WinAFL
--------------- Note: If you are using pre-built binaries you'll need to download DynamoRIO
release 6.1.- from https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/wiki/Downloads.
If you built WinAFL from source, you can use whatever version of DynamoRIO
you used to build WinAFL. The command line for afl-fuzz on Windows is different than on Linux. Instead of %s [ afl options ] -- [instrumentation options] -- it now looks like this afl-fuzz [afl options] -- [instrumentation options] -- target_cmd_line The followin afl-fuzz options are supported: -i dir - input directory with test cases
-o dir - output directory for fuzzer findings
-D dir - directory containing DynamoRIO binaries (drrun, drconfig)
-t msec - timeout for each run
-f file - location read by the fuzzed program
-M \\ -S id - distributed mode
-x dir - optional fuzzer dictionary Please refer to the original AFL documentation for more info on these flags. The following instrumentation options are used -covtype - the type of coverage being recorded. Supported options are
bb (basic block, default) or edge. -coverage_module - module for which to record coverage. Multiple module flags
are supported. -target_module - module which contains the target function to be fuzzed.
Either -target_method or -target_offset need to be
specified together with this option. -target_method - name of the method to fuzz in persistent mode. A symbol
for the method needs to be exported for this to work.
Otherwise use -target_offset instead. -target_offset - offset of the method to fuzz from the start of the module. -fuzz_iterations - Maximum nuber of iterations for the target function to run
before restarting the target process. -nargs - Number of arguments the fuzzed method takes. This is used
to save/restore the arguments between runs. -debug - Debug mode. Does not try to connect to the server. Outputs
a log file containing loaded modules, opened files and
coverage infrormation. -logdir - specifies in which directory the log file will be written
(only to be used with -debug). In general, you should perform the following steps when fuzzing a new target: . Make sure your target is running correctly without instrumentations. . Open the target binary in WinDbg and locate the function you want to fuzz.
Note the offset of the function from the start of the module. For example, if
you want to fuzz the main function and happen to have symbols around, you can
use the following windbg command: x test!main . Make sure that the target is running correctly under DynamoRIO. For this
purpose you can use the standalone debug mode of WinAFL client which does not
require connecting to afl-fuzz. Make sure you use the drrun.exe and winafl.dll
version which corresponds to your target ( vs. bit). Example command line path\to\DynamoRIO\bin64\drrun.exe -c winafl.dll -debug
-target_module test_gdiplus.exe -target_offset 0x1270 -fuzz_iterations
-nargs -- test_gdiplus.exe input.bmp You should see the output corresponding to your target function being run
times after which the target executable will exit. A .log file should be
created in the current directory. The log file contains useful information
such as the files and modules loaded by the target as well as the dump of AFL
coverage map. In the log you should see pre_fuzz_handler and post_fuzz_handler
being run exactly times as well as your input file being open in each
iteration. Note the list of loaded modules for setting the -coverage_module
flag. Note that you must use the same values for module names as seen in the
log file (case sensitive). . Now you should be ready to fuzz the target. First, make sure that both
afl-fuzz.exe and winafl.dll are in the current directory. As stated earlier,
the command line for afl-fuzz on Windows is afl-fuzz [afl options] -- [instrumentation options] -- target_cmd_line Please refer above for the list of supported AFL and instrumentation options. In AFL options, you must specify the DynamoRIO binaries directory via the new
-D option. You need to match the DynamoRIO and winafl.dll build ( vs. bit)
to the target binary. -t (timeout) option is mandatory for winafl as execution
time can vary significantly under instrumentation so it’s not a good idea to
rely on the auto-determined values. You can use the same winafl options as in step but remember to exclude the
-debug flag and you'll probably want to increase the iteration count. Note that, unlike linux AFL, in WinAFL the default coverage mode is basic
block. This is because in multithreaded (i.e. most real-world) applications
every context switch would be interpreted as new coverage even when no new
coverage actually occured. If you are confident that all your coverage modules
execute only a single thread at a time you can change this by adding
-covtype edge
to your instrumentation flags. As in afl-fuzz on Linux you can replace the input file param of the target
binary with @@ An example command line would look like afl-fuzz.exe -i in -o out -D C:\work\winafl\DynamoRIO\bin64 -t --
-coverage_module gdiplus.dll -coverage_module WindowsCodecs.dll
-fuzz_iterations -target_module test_gdiplus.exe -target_offset 0x1270
-nargs -- test_gdiplus.exe @@ That’s it. Happy fuzzing! Let me know if you find any bugs.
  • -i   测试样本的输入目录
  • -o  fuzz结果的输出目录
  • -D  DynamoRIO所处的目录
  • -t   每次的运行时间
  • -f   被fuzz的进程要读取的文件
  • -x  可选fuzzer目录


  1. 首先找出要fuzz的函数基于模块的地址偏移
  2. 要保证程序可以正常的跑在DynamoRIO下面,可以通过WinAFL的独立调试模式来测试这一点。独立调试模式不会使用fuzz部分(使用-debug选项)
  3. 要想正常运行,必须要保证afl-fuzz.exe和winafl.dll在同一目录下
  4. afl-fuzz [afl options] -- [instrumentation options] -- target_cmd_line
  5. -D选项是必须启用的,用于指定DynamoRIO所处的目录
  6. -t选项也是必须启用的,由于不同的选项导致的执行效率不同。所以-t的时间应该灵活设置。
  7. 默认是支持多线程的程序记录的。如果是单线程程序可以使用-covtype edge选项

instrumentation options

  • -covtype                  设置记录方式,为多线程和单线程程序所使用。bb/edge
  • -coverage_module    设置要记录的模块,支持多个模块的记录
  • -target_module         fuzz目标函数所处的模块,必须要设置-target_method或-target_offset
    • -target_method        只有有符号表的情况下才能用的方法,根据符号名去搞
    • -target_offset           要fuzz函数的相对模块头的偏移
  • -fuzz_iterations         目标函数的最大迭代次数
  • -nargs                      被fuzz的函数有几个参数?
  • -debug                     不会连接fuzzer部分,只会输出一个日志文件。包含加载的模块、打开的文件和输出报告。
    • -logdir                      只在-debug下可用,输出的log文件的位置


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