

  1. ;{089D6802-6CD3-4E45-B8D5-AC9ED99CE371}; 脚本由 Inno Setup 脚本向导生成!
  2. ; 有关创建 Inno Setup 脚本文件的详细资料请查阅帮助文档!
  4. [Setup]
  5. ; 注: AppId的值为单独标识该应用程序。
  6. ; 不要为其他安装程序使用相同的AppId值。
  7. ; (生成新的GUID,点击 工具|在IDE中生成GUID。)
  8. AppId={{5E012E21-42EE-4840-A000-35F9FAB886E9}
  9. AppName=AIS_Client
  10. AppVerName=AIS_Client
  11. AppPublisher=公司名
  13. DefaultDirName={pf}\AIS_Client
  14. DefaultGroupName=AIS_Client
  15. OutputBaseFilename=AIS_Client
  16. Compression=lzma
  17. SolidCompression=yes
  18. SetupIconFile=D:\AIS\AIS 打包程序\AISGUI.ico
  19. LicenseFile=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌\许可协议.txt
  21. [Languages]
  22. Name: "chinesesimp"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
  24. [Files]
  25. Source: "D:\AIS\AIS 打包程序\AIS_client_exe\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
  26. ; 注意: 不要在任何共享系统文件上使用“Flags: ignoreversion
  28. [Tasks]
  29. Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"
  31. [Icons]
  32. Name: "{group}\AIS客户端"; Filename: "{app}\AISGUI.exe"
  33. Name: "{group}\AIS客户端参数配置工具"; Filename: "{app}\ClientConfig.exe"
  34. Name: "{group}\AIS服务设置工具"; Filename: "{app}\ServiceIPManage.exe"
  35. Name: "{group}\AIS数据库参数配置工具"; Filename: "{app}\DataBaseConfig.exe"
  36. ;Name: "{group}\门控服务端"; Filename: "{app}\Access_server\SecurityWare.exe"
  37. ;在开始菜单->所有程序->伴网书童里添加一个删除快捷键。
  38. Name: "{group}\卸载"; Filename: {uninstallexe}
  39. Name: "{commondesktop}\AIS客户端"; Filename: "{app}\AISGUI.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon
  40. ;Name: "{commondesktop}\门控服务端"; Filename: "{app}\Access_server\SecurityWare.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon
  42. [Run]
  43. ;Filename: "{app}\Access_server\SecurityWare.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,AIS}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent shellexec
  44. Filename: "{app}\AISGUI.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,AIS}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent shellexec
  46. [Registry]
  47. ;添加开机启动
  48. Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName:"ais"; ValueData:"{app}\AISGUI.exe"; Flags:uninsdeletevalue
  50. [Code]
  51. {卸载时判断主程序是否在运行}
  52. var
  53. is_Sys , is_value: integer;
  54. S_syschar, S_currentchar, S_current,S_sys, S,ResultStr : string;
  55. I ,CloseNum: Integer;
  56. ErrorCode: Integer;
  57. Guid_names,window_name : TArrayOfString;
  58. bool : Boolean;
  59. const AppName='{5E012E21-42EE-4840-A000-35F9FAB886E9}_is1';
  61. {程序安装前判断主程序是否在运行}
  62. function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
  63. var
  64. ResultCode: Integer;
  65. begin
  66. if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',Guid_names) then
  67. begin
  68. for I:= to GetArrayLength(Guid_names)- do
  69. begin
  70. S := Guid_names[i];
  71. //注册表中找到了此键
  72. if AppName=Guid_names[i] then
  73. begin
  74. bool := RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\'+S,'UninstallString',ResultStr);
  75. //ResultStr := RemoveQuotes(ResultStr);
  76. if bool then
  77. begin
  78. if MsgBox('安装程序检测到当前计算机已经安装了AIS客户端。' ## '您是否要卸载AIS客户端?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES then
  79. // ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{app}\unins000.exe'), '','', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ResultCode);
  80. begin
  81. Exec(RemoveQuotes(ResultStr), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
  82. Result := false;
  83. end
  84. end
  85. break;
  86. end
  87. else
  88. //zdx 5.8 判断是否已经打开了一个安装程序
  89. begin
  90. if FindWindowbyWindowName('安装 - AIS_Client')<> then
  91. begin
  92. MsgBox('安装程序检测到有另外一个安装程序已经在运行了', mbConfirmation, MB_OK);
  93. Result := false;
  94. break;
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end;
  98. if I= GetArrayLength(Guid_names) then
  99. Result := true;
  100. end
  101. else
  102. Result := true;
  103. end;
  105. //当用户单击cancel的时候,删除掉拷贝到系统的文件夹
  106. procedure CancelButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer; var Cancel, Confirm: Boolean);
  107. begin
  108. end ;
  110. //卸载密码验证函数
  111. function AskPassword(): Boolean;
  112. var
  113. Form: TSetupForm;
  114. OKButton, CancelButton: TButton;
  115. PwdEdit: TPasswordEdit;
  116. begin
  117. Result := false;
  118. Form := CreateCustomForm();
  119. try
  120. Form.ClientWidth := ScaleX();
  121. Form.ClientHeight := ScaleY();
  122. Form.Caption := '密码验证';
  123. Form.BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu];
  124. Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog;
  125. Form.Center;
  127. OKButton := TButton.Create(Form);
  128. OKButton.Parent := Form;
  129. OKButton.Width := ScaleX();
  130. OKButton.Height := ScaleY();
  131. OKButton.Left := Form.ClientWidth - ScaleX( + + + );
  132. OKButton.Top := Form.ClientHeight - ScaleY( + );
  133. OKButton.Caption := '确定';
  134. OKButton.ModalResult := mrOk;
  135. OKButton.Default := true;
  137. CancelButton := TButton.Create(Form);
  138. CancelButton.Parent := Form;
  139. CancelButton.Width := ScaleX();
  140. CancelButton.Height := ScaleY();
  141. CancelButton.Left := Form.ClientWidth - ScaleX( + );
  142. CancelButton.Top := Form.ClientHeight - ScaleY( + );
  143. CancelButton.Caption := '取消';
  144. CancelButton.ModalResult := mrCancel;
  145. CancelButton.Cancel := True;
  147. PwdEdit := TPasswordEdit.Create(Form);
  148. PwdEdit.Parent := Form;
  149. PwdEdit.Width := ScaleX();
  150. PwdEdit.Height := ScaleY();
  151. PwdEdit.Left := ScaleX();
  152. PwdEdit.Top := ScaleY();
  154. Form.ActiveControl := PwdEdit;
  156. if Form.ShowModal() = mrOk then
  157. begin
  158. Result := PwdEdit.Text = 'bw12345678';
  159. if not Result then
  160. MsgBox('密码错误', mbInformation, MB_OK);
  161. end;
  162. finally
  163. Form.Free();
  164. end;
  165. end;
  167. //卸载程序的时候判断是否在运行
  168. function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean;
  169. begin
  170. begin
  171. //密码验证
  172. //Result := AskPassword();
  173. Result := TRUE;
  174. // DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}\*'), False, True, True);
  175. end
  176. end;
  178. //提示卸载完后重启计算机
  179. function UninstallNeedRestart(): Boolean;
  180. begin
  181. Result := False;
  182. DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}\*'), False, True, True);
  183. DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}'), True, True, True);
  184. end;

示例2(windows service,服务端安装):

  1. ;{089D6802-6CD3-4E45-B8D5-AC9ED99CE371}; 脚本由 Inno Setup 脚本向导生成!
  2. ; 有关创建 Inno Setup 脚本文件的详细资料请查阅帮助文档!
  4. [Setup]
  5. ; 注: AppId的值为单独标识该应用程序。
  6. ; 不要为其他安装程序使用相同的AppId值。
  7. ; (生成新的GUID,点击 工具|在IDE中生成GUID。)
  8. AppId={{D0D0B722-C6F9-4A89-AB56-1417B9BD1400}
  9. AppName=AIS_Server
  10. AppVerName=AIS_Server
  11. AppPublisher=公司名
  13. DefaultDirName={pf}\AIS_Server
  14. DefaultGroupName=AIS_Server
  15. OutputBaseFilename=AIS_Server
  16. Compression=lzma
  17. SolidCompression=yes
  18. SetupIconFile=D:\AIS\AIS 打包程序\AISGUI.ico
  19. LicenseFile=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌\许可协议.txt
  21. [Languages]
  22. Name: "chinesesimp"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
  24. [Files]
  25. Source: "D:\AIS\AIS 打包程序\AIS_server_exe\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
  26. ; 注意: 不要在任何共享系统文件上使用“Flags: ignoreversion
  28. [Tasks]
  29. Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"
  31. [Icons]
  32. Name: "{group}\AIS服务端参数配置工具"; Filename: "{app}\ServiceConfig.exe"
  33. ;Name: "{group}\AIS客户端"; Filename: "{app}\AIS_client_exe\AISGUI.exe"
  34. ;Name: "{group}\门控服务端"; Filename: "{app}\Access_server\SecurityWare.exe"
  35. ;在开始菜单->所有程序->伴网书童里添加一个删除快捷键。
  36. Name: "{group}\卸载"; Filename: {uninstallexe}
  37. ;Name: "{commondesktop}\AIS客户端"; Filename: "{app}\AIS_client_exe\AISGUI.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon
  38. ;Name: "{commondesktop}\门控服务端"; Filename: "{app}\Access_server\SecurityWare.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon
  40. [Run]
  41. ;Filename: "{app}\Access_server\SecurityWare.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,AIS}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent shellexec
  42. ;Filename: "{app}\AIS_client_exe\AISGUI.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,AIS}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent shellexec
  44. [Registry]
  45. ;添加开机启动
  46. ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName:"bwqc"; ValueData:"{app}\MSrv.exe"; Flags:uninsdeletevalue
  48. [Code]
  49. {卸载时判断主程序是否在运行}
  50. var
  51. is_Sys , is_value: integer;
  52. S_syschar, S_currentchar, S_current,S_sys, S,ResultStr : string;
  53. I ,CloseNum: Integer;
  54. ErrorCode: Integer;
  55. Guid_names,window_name : TArrayOfString;
  56. bool : Boolean;
  57. const AppName='{D0D0B722-C6F9-4A89-AB56-1417B9BD1400}_is1';
  59. {程序安装前判断主程序是否在运行}
  60. function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
  61. var
  62. ResultCode: Integer;
  63. begin
  64. if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall',Guid_names) then
  65. begin
  66. for I:= to GetArrayLength(Guid_names)- do
  67. begin
  68. S := Guid_names[i];
  69. //注册表中找到了此键
  70. if AppName = Guid_names[i] then
  71. begin
  72. bool := RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\'+S,'UninstallString',ResultStr);
  73. //ResultStr := RemoveQuotes(ResultStr);
  74. if bool then
  75. begin
  76. if MsgBox('安装程序检测到当前计算机已经安装了AIS_Server' ## '您是否要卸载AIS_Server', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES then
  77. // ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{app}\unins000.exe'), '','', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ResultCode);
  78. begin
  79. Exec(RemoveQuotes(ResultStr), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
  80. Result := false;
  81. end
  82. end
  83. break;
  84. end
  85. else
  86. //zdx 5.8 判断是否已经打开了一个安装程序
  87. begin
  88. if FindWindowbyWindowName('安装 - AIS_Server')<> then
  89. begin
  90. MsgBox('安装程序检测到有另外一个安装程序已经在运行了', mbConfirmation, MB_OK);
  91. Result := false;
  92. break;
  93. end
  94. end
  95. end;
  96. if I = GetArrayLength(Guid_names) then
  97. Result := true;
  98. end
  99. else
  100. Result := true;
  101. end;
  103. //当用户单击cancel的时候,删除掉拷贝到系统的文件夹
  104. procedure CancelButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer; var Cancel, Confirm: Boolean);
  105. begin
  106. end ;
  108. //卸载密码验证函数
  109. function AskPassword(): Boolean;
  110. var
  111. Form: TSetupForm;
  112. OKButton, CancelButton: TButton;
  113. PwdEdit: TPasswordEdit;
  114. begin
  115. Result := false;
  116. Form := CreateCustomForm();
  117. try
  118. Form.ClientWidth := ScaleX();
  119. Form.ClientHeight := ScaleY();
  120. Form.Caption := '密码验证';
  121. Form.BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu];
  122. Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog;
  123. Form.Center;
  125. OKButton := TButton.Create(Form);
  126. OKButton.Parent := Form;
  127. OKButton.Width := ScaleX();
  128. OKButton.Height := ScaleY();
  129. OKButton.Left := Form.ClientWidth - ScaleX( + + + );
  130. OKButton.Top := Form.ClientHeight - ScaleY( + );
  131. OKButton.Caption := '确定';
  132. OKButton.ModalResult := mrOk;
  133. OKButton.Default := true;
  135. CancelButton := TButton.Create(Form);
  136. CancelButton.Parent := Form;
  137. CancelButton.Width := ScaleX();
  138. CancelButton.Height := ScaleY();
  139. CancelButton.Left := Form.ClientWidth - ScaleX( + );
  140. CancelButton.Top := Form.ClientHeight - ScaleY( + );
  141. CancelButton.Caption := '取消';
  142. CancelButton.ModalResult := mrCancel;
  143. CancelButton.Cancel := True;
  145. PwdEdit := TPasswordEdit.Create(Form);
  146. PwdEdit.Parent := Form;
  147. PwdEdit.Width := ScaleX();
  148. PwdEdit.Height := ScaleY();
  149. PwdEdit.Left := ScaleX();
  150. PwdEdit.Top := ScaleY();
  152. Form.ActiveControl := PwdEdit;
  154. if Form.ShowModal() = mrOk then
  155. begin
  156. Result := PwdEdit.Text = 'bw12345678';
  157. if not Result then
  158. MsgBox('密码错误', mbInformation, MB_OK);
  159. end;
  160. finally
  161. Form.Free();
  162. end;
  163. end;
  165. procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);//添加环境变量
  166. var
  167. ResultCode: Integer;
  168. begin
  169. if CurStep = ssPostInstall then
  170. begin
  171. ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{app}\ServiceInstall.exe'),
  172. '-is AIS_server "'+ ExpandConstant('{app}\AIS_server.exe')+'"', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
  173. end;
  174. end;
  176. procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep);
  177. var
  178. ResultCode: Integer;
  179. begin
  180. if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then
  181. begin
  182. ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{app}\ServiceInstall.exe'),
  183. '-u AIS_server "'+ ExpandConstant('{app}\AIS_server.exe')+'"', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
  184. end;
  185. end;
  187. //卸载程序的时候判断是否在运行
  188. function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean;
  189. begin
  190. begin
  191. //密码验证
  192. //Result := AskPassword();
  193. Result := TRUE;
  194. // DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}\*'), False, True, True);
  195. end
  196. end;
  198. //提示卸载完后重启计算机
  199. function UninstallNeedRestart(): Boolean;
  200. begin
  201. Result := False;
  202. DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}\*'), False, True, True);
  203. DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}'), True, True, True);
  204. end;

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