Job ID #: 45038
Position Title: Android Framework高级工程师
Location: CHN-Beijing
Functional Area: Research/Development
Education Required: Bachelors Degree
Experience Required: 7 - 10 Years

Position Description
- Responsible for Android Framework software implementation and system level trouble shooting.
- Debugging system stabilization and performance issues.
- Working with App team for feature implementation and bug fixing.
- Maintaining SDK for App team and partners.
- Participates in design and code review.

Position Requirements
- BS degree or above in CS, EE or equivalent
- 5+ years of development experience on Android is mandatory.
- Solid understanding of Android platform architecture, including BSP/Kernel, HAL, Service, JNI, application, CTS and SDK/NDK.
- Solid understanding of Android IPC, critical system components like system server, ActivityManager, WindowManager.
- Strong C/C++/Java programming skills
- Strong Android debugging skills on both framework and app level
- Experience in Android app development is a big plus.
- Experience in CTS is a plus.
- Good communication skills to work with internal or external teams           

北京联想招聘-Android Framework高级工程师(7-10年) 加入qq 群:220486180 或者直接在此 留言咨询的更多相关文章

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