# 调试实例
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- int f[][];
- int ax,ay;
- int bx,by;
- int dx[]={,,-,};
- int dy[]={,,,-};
- int _count=;
- int _min=;
- int n,m,k;
- void dfs(int d,int t,int curx,int cury)
- {
- if(t>_min)
- return ;
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- return ;
- if(f[cury][curx])
- return ;
- if(curx==by && cury==bx){
- if(t<_min){
- _count=;
- _min=t;
- }
- else{
- _count++;
- }
- return ;
- }
- f[cury][curx]=true;
- if(d==-){
- for(int i=;i<;i++){
- bool bt = f[cury+dy[i]][curx+dx[i]];
- if(!bt){
- dfs(i,t+,curx+dx[i],cury+dy[i]);
- if( !(bx==cury+dy[i] && by==curx+dx[i] ))
- f[cury+dy[i]][curx+dx[i]]=false;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- for(int i=;i<;i++){
- bool bt = f[cury+dy[i]][curx+dx[i]];
- int tt=d^;
- if(tt==i) continue;
- if(!bt){
- dfs(i,t+,curx+dx[i],cury+dy[i]);
- if( !(bx==cury+dy[i] && by==curx+dx[i] ))
- f[cury+dy[i]][curx+dx[i]]=false;
- }
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
- int main()
- {
- while(cin>>n>>m>>k){
- _count=;
- _min=;
- memset(f,,sizeof(f));
- for(int i=;i<=k;i++){
- int a,b;
- cin>>a>>b;
- f[a][b]=true;
- }
- cin>>ax>>ay;
- cin>>bx>>by;
- dfs(-,,ay,ax);
- cout<<_min<<endl;
- cout<<_count<<endl;
- }
- return ;
- }
- Administrator@PC- /cygdrive/d/bin/小鼠迷宫问题
- $ g++ -o xs -ggdb main.cpp
- Administrator@PC- /cygdrive/d/bin/小鼠迷宫问题
- $ gdb xs
-- 启动gdb调试原程序。
-- 启动之后会刷出以下内容:
- Administrator@PC- /cygdrive/d/bin/小鼠迷宫问题
- $ gdb xs
- GNU gdb (GDB) (cygwin-special)
- Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version or later <>
- This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
- There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
- and "show warranty" for details.
- This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-cygwin".
- Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
- For bug reporting instructions, please see:
- <>.
- Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
- <>.
- For help, type "help".
- Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
- ..
- Reading symbols from /cygdrive/d/bin/小鼠迷宫问题/xs...done.
- (gdb)
-- 最后一行(gdb)后面会有一个光标“_”在闪,表示可以输入命令。
- (gdb) l
- f[cury+dy[i]][curx+dx[i]]=false;
- }
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
- int main()
- {
- while(cin>>n>>m>>k){
-- list(可简写为 l):显示代码
- (gdb) l
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- int f[][];
- int ax,ay;
- int bx,by;
- int dx[]={,,-,};
- int dy[]={,,,-};
- int _count=;
- int _min=;
-- list 1:从第一行显示代码
- (gdb) l
- int n,m,k;
- void dfs(int d,int t,int curx,int cury)
- {
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- return ;
- if(f[cury][curx])
- return ;
- if(curx==by && cury==bx){
- if(t<_min){
-- 继续显示代码
=============== 插入一下 ================
- (gdb) cls
- Undefined command: "cls". Try "help".
- (gdb) clear
- No source file specified.
- (gdb) b dfs
- Breakpoint at 0x401186: file main.cpp, line .
-- breakpoint dfs:在函数dfs入口处设置断点
-- breakpoint 1 表示这是第一个断点
- (gdb) r
- Starting program: /cygdrive/d/bin/小鼠迷宫问题/xs
- [New Thread .0xdc0]
- [New Thread .0x155c]
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=-, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
-- run:运行程序。
-- run 命令运行之后,光标会停下来闪烁,表示在等待输入数据。输入数据之后会直接运行到第一个断点处停止,并显示相关信息。
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
-- continue:继续运行。
========== 小问题 ============
- (gdb) b dfs if curx== && cury==
- Note: breakpoint also set at pc 0x401186.
- Breakpoint at 0x401186: file main.cpp, line .
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- (gdb) p curx
- $ =
-- print:显示一个变量的值
========== 小例子 ==========
- (gdb) p curx
- $ =
- (gdb) p
- $ =
- (gdb) p
- $ =
- (gdb) p cury
- $ =
- (gdb) p
- $ =
====== 小问题:这时候连续输入“continue”会发生什么呢? =======
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Breakpoint , dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
- if(curx< || cury< || cury>n- || curx>m-)
- (gdb) s
- if(f[cury][curx])
- (gdb) s
- if(curx==by && cury==bx){
- (gdb) s
- s20 if(t<_min){
- (gdb) s
- _count=;
- (gdb) s
- _min=t;
- (gdb) s
- return ;
-- step:单步执行,等效于step into(可进入函数)。
-- next(n):单步执行,等效于step over(只在当前函数中执行)。
-- finish(f):跳出当前函数,等效于step out。
- (gdb) b dfs if curx== && cury==
- Breakpoint at 0x401186: file main.cpp, line .
-- b dfs if curx==2 && cury==2:设置条件断点,程序执行到符合条件处停止。
- (gdb) watch i
- Hardware watchpoint : i
- (gdb) s
- if(!bt){
- (gdb) s
- for(int i=;i<;i++){
- (gdb) s
- Hardware watchpoint : i
- Old value =
- New value =
- 0x00401443 in dfs (d=, t=, curx=, cury=) at main.cpp:
-- watch:设置一个监测点(数据断点),被检测变量在程序中出现时,显示其变化。
- (gdb) i b
- Num Type Disp Enb Address What
- breakpoint keep y 0x00401186 in dfs(int, int, int, int)
- at main.cpp:
- stop only if curx== && cury==
- breakpoint already hit time
- breakpoint keep y 0x00401186 in dfs(int, int, int, int)
- at main.cpp:
- breakpoint keep y 0x004011bc in dfs(int, int, int, int)
- at main.cpp:
-- info breakpoint:显示当前所有断点信息。
- (gdb) d b
- Ambiguous delete command "b 1": bookmark, breakpoints.
- (gdb) d breakpoint
- (gdb) i b
- Num Type Disp Enb Address What
- breakpoint keep y 0x00401186 in dfs(int, int, int, int)
- at main.cpp:
- breakpoint keep y 0x004011bc in dfs(int, int, int, int)
- at main.cpp:
-- delete breakpoint 断点号:删除指定断点
- (gdb) d
- Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) y
- (gdb) i b
- No breakpoints or watchpoints.
-- delete:删除当前所有断点
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