近期做了个JAVA工程师分类, JAVA工程师可能是市场上最多类的程序员:

  • Good basic programming skills 良好基本编程技能
  • Foundational Java knowledge JAVA基础知识
  • Object-Oriented Programming 面向对象编程
  • Learning on the job  工作中持续学习
  • Following instructions and receiving feedback 听从指示与反馈
  • Thinking like a programmer  像程序员一样思考

中级JAVA开发Mid-Level Java Developers

  • Deep knowledge of Java 熟悉JAVA语言
  • Relevant Java frameworks and toolkits JAVA框架与工具
  • Object-Oriented Programming 面向对象编程
  • Data structures 数据结构
  • Efficient programming and clean code 高效编程,高质量代码
  • Debugging 程序调试方法
  • Testing 单元测试, 接口测试
  • Mysql 基础数据类型, SQL, 存储过程
  • Keep learning 学习能力


  • Expert Java knowledge   JAVA知识专家级
  • Object-Oriented Design Patterns   面向对象与设计模式
  • High-level design skills   高层模块设计
  • Designing for specific requirements (e.g. security, scalability, optimization)  安全, 伸缩, 优化设计
  • DevOps  开发测试运维
  • Distributed/parallel programming   分布式/并行编程
  • Maintaining and upgrading applications   维护升级应用程序
  • Leadership skills  领导力, 带团队
  • Clear communication skills   清晰沟通技能
  • Mentoring junior and mid-level developers  指导初级, 中级开发
  • Understanding business and legal context 理解业务, 商业与法律上下文

请大家参考与自我评估.  以下 程序员胜任矩阵

Computer Science

2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


data structures

Doesn’t know the difference between Array and LinkedList

Able to explain and use Arrays, LinkedLists, Dictionaries etc in practical programming tasks

Knows space and time tradeoffs of the basic data structures, Arrays vs LinkedLists, Able to explain how hashtables can be implemented and can handle collisions, Priority queues and ways to implement them etc.

Knowledge of advanced data structures like B-trees, binomial and fibonacci heaps, AVL/Red Black trees, Splay Trees, Skip Lists, tries etc.


Unable to find the average of numbers in an array (It’s hard to believe but I’ve interviewed such candidates)

Basic sorting, searching and data structure traversal and retrieval algorithms

Tree, Graph, simple greedy and divide and conquer algorithms, is able to understand the relevance of the levels of this matrix.

Able to recognize and code dynamic programming solutions, good knowledge of graph algorithms, good knowledge of numerical computation algorithms, able to identify NP problems etc.

Working with someone who has a good topcoder ranking would be an unbelievable piece of luck!

systems programming

Doesn’t know what a compiler, linker or interpreter is

Basic understanding of compilers, linker and interpreters. Understands what assembly code is and how things work at the hardware level. Some knowledge of virtual memory and paging.

Understands kernel mode vs. user mode, multi-threading, synchronization primitives and how they’re implemented, able to read assembly code. Understands how networks work, understanding of network protocols and socket level programming.

Understands the entire programming stack, hardware (CPU + Memory + Cache + Interrupts + microcode), binary code, assembly, static and dynamic linking, compilation, interpretation, JIT compilation, garbage collection, heap, stack, memory addressing…

Software Engineering

2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


source code version control

Folder backups by date

VSS and beginning CVS/SVN user

Proficient in using CVS and SVN features. Knows how to branch and merge, use patches setup repository properties etc.

Knowledge of distributed VCS systems. Has tried out Bzr/Mercurial/Darcs/Git

build automation

Only knows how to build from IDE

Knows how to build the system from the command line

Can setup a script to build the basic system

Can setup a script to build the system and also documentation, installers, generate release notes and tag the code in source control

automated testing

Thinks that all testing is the job of the tester

Has written automated unit tests and comes up with good unit test cases for the code that is being written

Has written code in TDD manner

Understands and is able to setup automated functional, load/performance and UI tests


2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


problem decomposition

Only straight line code with copy paste for reuse

Able to break up problem into multiple functions

Able to come up with reusable functions/objects that solve the overall problem

Use of appropriate data structures and algorithms and comes up with generic/object-oriented code that encapsulate aspects of the problem that are subject to change.

systems decomposition

Not able to think above the level of a single file/class

Able to break up problem space and design solution as long as it is within the same platform/technology

Able to design systems that span multiple technologies/platforms.

Able to visualize and design complex systems with multiple product lines and integrations with external systems. Also should be able to design operations support systems like monitoring, reporting, fail overs etc.


Cannot express thoughts/ideas to peers. Poor spelling and grammar.

Peers can understand what is being said. Good spelling and grammar.

Is able to effectively communicate with peers

Able to understand and communicate thoughts/design/ideas/specs in a unambiguous manner and adjusts communication as per the context

This is an often under rated but very critical criteria for judging a programmer. With the increase in outsourcing of programming tasks to places where English is not the native tongue this issue has become more prominent. I know of several projects that failed because the programmers could not understand what the intent of the communication was.

code organization within a file

no evidence of organization within a file

Methods are grouped logically or by accessibility

Code is grouped into regions and well commented with references to other source files

File has license header, summary, well commented, consistent white space usage. The file should look beautiful.

2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


code organization across files

No thought given to organizing code across files

Related files are grouped into a folder

Each physical file has a unique purpose, for e.g. one class definition, one feature implementation etc.

Code organization at a physical level closely matches design and looking at file names and folder distribution provides insights into design

source tree organization

Everything in one folder

Basic separation of code into logical folders.

No circular dependencies, binaries, libs, docs, builds, third-party code all organized into appropriate folders

Physical layout of source tree matches logical hierarchy and organization. The directory names and organization provide insights into the design of the system.

The difference between this and the previous item is in the scale of organization, source tree organization relates to the entire set of artifacts that define the system.

code readability

Mono-syllable names

Good names for files, variables classes, methods etc.

No long functions, comments explaining unusual code, bug fixes, code assumptions

Code assumptions are verified using asserts, code flows naturally – no deep nesting of conditionals or methods

defensive coding

Doesn’t understand the concept

Checks all arguments and asserts critical assumptions in code

Makes sure to check return values and check for exceptions around code that can fail.

Has his own library to help with defensive coding, writes unit tests that simulate faults

2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


error handling

Only codes the happy case

Basic error handling around code that can throw exceptions/generate errors

Ensures that error/exceptions leave program in good state, resources, connections and memory is all cleaned up properly

Codes to detect possible exception before, maintain consistent exception handling strategy in all layers of code, come up with guidelines on exception handling for entire system.


Mostly uses IDE for text editing

Knows their way around the interface, able to effectively use the IDE using menus.

Knows keyboard shortcuts for most used operations.

Has written custom macros


Needs to look up the documentation frequently

Has the most frequently used APIs in memory

Vast and In-depth knowledge of the API

Has written libraries that sit on top of the API to simplify frequently used tasks and to fill in gaps in the API

E.g. of API can be Java library, .net framework or the custom API for the application


Has not used any framework outside of the core platform

Has heard about but not used the popular frameworks available for the platform.

Has used more than one framework in a professional capacity and is well-versed with the idioms of the frameworks.

Author of framework

2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)



Takes the given requirements and codes to spec

Come up with questions regarding missed cases in the spec

Understand complete picture and come up with entire areas that need to be speced

Able to suggest better alternatives and flows to given requirements based on experience


No knowledge of scripting tools

Batch files/shell scripts


Has written and published reusable code


Thinks that Excel is a database

Knows basic database concepts, normalization, ACID, transactions and can write simple selects

Able to design good and normalized database schemas keeping in mind the queries that’ll have to be run, proficient in use of views, stored procedures, triggers and user defined types. Knows difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes. Proficient in use of ORM tools.

Can do basic database administration, performance optimization, index optimization, write advanced select queries, able to replace cursor usage with relational sql, understands how data is stored internally, understands how indexes are stored internally, understands how databases can be mirrored, replicated etc. Understands how the two phase commit works.


2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


languages with professional experience

Imperative or Object Oriented

Imperative, Object-Oriented and declarative (SQL), added bonus if they understand static vs dynamic typing, weak vs strong typing and static inferred types

Functional, added bonus if they understand lazy evaluation, currying, continuations

Concurrent (Erlang, Oz) and Logic (Prolog)

platforms with professional experience





years of professional experience





domain knowledge

No knowledge of the domain

Has worked on at least one product in the domain.

Has worked on multiple products in the same domain.

Domain expert. Has designed and implemented several products/solutions in the domain. Well versed with standard terms, protocols used in the domain.


2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


tool knowledge

Limited to primary IDE (VS.Net, Eclipse etc.)

Knows about some alternatives to popular and standard tools.

Good knowledge of editors, debuggers, IDEs, open source alternatives etc. etc. For e.g. someone who knows most of the tools from Scott Hanselman’s power tools list. Has used ORM tools.

Has actually written tools and scripts, added bonus if they’ve been published.

languages exposed to

Imperative or Object Oriented

Imperative, Object-Oriented and declarative (SQL), added bonus if they understand static vs dynamic typing, weak vs strong typing and static inferred types

Functional, added bonus if they understand lazy evaluation, currying, continuations

Concurrent (Erlang, Oz) and Logic (Prolog)

codebase knowledge

Has never looked at the codebase

Basic knowledge of the code layout and how to build the system

Good working knowledge of code base, has implemented several bug fixes and maybe some small features.

Has implemented multiple big features in the codebase and can easily visualize the changes required for most features or bug fixes.

knowledge of upcoming technologies

Has not heard of the upcoming technologies

Has heard of upcoming technologies in the field

Has downloaded the alpha preview/CTP/beta and read some articles/manuals

Has played with the previews and has actually built something with it and as a bonus shared that with everyone else

2n (Level 0)

n2 (Level 1)

n (Level 2)

log(n) (Level 3)


platform internals

Zero knowledge of platform internals

Has basic knowledge of how the platform works internally

Deep knowledge of platform internals and can visualize how the platform takes the program and converts it into executable code.

Has written tools to enhance or provide information on platform internals. For e.g. disassemblers, decompilers, debuggers etc.


Unleashed series, 21 days series, 24 hour series, dummies series…

Code Complete, Don’t Make me Think, Mastering Regular Expressions

Design Patterns, Peopleware, Programming Pearls, Algorithm Design Manual, Pragmatic Programmer, Mythical Man month

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Concepts Techniques, Models of Computer Programming, Art of Computer Programming, Database systems , by C. J Date, Thinking Forth, Little Schemer


Has heard of them but never got the time.

Reads tech/programming/software engineering blogs and listens to podcasts regularly.

Maintains a link blog with some collection of useful articles and tools that he/she has collected

Maintains a blog in which personal insights and thoughts on programming are shared

同时又引用Dreyfus Model

Dreyfus model德雷福斯模型研究人类如何学习、获取技能,提出从新手到专家的 5 个阶段:

  • 新手 Novice

  • 高级新手 Advanced Beginner
  • 胜任者 Competent
  • 精通者 Proficient
  • 专家 Expert

为了便于理解,Eraut 劳特将不同阶段的特征总结如下:

1、新手 Novice

  • 严格遵守规则或计划

  • 几乎无法感知情境
  • 无法酌情判断

2、高级新手 Advanced Beginner

  • 依赖基于属性或不同侧面的行动准则

  • 情境感知依然有限
  • 对工作的不同方面,分开处理并且给予同等重要性

3、胜任者 Competent

  • 能应对多线程活动或丰富的信息量

  • 能从长期目标角度(至少部分)审视行动
  • 有意识、刻意地制定计划
  • 将流程标准化和常规化

4、精通者 Proficient

  • 从整体把握全局,而不是观察各个方面

  • 了解情境中最重要的事
  • 感知情境与正常模式的偏差
  • 决策越来越轻松
  • 使用原则(maxims)指导行动,其含义因情况而异

5、专家 Expert

  • 不再依赖规则、行动准则、原则

  • 基于深刻、潜默的直觉把握情境
  • 出现新情况或发生问题才使用分析法
  • 看到未来可能的愿景

今天先到这儿,希望对您技术领导力, 企业管理,物联网,  系统架构设计与评估,团队管理, 项目管理, 产品管理,团队建设 有参考作用 , 您可能感兴趣的文章:

如有想了解更多软件设计与架构, 系统IT,企业信息化, 团队管理 资讯,请关注我的微信订阅号:

作者:Petter Liu
该文章也同时发布在我的独立博客中-Petter Liu Blog。


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