[Javascript] Run asynchronous functions in sequence using reduce
This can be handy if you have a rate limit on API requests or if you need to pass the result of each promise to the next one.
function fetchMessages(username) {
return fetch(`https://example.com/api/messages/${username}`)
.then(response => response.json());
} function getUsername(person) {
return person.username;
} async function chainedFetchMessages(p, username) {
// In this function, p is a promise. We wait for it to finish,
// then run fetchMessages().
const obj = await p;
const data = await fetchMessages(username);
return { ...obj, [username]: data};
} const msgObj = peopleArr
.reduce(chainedFetchMessages, Promise.resolve({}))
// ⦘ {glestrade: [ … ], mholmes: [ … ], iadler: [ … ]}
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