5.5.1. Reference Type Casting

Given a compile-time reference type S (source) and a compile-time reference type T (target), a casting conversion exists from S to T if no compile-time errors occur due to the following rules.

If S is a class type:

  • If T is a class type, then either |S| <: |T|, or |T| <: |S|. Otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.

    Furthermore, if there exists a supertype X of T, and a supertype Y of S, such that both X and Y are provably distinct parameterized types (§4.5), and that the erasures of X and Y are the same, a compile-time error occurs.

package test5;

interface II {}

class XY<T> {}

class T extends XY<Integer>implements II {}

class S extends XY<Number>implements II {}

public class main1 {

	public static void main(String args[]) {
		II a = new S();
		T t = (T) a; // test5.S cannot be cast to test5.T
  • If T is an interface type:

    • If S is not a final class (§8.1.1), then, if there exists a supertype X of T, and a supertype Y of S, such that both X and Y are provably distinct parameterized types, and that the erasures of X and Y are the same, a compile-time error occurs.

      Otherwise, the cast is always legal at compile time (because even if S does not implement T, a subclass of S might).

    • If S is a final class (§8.1.1), then S must implement T, or a compile-time error occurs.

  • If T is a type variable, then this algorithm is applied recursively, using the upper bound of T in place of T.

interface I{}
class S implements I {}

public class main2<B extends I,T extends B> {
   public void test(){
	   T d = (T)new S(); // Type safety: Unchecked cast from S to D
  • If T is an array type, then S must be the class Object, or a compile-time error occurs.

If S is an interface type:

  • If T is an array type, then S must be the type java.io.Serializable or Cloneable (the only interfaces implemented by arrays), or a compile-time error occurs.

  • If T is a type that is not final (§8.1.1), then if there exists a supertype X of T, and a supertype Y of S, such that both X and Y are provably distinct parameterized types, and that the erasures of X and Y are the same, a compile-time error occurs.

    Otherwise, the cast is always legal at compile time (because even if T does not implement S, a subclass of T might).

  • If T is a type that is final, then:

    • If S is not a parameterized type or a raw type, then T must implement S, or a compile-time error occurs.

    • Otherwise, S is either a parameterized type that is an invocation of some generic type declaration G, or a raw type corresponding to a generic type declaration G. Then there must exist a supertype X of T, such that X is an invocation of G, or a compile-time error occurs.

      Furthermore, if S and X are provably distinct parameterized types then a compile-time error occurs.

If S is a type variable,

then this algorithm is applied recursively, using the upper bound of S in place of S.

If S is an intersection type A1 & ... & An,

then it is a compile-time error if there exists an Ai (1 ≤ i ≤ n) such that S cannot be cast to Ai by this algorithm. That is, the success of the cast is determined by the most restrictive component of the intersection type.

If S is an array type SC[], that is, an array of components of type SC:

  • If T is a class type, then if T is not Object, then a compile-time error occurs (because Object is the only class type to which arrays can be assigned).

  • If T is an interface type, then a compile-time error occurs unless T is the type java.io.Serializable or the type Cloneable (the only interfaces implemented by arrays).

  • If T is a type variable, then:

    • If the upper bound of T is Object or java.io.Serializable or Cloneable, or a type variable that S could undergo casting conversion to, then the cast is legal (though unchecked).

    • If the upper bound of T is an array type TC[], then a compile-time error occurs unless the type SC[] can undergo casting conversion to TC[].

    • Otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.

  • If T is an array type TC[], that is, an array of components of type TC, then a compile-time error occurs unless one of the following is true:

    • TC and SC are the same primitive type.

    • TC and SC are reference types and type SC can undergo casting conversion to TC.

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