PyalgoTrade 绘图(七)
from pyalgotrade import strategy
from pyalgotrade.technical import ma
from pyalgotrade.technical import cross
class SMACrossOver(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
def __init__(self, feed, instrument, smaPeriod):
super(SMACrossOver, self).__init__(feed)
self.__instrument = instrument
self.__position = None
# We'll use adjusted close values instead of regular close values.
self.__prices = feed[instrument].getPriceDataSeries()
self.__sma = ma.SMA(self.__prices, smaPeriod)
def getSMA(self):
return self.__sma
def onEnterCanceled(self, position):
self.__position = None
def onExitOk(self, position):
self.__position = None
def onExitCanceled(self, position):
# If the exit was canceled, re-submit it.
def onBars(self, bars):
# If a position was not opened, check if we should enter a long position.
if self.__position is None:
if cross.cross_above(self.__prices, self.__sma) > 0:
shares = int(self.getBroker().getCash() * 0.9 / bars[self.__instrument].getPrice())
# Enter a buy market order. The order is good till canceled.
self.__position = self.enterLong(self.__instrument, shares, True)
# Check if we have to exit the position.
elif not self.__position.exitActive() and cross.cross_below(self.__prices, self.__sma) > 0:
from pyalgotrade import plotter
from pyalgotrade.barfeed import yahoofeed
from pyalgotrade.stratanalyzer import returns
import sma_crossover
# Load the yahoo feed from the CSV file
feed = yahoofeed.Feed()
feed.addBarsFromCSV("orcl", "orcl-2000.csv")
# Evaluate the strategy with the feed's bars.
myStrategy = sma_crossover.SMACrossOver(feed, "orcl", 20)
# Attach a returns analyzers to the strategy.
returnsAnalyzer = returns.Returns()
# Attach the plotter to the strategy.
plt = plotter.StrategyPlotter(myStrategy)
# Include the SMA in the instrument's subplot to get it displayed along with the closing prices.
plt.getInstrumentSubplot("orcl").addDataSeries("SMA", myStrategy.getSMA())
# Plot the simple returns on each bar.
plt.getOrCreateSubplot("returns").addDataSeries("Simple returns", returnsAnalyzer.getReturns())
# Run the strategy."Final portfolio value: $%.2f" % myStrategy.getResult())
# Plot the strategy.
- 从CSV文件加载Feed。
- 使用Feed提供的栏和附带的StrategyPlotter来运行策略。
- 制定策略
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