LUA Metatables
__newindex: 当给你的表中不存在的值进行赋值时,lua解释器则会寻找__newindex元方法,发现存在该方法,则执行该方法进行赋值,注意,是使用rawset来进行赋值,至于原因,后面会讲到。
rawget: 是为了绕过__index而出现的,直接点,就是让__index方法的重写无效,可以理解为单纯的获取本表而不关联到父表(元表)(我这里用到"重写"二字,可能不太对,希望能得到纠正)
rawset: 设置表[索引]值,真正的值没有调用任何元方法。表必须是一个表,索引从不同的无任何值,Lua的任何值。这个函数返回表
This is a very commonly used and versatile metamethod, it lets you run a custom function or use a "fallback" table if a key in a table doesn't exist. If a function is used, its first parameter will be the table that the lookup failed on, and the second parameter will be the key. If a fallback table is used, remember that it can trigger an __index metamethod on it if it has one, so you can create long chains of fallback tables. local func_example = setmetatable({}, {__index = function (t, k) -- {} an empty table, and after the comma, a custom function failsafe
return "key doesn't exist"
end}) local fallback_tbl = setmetatable({ -- some keys and values present, together with a fallback failsafe
foo = "bar",
[123] = 456,
}, {__index=func_example}) local fallback_example = setmetatable({}, {__index=fallback_tbl}) -- {} again an empty table, but this time with a fallback failsafe print(func_example[1]) --> key doesn't exist
print( --> bar
print(fallback_example[123]) --> 456
print(fallback_example[456]) --> key doesn't exist
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