- /***
- * @pName caffe_task_pool_demo
- * @name CC
- * @user wadezh
- * @date 2018/6/16
- * @desc
- */
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- namespace caffe_task_pool_demo
- {
- class CC
- {
- public static int taskPool { get; set; } = ;
- public static string prototxt { get; set; }
- public static ArrayList map { get; set; }
- public static int timeStep { get; set; }
- public static int alphabetSize { get; set; }
- /*Caffe_API TaskPool* __stdcall createTaskPoolByData(
- const void* prototxt_data,
- int prototxt_data_length,
- const void* caffemodel_data,
- int caffemodel_data_length,
- float scale_raw = 1,
- const char* mean_file = 0,
- int num_means = 0,
- float* means = 0,
- int gpu_id = -1,
- int batch_size = 3);*/
- [DllImport("classification_dll.dll", EntryPoint = "createTaskPoolByData", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
- public static extern int CreateTaskPoolByData(byte[] prototxt_data,
- int prototxt_data_length,
- byte[] caffemodel_data,
- int caffemodel_data_length,
- float scale_raw = ,
- string mean_file = "",
- int num_means = ,
- float means = ,
- int gpu_id = -,
- int cach_size = );
- /*Caffe_API BlobData* __stdcall forwardByTaskPool(TaskPool* pool, const void* img, int len, const char* blob_name);*/
- [DllImport("classification_dll.dll", EntryPoint = "forwardByTaskPool", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
- public static extern int ForwardByTaskPool(int poolHandle, byte[] image, int imageLen, string printBlobName);
- /*Caffe_API int __stdcall getBlobLength(BlobData* feature);*/
- [DllImport("classification_dll.dll", EntryPoint = "getBlobLength", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
- public static extern int GetBlobLength(int feature);
- /*Caffe_API void __stdcall cpyBlobData(void* buffer, BlobData* feature);*/
- [DllImport("classification_dll.dll", EntryPoint = "cpyBlobData", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
- public static extern int CpyBlobData(float[] buffer, int feature);
- /*Caffe_API void __stdcall releaseBlobData(BlobData* ptr);*/
- [DllImport("classification_dll.dll", EntryPoint = "releaseBlobData", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
- public static extern int ReleaseBlobData(int ptr);
- private static int Argmax(float[] arr, int begin, int end, ref float acc)
- {
- acc = -;
- int mxInd = ;
- for (int i = begin; i < end; i++)
- {
- if (acc < arr[i])
- {
- mxInd = i;
- acc = arr[i];
- }
- }
- return mxInd - begin;
- }
- public static bool InitCaptcha(string prototxtPath, string modelPath, string mapPath, int gpuId, int batchSize) {
- byte[] deploy = Util.GetFileStream(prototxtPath);
- byte[] model = Util.GetFileStream(modelPath);
- CC.taskPool = CC.CreateTaskPoolByData(deploy, deploy.Length, model, model.Length, 1F, "", , 0F, gpuId, batchSize);
- CC.prototxt = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(deploy);
- string[] mapFile = Util.LoadStringFromFile(mapPath).Trim().Split("\r\n".ToArray());
- = new ArrayList();
- for (int i = ; i < mapFile.Length; i++)
- {
- if (mapFile[i].Length > )
- {
- }
- }
- string time_step = Util.GetMiddleString(CC.prototxt, "time_step:", "\r\n");
- string layer = Util.GetMiddleString(CC.prototxt, "inner_product_param {", "{");
- string alphabet_size = Util.GetMiddleString(layer, "num_output:", "\r\n");
- CC.timeStep = int.Parse(time_step);
- CC.alphabetSize = int.Parse(alphabet_size);
- return CC.taskPool != ;
- }
- public static string GetCaptcha(byte[] image) {
- // Get the prediction result handle
- int poolHandle = CC.ForwardByTaskPool(taskPool, image, image.Length, "premuted_fc");
- // Get the tensor handle
- float[] permute_fc = new float[CC.GetBlobLength(poolHandle)];
- // Copy the tensor data
- CpyBlobData(permute_fc, poolHandle);
- string code = string.Empty;
- if (permute_fc.Length > )
- {
- int o = ;
- float acc = 0F;
- int emptyLabel = alphabetSize - ;
- int prev = emptyLabel;
- for (int i = ; i < timeStep; i++)
- {
- o = Argmax(permute_fc, (i - ) * alphabetSize + , i * alphabetSize, ref acc);
- if (o != emptyLabel && prev != o) code += map[o + ];
- prev = o;
- }
- code = code.Replace("_", "").Trim();
- }
- ReleaseBlobData(poolHandle);
- return code;
- }
- protected class Util
- {
- public static byte[] GetFileStream(string path)
- {
- FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);
- long size = fs.Length;
- byte[] array = new byte[size];
- fs.Read(array, , array.Length);
- fs.Close();
- return array;
- }
- public static string LoadStringFromFile(string fileName)
- {
- string content = string.Empty;
- StreamReader sr = null;
- try
- {
- sr = new StreamReader(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
- content = sr.ReadToEnd();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- throw ex;
- }
- if (sr != null)
- sr.Close();
- return content;
- }
- public static string GetMiddleString(string SumString, string LeftString, string RightString)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SumString)) return "";
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LeftString)) return "";
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RightString)) return "";
- int LeftIndex = SumString.IndexOf(LeftString);
- if (LeftIndex == -) return "";
- LeftIndex = LeftIndex + LeftString.Length;
- int RightIndex = SumString.IndexOf(RightString, LeftIndex);
- if (RightIndex == -) return "";
- return SumString.Substring(LeftIndex, RightIndex - LeftIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
链接: 密码:ct5z
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