ACM Same binary weight
Same binary weight
- 描述
The binary weight of a positive integer is the number of 1's in its binary representation.for example,the decmial number 1 has a binary weight of 1,and the decimal number 1717 (which is 11010110101 in binary) has a binary weight of 7.Give a positive integer N,return the smallest integer greater than N that has the same binary weight as N.N will be between 1 and 1000000000,inclusive,the result is guaranteed to fit in a signed 32-bit interget.
- 输入
- The input has multicases and each case contains a integer N.
- 输出
- For each case,output the smallest integer greater than N that has the same binary weight as N.
- 样例输入
555555 - 样例输出
解题思路 1. 将右起第一个“01”,改变为“10” 2. 将该“01”后面的所有“1”移动至最后#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <bitset>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; int main(){
int n;
while(cin >> n){
bitset<> bitInt(n);
string strInt =bitInt.to_string();
int pos = strInt.rfind("");
if(pos+ < ) sort(strInt.begin()+pos+,strInt.end());
}string rfind("01")从字符串右边找”01“然后返回”01“的位置
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