
x1 = [1, 2, 3]; x2 = [2, 4, 3, 5];                    % x1 x2 sequences
% n1 = 0:1:2; n2 = 0:1:3;
n1 = -1:1:1; n2 = -2:1:1; [x3, n3] = conv_m(x1, n1, x2, n2); figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Example4.5 x1 & x2 sequence')
subplot(2,1,1); stem(n1,x1); title('x1 sequence '); xlabel('n'); ylabel('x1(n)'); grid on;
subplot(2,1,2); stem(n2,x2); title('x2 sequence '); xlabel('n'); ylabel('x2(n)'); grid on; figure('NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Example4.5 x3 sequence')
stem(n3,x3); title('x3 sequence'); xlabel('n'); ylabel('x3(n)'); grid on;


《DSP using MATLAB》示例Example4.5的更多相关文章

  1. DSP using MATLAB 示例Example3.21

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  2. DSP using MATLAB 示例 Example3.19

    代码: % Analog Signal Dt = 0.00005; t = -0.005:Dt:0.005; xa = exp(-1000*abs(t)); % Discrete-time Signa ...

  3. DSP using MATLAB示例Example3.18

    代码: % Analog Signal Dt = 0.00005; t = -0.005:Dt:0.005; xa = exp(-1000*abs(t)); % Continuous-time Fou ...

  4. DSP using MATLAB 示例Example3.23

    代码: % Discrete-time Signal x1(n) : Ts = 0.0002 Ts = 0.0002; n = -25:1:25; nTs = n*Ts; x1 = exp(-1000 ...

  5. DSP using MATLAB 示例Example3.22

    代码: % Discrete-time Signal x2(n) Ts = 0.001; n = -5:1:5; nTs = n*Ts; Fs = 1/Ts; x = exp(-1000*abs(nT ...

  6. DSP using MATLAB 示例Example3.17

  7. DSP using MATLAB示例Example3.16

    代码: b = [0.0181, 0.0543, 0.0543, 0.0181]; % filter coefficient array b a = [1.0000, -1.7600, 1.1829, ...

  8. DSP using MATLAB 示例 Example3.15

    上代码: subplot(1,1,1); b = 1; a = [1, -0.8]; n = [0:100]; x = cos(0.05*pi*n); y = filter(b,a,x); figur ...

  9. DSP using MATLAB 示例 Example3.13

    上代码: w = [0:1:500]*pi/500; % freqency between 0 and +pi, [0,pi] axis divided into 501 points. H = ex ...

  10. DSP using MATLAB 示例 Example3.12

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