The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship.


I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.


September 24th 2016 Week 39th Saturday的更多相关文章

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    Even a small star shines in the darkness. 星星再小,也会发光. In the darkness, even a small star can shine. N ...

  2. September 22nd 2016 Week 39th Thursday

    Things won are done, the soul of joy lies in the doing. 得到即是完结,快乐的精髓在于过程. Things won are done, thing ...

  3. September 21st 2016 Week 39th Wednesday

    Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现. Always tur ...

  4. September 20th 2016 Week 39th Tuesday

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  5. September 19th 2016 Week 39th Monday

    We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. 我们最为谦逊的时候越接近伟大. When you are powerful en ...

  6. September 18th 2016 Week 39th Sunday

    Be the king of the spiritual kingdom that is your heart. 在心灵的国土上,做自己的国王. Most often we are not able ...

  7. September 17th 2016 Week 38th Saturday

    Our eyes do not show a lack of beauty, but a lack of observation. 世上不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛. Don't pay too ...

  8. September 10th 2016 Week 37th Saturday

    An innovation that goes beyond imagination again raised the standard. 颠覆想象的创新,再一次刷新标准. An advertisem ...

  9. September 3rd 2016 Week 36th Saturday

    Calculation never made a hero. 举棋不定,难以称雄. We change. We have to. Or we spend the rest of our lives f ...


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