
using namespace std;
#define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-x))
typedef long long LL; const int maxm = 2e5+;
LL n, k; LL buf[maxm]; bool check(LL x) {
LL cnt = , i, j;
for(i = ; i < n; ++i) {
if(buf[i]*buf[i] <= x) cnt--;
if(buf[i] > ) {
j = floor((long double)x / buf[i]);
LL pos = upper_bound(buf, buf+n, j) - buf;
cnt += pos;
} else if(buf[i] < ) {
j = ceil((long double)x / buf[i]);
LL pos = lower_bound(buf, buf+n, j) - buf;
cnt += n - pos;
} else {
if(x >= ) cnt += n;
cnt /= ;
return cnt >= k;
} void run_case() {
cin >> n >> k;
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) cin >> buf[i];
sort(buf, buf+n);
LL l = -(1LL<<), r = 1LL<<, ans, mid;
while(l <= r) {
mid = (l+r)>>;
if(check(mid)) {
ans = mid;
r = mid-;
} else
l = mid+;
cout << ans;
} int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie();
return ;

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